is tempted to say - "So much for ethical investing!"
bit like Robin Cooke's "Ethical Foreign Policy"
"Rhetoric without substance " !!
And as we begin to see more clearly the links between Globalization and Militarism it is imperative to recognize that global trade agreements are entrenching the arms trade as the following quotes from International Network for Disarmament and Globalization show:
One major area of economic activity is given a blanket exception to the WTO agreements' i.e. national security'. Government policies and actions designated by the state as essential for national security, meaning the development, production, and trade in arms required for the provision of a military establishment, are completely exempted from WTO agreements under GATT Article XXI.
Article XXI Security Exceptions:
in this agreement shall be construed to prevent any contracting party from
taking any action which it considers necessary for the protection of its
essential security interests relating to the traffic in arms, ammunition
and implements of war and to such traffic in other goods and materials
as is carried on directly or indirectly for the purpose of supplying a
military establishment. [GATT 47 Article XXI (b) (ii)]
The special protection for military industries and defense policies is unmatched anywhere in the GATT and other trade agreements. In the industrialized world, the security exception allows wealthy nations to..use military spending to subsidize their corporations, achieve regional development, and maintain their technological superiority through military spending. [1]
A blueprint for the continued globalization of the military industrial technological complex and all that implies for the production of DU weapons. !
Report - on Conference on Globalization and Culture of Peace, Barcelona
By Steven Staples, International Network on Disarmament and Globalization