Regarding Bill Smirnow's notice about the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development meeting to discuss the definition of sustainable energy and the probable inclusion therein of nuclear energy, I might draw your attention the following.
When the U.N. brokers an agreement setting up a "nuclear-free zone", as it is commonly called, (southern Africa was recently established as such a zone) such a zone is actually -- and formally -- a nuclear-weapons-free zone. Allowing the use of the term "nuclear-free" is not only a misnomer but an outrigtht lie, for all contracting parties to such an agreement, to wit the signatary states, must thereby agree to PROMOTE "peaceful" nuclear use, essentially by doing all they can to make possible the construction of nuclear power plants.
This provision is largely the result of lobbying by the International Atomic Energy Agency, whose mandate is to promote the nuclear industry. One should, therefore, look for the participation of the IAEA at the meeting. It would be surprising if the IAEA were not there, and, if they are there, they are there to push the nuclear industry.
Robert James Parsons
United Nations Office
Room No 1
- 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
+41 22 917-20-18