On Aug 1, the House Armed Services Committee approved a measure that will prohibit the closing of the firing range in Vieques, Puerto Rico, until another site is found that is equivalent or superior. This new development is something officials say may take years. It has now been disclosed that the U.S. Navy does not plan to return lands stolen from the civilian population of Vieques during the sixty years of military occupation. Also, the Navy has stated to the press that the land where the Navy is operating in right now will likely remain under Navy control whether another site is selected or not because it may be needed in "the event of a national emergency." If this legislative manifestation of U.S. domination in Puerto Rico was not blatant enough, a little more than a week after 68 percent of the residents of Vieques voted for an immediate end to the bombing, the U.S. Navy literally added fuel to the fire by resuming military exercises on the island. These are the biggest maneuvers since David Sanes was killed by errant bombs in 1999.
Vieques Support Campaign http://palfrente.tripod.com