Dear Mr Pierre Pierart,
Many thanks for your continuing to write me. I received all your letters.
I haven't written you in the last months because my letters to outside had been delayed for 4-6 months. So I wrote less and less. Secondly, I am not disappointed but have no much hope from all those outside activities. I am very appreciating you continue to interesting in my case despite so many years. My hope that I'll be free before 2004, the time for my release.
I am yet firm and strong in my way to resist all the brutal treatment by Israeli spies here in prison. No changes in my imprisonment. In half-solitary living, alone without any contact with (the) outside. Only by such letters. On the Nuclear Weapons (NWs) issue no changes.
So even if I didn't write this year you and others are continuing to write and do for my release and for abolition of all NWs. I am the same man, no changes in my beliefs against NWs. As I wrote in the past: no big changes in all the world policies on NWs. Even Bill Clinton didn't succeed to ratify that test ban of NWs. Interesting, that Bill Clinton Democrat, anti wars, anti militarism, didn't bring much change on US policies or world policies. My prediction: that Bush with Republicans will do more. It will be like exactly in his Fathers presidency, who ended the cold war, ended N.Ws proliferation and started reducing, destroying N.Ws .
So maybe we will see more, in spite, of Bush will support the new missile defence initiative. It is more about wasting budget. Spend public money than weapons and militarism, because there is no enemies. More important: no any ideological conflicts competition to democracy and free market. That is the big success of the end of the cold war: (it) ended ideological wars. Spies now cannot have no any new ideology to sell; even China believing in capitalism, (is) part of all the world trade organization: so weapons without ideological war will not have future.
What it left is religious wars that spies tried to spread here in the Middle East, encouraging Islam for one reason to replace the dead communist ideology, but the world don't believe in any religion . The world is not guided by religion. Computers internet. Space craft are running by science and technology. In industry complex that competing with other scientists. So even the primitive islam religion could not bring new conflicts . Wars.
The conclusion: it is a matter of time until all the super powers will realise that N. Ws must be destroyed. Banned. And weapons be reduced with Armies. All what we have during the cold war with N. Ws race and almost W.W war III. All was big spies games that used the communism ideology to speed N.Ws race and all the world in turmoil. For what? For communism ideology that (was) invented by Marx in London . No one knows if Marx himself didn't adopt many views. Ideas by England spies.
It was not tested or experienced all that communism and in the name of Marx they was ready to destroy all the earth by 100.000 N.Ws. Now all the world became free and all those communists also changed their mind. If the target is to help the poor people undeveloped states end colonialism. They can achieve all this without communism. Just by democracy and captitalism. That end all the justification of N.Ws that now they can, must abolish destroy and ban, more than ban the N.Ws Test but N. Ws will be banned.
(Censured) now all the Arabs want peace; no any Arab state will go to war; conflict should be solved. Rights of palestiniens refugees and (censured) Not respecting all the agreements they did with palestiniens. So my case is only small problem for Israel. For that reason Israel until now not respecting all Europe parliament decisions and I am now suffering 14 1/2 years and continue may be until 2004 the end of my sentence. I want to thank you and all those who are not forgetting my case, hope to be free and leave Israel to live in U.S.
I accomplished
my main target - informed all the world
I should be free.
Thank You.
Mordechai Vanunu