Johann Heinrich Fehler
Heinz Schlicke
(1st Lt.) Erich Menzel
(Lt. Col.) Fritz von Sandrart
(Lt. Cdr.) Gerhard Falcke
(Lt. Cdr.) Richard Bulla
Heinrich Hellendorn
Radio Operator Wolfgang Hirschfeld
General Ulrich Kessler
Judge Kay Nieschling
Bringewald [Willi Messerschmitt's "right-hand man"] who was in charge of
ME 262 production
Ruf, industrial machinery specialist, designed machines and appliances
to manufacture aircraft components
Walter Franz
Captain Hideo Tomonaga, submarine architect
Force Colonel Genzo Shosi (Shoji), aeronautical engineer
watch officer Sub-Lt Karl Ernst Pfaff
Peter Scholch
on 20 Sep, 1910 in Berlin-Charlottenburg. Kapitänleutnant (1 Dec,
U-234 2 Mar, 1944 - 8 May, 1945
Heinrich Müller var chef för Gestapo 1935-1945 och tidigare polischef i München.
Chief of Secret State Police (Gestapo) (Dept. IV)...
Mueller, Heinrich
1901- ? Head of Amt IV in the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA) from 1939, and one of the most influential officials of the SS involved directly in the extermination of European Jewry. Served in the air force during World War I where he won the Iron Cross, 1st Class, on the Russian front. After the war he served in the Bavarian political police where he developed expertise in surveillance of communists and other potentially subversive groups, including the NSDAP. Brought to Berlin by Reinhard Heydrich, he was initially in charge of the Secret Political Police, Dept II, with responsibilities for surveillance and control of communists, Marxists, oppositional groups, Austrian affairs, and the concentration camps. He was, according to Padfield, "an archetypal middle-rank official: of limited imagination, non-political, non-ideological, his only fanaticism lay in an inner drive to perfection in his profession and his duty to the state-which in his mind were one. That the state happened to be Hitler's Third Reich was a matter of circumstance". (pp.144-45). This is borne out by the viewpoint expressed by Bavarian Gau headquarters that he would have served any master with the same degree of dedication and enthusiasm so long as his career aspirations could be advanced. (Höhne, pp.162-63) He rose rapidly. In 1939 he assumed control of Amt IV, the Gestapo. He moved in rank from SS Colonel in 1937 to SS Lieutenant-General and Police Chief in November 1941. His enthusiasm for carrying out a task thoroughly was reflected in his commitment to the solution of the Jewish problem. As Wistrich notes, he was more directly involved in their extermination programme than either Himmler or Heydrich: "He signed the circulating order requiring the immediate delivery to Auschwitz by 31 January 1943 of 45,000 Jews for extermination and countless other documents of the same tenor, which reveal his zeal in carrying out orders. In the summer of 1943 he was sent to Rome to pressurize the Italians, who were proving singularly inefficient and unenthusiastic in arresting Jews. ...In his hands, mass murder became an automatic administrative procedure."(p.174) He was also directly involved in the notorious roundup and execution of British and Dominion air force officers who had escaped from Stalag Luft III, fifty of whom were executed on capture. His last known whereabouts was the Führer bunker, on 17 May 1945. Like many others who escaped judicial accountability, he was rumored to have been seen in various countries subsequently.
Wistrich/Who's Who in Nazi Germany;
Höhne/The Order of the Death's Head;
M Boatner III/The Biographical Dictionary of World War II;
Padfield/Himmler: Reichsführer SS.
Ulrich Kessler var befälhavare för Kampfgeschwader 1 (bombeskader) 1939.
der Flieger (1 Sep 44) Ulrich Kessler -
3 Nov 1894
Kreuz in Gold: 3 Apr 44
8 Apr 44
27 Mar 1983
attache in Tokyo at end of War
15 May 45 - 10 May 47
Foto di Pfaff quando era prigioniero a Camp Ruston. Pfaff fu l'unico del sommergibile ad essere imprigionato a Camp Ruston. Oggi dovrebbe avere 77 anni ed abitare a Washington...
text references, check out "World War Two Books" at or try J.J.
Federowicz Publishing. You
be able to access both by means of your world wide web/internet browser.
actual websites, try these:
very interesting site with photographs. This Oregon State University archive
details the use of German war prisoners as farm labor.
You might check Univ of Al Press. Several years ago, a comprehensive report was published in the Alabama Heritage Series about the PW Encampment in Aliceville, AL. Author was E.B. Walker of Birmingham. While his focus was the PWs at Aliceville, I worked with him on providing info about the PW Compound at Ft McClellan, AL. We helped produce a PBS Special on a reunion of German PWs and MP Escort Guards. Also shot footage at Annual PW Commemoration Services at German-Italian cemetary at Ft McClellan. Ft McClellan has extensive murals painted by PWs in the Main Lounge of Officer's Club. Would like to know if anyone knows of any others in U.S. These are extensive, interesting and have been maintained by post personnel throughout the years.
Kansas State University at Manhattan Kansas has on micro film, the German POW published newspaper from the POW Camp at Concordia KS. It is a fascinating picture into camp life (& propoganda) if you can read German.
An excellent reference on the subject is Krammer, Arnold: Nazi Prisoners of War in America (ISBN 0-8128-8561-9). Published by Scarborough House in Lanham, Maryland, this is a 338-page paperback containing a wealth of information; I was surprised to learn that the last escaped German POW, Georg Gaertner, remained at large until his surrender in 1985!!