19 January – The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) announced today that it would send a team of experts to Kosovo in response to concerns over the possible effects of depleted uranium used during the 1999 Balkans conflict.
A spokesperson for the agency told the UN News Service that the four-member team, which has assembled in Geneva, would likely begin its week-long mission on Monday.
The health experts will be examining information on the population exposed to depleted uranium. They will verify the available data on cancer and leukemia incidence which might be related to exposure to depleted uranium and other toxic agents. In addition, they will identify the kind of medical follow-up required to care for people who have been exposed to these substances, if necessary.
The mission aims to help WHO advise UNMIK on short-term measures to prevent further exposure to toxic agents, as well as long-term approaches to the issue. The WHO experts will also provide UNMIK with information deemed useful for educating the general public about the presence of depleted uranium.
In the meantime, the agency is advising caution, especially for young people, who may be especially vulnerable. "People should probably stay away from these sites, and children might be at particular risk because of the way they play," said WHO spokesperson Melinda Henry.
uranium is a byproduct of nuclear power used for heavy tank armour, anti-tank
munitions, missiles and projectiles.