KEVIN RUTLAND, a 41-year-old father of three from Hull, served in Bosnia in 1995 and 1996 as a Royal Engineer before leaving the Army. But within a few months of returning home his hair fell out, he began to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, his teeth started to rot and he suffered from osteoarthritis.
His symptoms have not improved and he now sees a psychiatrist for psychological problems caused by his illness. "It was only within the last year that it has come to my attention that it might be linked to the depleted uranium.
"I've been to see more doctors than I've had hot dinners but it's not the sort of thing they are briefed about as the MoD and the Government are not telling them about it. I may be the first in this country but I believe there are more that have not come forward or do not know yet. I think I'm owed an explanation for my benefit and that of other servicemen."