Documenti archiviati:

maggio aprile marzo 16-28 febbraio
01-15 febbraio
16-31 gennaio
01-15 gennaio


Letture consigliate e mediateca

Human Radiation Experiments (HREX) [English]
Human Radiation Experiments (HREX) [Russian]
2000: DU shot against Palestinians...
Senate Threatens First Amendment (National Security Archive, September 29, 2000)
uranio impoverito, cosa fa la Nato (Independent, 16 ottobre 1999)
Letter to Mr Spellar from a UK Soldier (12 ottobre 1999)
Retrospettiva: Pallottole, bugie e sindromi americane (Erba, 23 aprile 1999)
Voluntary Manslaughter: They Were Cheap and Available (Michael Greger, 1999)
1999: DU again sprayed over the Balkans
1998: DU shot in Sudan and Afganistan
1997: Lady Diana visited Bosnia DU-landmine [ADAM/PDM] survivors...
1997: UN Subcommission on Human Rights Resolution 1997/36
Uranium, IInd group of radionucleids of very high radio toxicity (VINCA, 1997)
1996: 29 August, UN Subcommission on Human Rights Resolution 1996/16
From BUCHENWALD to US Walter Reed Army Medical Center (February 27, 1996)
FLUORIDATION - Mind Control of the Masses (NEXUS, August-September 1995)
Afsouth: Bosnia, conferenza stampa dell'Amm. Smith (31 agosto 1995)
April, 5, 1995 - Denazified scientists and human radiation experiments
1994/5: DU sprayed over Bosnia
Inquiry on Radiation Tests Links U.S. Secrecy to Fear of Lawsuits (NY Times, December 15, 1994)
The Radiation Story No One Would Touch (CJR, March/April 1994)
The director of the Albert Schweitzer Institute was arrested (1993)
1992/3: DU shot in Somalia
UK sold some depleted uranium to Iraq (1991)
1991: DU sprayed over Iraq and Kuwait
Uranio: il disastro delle miniere (Canada, 1990)
On Friday, November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was killed while riding in a motorcade in downtown Dallas, Texas.
August 5, 1963 - President John F. Kennedy signed the documents of ratification for a nuclear test ban treaty with Britain and the Soviet Union.
September 17, 1961 - Operation Celeste (CIA, Allen Dulles - MI5 - SAIMR): UN-Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld's aircraft crashed while approaching the airport at Ndola in the then Northern Rhodesia.
In May 1961 Pauling organised a conference of forty scientists on nuclear disarmament in Oslo, and afterwards led hundreds of people in a torchlight procession against nuclear war through the streets of Oslo.
1961 - "I feel sure that we are going to win out in the fight against nuclear war, and against the reliance on force for the solution of  world problems" -  Dr. Linus Pauling
1958 - Andrei Sakharov, "Radioactive Carbon from Nuclear Explosions and Non-threshold Biological Effects" Soviet Journal of Atomic Energy, July, 1958, vol.4 #6 [PDF].
1958 - Pauling published a book: No More War and handed to Dag Hammarskjöld, the Secretary General of the United Nations, a petition signed by 9235 scientists "urging that an international agreement to stop the testing of nuclear weapons be made now . . . . inasmuch as it is the scientists who have some measure of the complex factors involved in the problem, such as the magnitude of the genetic and somatic effects of the released radioactive materials".
April, 17, 1947 - Subject: MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS ON HUMANS
October, 24, 1946 - Subject: Uranium Studies in Humans
October, 30, 1943 - Use of Radioactive Materials as a Military Weapon
1943 (Summer) The Nazi Albert Speer order use of DU as anti-armor because wolframite imports from Portugal were cut off

Depleted uranium receivers (Usa Today, 25 giugno 2001)
284 industrie all'uranio impoverito (Famiglia Cristiana, 21 gennaio 2001)
Fornitori militari in evidenza
Dettagli sulle società che producono i proiettili al DU (Du-list, 19 aprile 2001)
Weapons Plants-List (Associated Press, 18 aprile 2001)
The NATO-connection
10 industrie che creano le guerre
Nucleare: risposte a domande frequenti (da PeaceLink)
Il business del DU corrompe i Senatori USA
Il capo della banda è ancora a piede libero
Studio diffusione Iodio-131 negli USA
DECINE i reattori nei satelliti: ogni tanto cadono
Memorandum esperimenti radioattivi nazisti - USA
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Altre sezioni del sito:
Strage Yanomani: antropologia alla sbarra

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