Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000
From: "John Dyer" <>
To: <>
My name is John Alfred Dyer. For the last thirteen years I have been researching the alleged illegal disposal/dumping of a nuclear reactor/testing cell by Shell, in 1968. Briefly my research is that:
1. In 1968, Shell, hired known criminals (with a history of illegally disposing of nuclear 'waste'), to decommission its (secret) nuclear reactor/testing cell.
2. That Shell paid the said 'criminals' a six-figure CASH sum (at today's prices).
3. That Shell's reactor/testing cell decommissioning did not go to plan.
4. That huge amounts of nuclear materials/waste (thousands of tons, yes thousands of tons) were illegally dumped (onto an urban population), as part, consequence.
In 1993, my research resulted in the commissioning of a TV programme for Carlton Television-. A matter of days before the said programmes proposed transmission Shell produced an extensive 2900 word Narrative, to explain away my research. The said Narrative resulted in the TV programme being abandoned. (Shell ‘explained/claimed’ that I had got it wrong, for it was not a nuclear reactor/testing cell that had been decommissioned, rather, Shell claimed, it was a Cobalt-60 labyrinth- i.e. ‘harmless’ nuclear facility/waste)
However, I have established that the Shell's Native was a (known) tissue of leis from start to finish. Shell's legal head Richard Max Wiseman, was wheeled-out in light of my supplied evidence, to concede that the said Narrative was a 'mistake'.
As I state, and supply the evidence for my assertion(s), in my WEB site the Narrative was no ‘mistake’; rather, it was a deliberate fraudulent sham Narrative to cover up Shell's wholesale nuclear dumping crimes.
You will see that I have invited Shell-following two years of correspondence with the most senior Shell directors- its Chairman and Legal Head- to sue me, if my allegations and/or evidence is incorrect/untrue. Despite specific prior threats to sue, Shell has refused to issue, or embark on any legal process. Shell, aware of the truth will not risk court action, hence no ‘writs’ despite Shell’s lawyers threats
In response to my WEB site, Shell has called in its scientific staff, and others, at Thornton Research Centre, Cheshire. They refused to refute my allegations, contenting themselves with repeating the lie that I have refused to call in the 'Health & Safety'.
John Dyer