Mile Island investigator dies of leukemia
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) - Warren Owen, a nuclear power pioneer at Duke Power Co. who helped in the recovery following the 1979 Three Mile Island plant accident, died Saturday. He was 73 and undergoing treatment for leukemia.
Owen worked at Charlotte-based Duke Power for more than 40 years, overseeing the design of Duke nuclear plants at Oconee and Catawba in South Carolina and McGuire in North Carolina.
He retired in 1992 as executive vice president and assistant to Duke board chairman Bill Lee.
After the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania in 1979, Lee was called on to lead the recovery. The first person he enlisted was Owen, who was placed in charge of bringing the damaged reactor under control.
Two years later, the Atomic Industrial Forum gave Owen its Clyde Lilly award for his work at Three Mile Island, and Owen became a spokesman for safe nuclear power.