Dublin Labour MEP, Proinsias De Rossa, today said that the Environment department of the European Commission must take the lead in the development of the new EU strategy on radioactive waste due to be issued by the Commission in the second half of this year.
Mr De Rossa was responding to this morning's announcement by Commission President, Romano Prodi, that the Commission intends to come forward in the third quarter of 2001 with a discussion document on radioactive waste management and transport in Europe. Mr Prodi was presenting the Commission's work programme for 2001 to the European Parliament.
"I very much welcome the fact that the Commission has at last realised the extent of the problem about the transportation of nuclear waste across Europe and throughout the world. It is a problem with which Irish people, especially those living on the east coast are particularly aware given the proximity of the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant which takes in nuclear waste from across the globe.
"I regret however that responsibility for drawing up this strategy has been allocated to both the Energy and Transport directorate-generale (DG) and the Environment DG.
"Giving both the Environment and Energy DGs a joint say in formulating an EU strategy would result in an extremely weak strategy with few concrete proposals given the strength of the pro-nuclear lobby within the Energy DG.
waste is fundamentally an environmental problem. Radioactive waste can
never be seen as an energy issue but as a potential environmental catastrophe.
The Environment DG of the Commission, led by Swedish Socialist, Margot
Wallstrom, must take the lead on this issue as opposed to the more conservative
approach taken by Spanish Christian Democrat, De Palacio.