Dear Chris Gifford and All others.
There is experimental evidence to indicate that uranium after it has been separated from spent fuel elements from nuclear reactors is added to some natural uranium (natural uranium does not have to be there). Uranium is then converted to uranium hexafluoride and put through a uarnium enrichment facility. Man-made isotope of uranium, U-236, ends up with depleted uranium (DU). We have found U-236 in specimens that are likely to have DU. DU used in the Gulf conflict contained 0.003 per cent as U-236. Other isotopes of uranium were U-238 (99.8 per cent), U-235 (0.2 per cent) and U-234 (0.001 per cent). The per centage abundances are a little approximate but any one who is interested in having the exact numbers, I shall be happy to provide. The presence of U-236 in DU provides clear evidence that uranium from nuclear reactors has been sent to diffusion plants to get enriched uranium. Traces of neptunium and plutonium are expected to be there.
Hari Sharma.
11:48 AM 11/2/00 -0500, you wrote:
have answered Chris's question to the best of my ability. Can you help
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Is U 238 from spent fuel being used in munitions?