--The Alien Chronicles--
The 20th Century brought much change to the world and it is even predicted to perhaps cause the failure of the world. Perhaps a quick recap will help folks remember where we've been and where we need to be.
In W.W.I, issues of war turned to chemical warfare techniques, and with this there was need to test various chemical resistance methods. Many countries used the soldiers as guinea pigs to evaluate performance. Soon this turned into testing of low level effects on remote indigenous populations rather than expending soldiers. This was perhaps the early beginning of some of the alien experiment stories. Or was it?
The early centuries industrial revolution sparked trends in making aluminum for planes and rockets in the 30's and with this came expertise in chemicals like fluorides. The German's invented new chemical warfare agents like fluorine based sarin and soman from its industrial experience in making strategic metals like aluminum. Aluminum was a strategic metal in those years as important as titanium these days.
In the 1930s, the world's attention was on rocketry and dreams of space travel to the planets and stars. No country was further ahead in this than Germany. German experimental plane programs produced small little planes like shuttles and small lens shaped planes. In the US, the only program on rocketry was based at White Sands, NM. And Roswell, where Goddard lived and worked.
W.W.II sparked Germany making the V-1 pulse jet winged rocket and the V-2 rocket for use as a vengeance against the UK bombing of German war industries and its cities. The UK could shoot down the V-1, but the V-2 were impossible to hit or even hear coming. The V-2 would become the model for ICBM defense and for space exploration in decades to come.
In 39, the world discovered fission in Germany and a cloak of secrecy fell across all things nuclear and all things rocket oriented, shortly afterward. Our rocket scientist, Goddard, died shortly after the Trinity test at White Sands of thyroid disorders. After VE day, all the German rocket booty and experimental planes were shipped to Roswell AFB in NM. We also got half the German rocket scientists like Von Braun and this later started things like Red Stone arsenal in Alabama to do rocket research and later NASA Huntsville.
The language of national security reporting was often something hard for most commoners to understand, those not exposed to scientific learning. Often reporting on national security is kept real brief and there is no edict that the general public be able to understand. The nuclear age came on with a big bang of atomic bombs, and it also come along with some odd baggage. Nuclear effects include things like ionized air that interferes with RADAR detection as well as odd history of 5 millennia earlier.
Immediately after W.W.II, the US did some Naval tests with live bombs that sank captured Japanese Ships and others in the Pacific to see what the effects on ships would be for this new nuclear weapons age. The US also did Air Force type tests at White Sands to look at effects on RADAR and on pilots. These tests were done with balloon suspended bombs and experiments. The RADAR tests showed the air ionization effects blotted out the ability of RADAR to see into or past these areas, nuke effects blinded RADAR. These ion effects in space generated EMP effects that made current pulses that destroyed electronics and power distribution systems.
The US did much chemical warfare testing on US soldiers in the early 30's and it also did chemical tests on indigenous persons in Panama and the Amazon. In the White Sands RADAR testing some of the captured German space/rocket program aircraft were used in the experiments and loaded with live humans from some of these earlier chemical tests on humans. This type testing was illegal under most laws for the planet and this was covered up under national security using politically safe words like extraterrestrial experimentation, meaning above the laws of the planet.
This experiment and its slipping into public view are the roots of the national security spin cover ups that still go on today. One of the secret tests using live humans from these other countries got loose and blew off the test range and onto a ranch near Roswell, NM. The human experiment's native persons were exposed to a nuclear flash that burned their eyes black. The balloon polyethylene plastic material that suspended them was changed by intense radiation into a mylar type material that retains its shape.
The Roswell incident was spun into deceptive partial truth misleading information to avoid having to explain to the US citizens that the US was continuing illegal war crime type human testing. A similar screw up years earlier was also a RADAR experiment using ionizing gas emissions from a nuke reactor. This experiment was nicknamed the Philadelphia Experiment and originated from the area of plasma physics research expertise. Basically, the ionizing gas from nuclear emissions can make a conductive plasma gas which will reflect and absorb RADAR energy.
This was some of the first of the RADAR invisible experiments applied to a ship in the middle of W.W.II in order to get around the Japanese Pacific RADAR detection. It was explained away as an experiment that slipped past the space time continuum, which in scientific terms refers to the Poynting vector description of radio waves in free space. The conductive air stopped the radio wave propagation and could reflect it into areas like the Great Lakes. The ionizing gas were very toxic to the ships crew and sickened many of them, due to the ships filter systems not being able to stop inert xenon and krypton isotopic gases.
The Manhattan Project encountered the problems with these nuclear fission gases early on with the first nuclear pile. The first pile was constructed in a square Goodyear balloon to help control these emissions. The later pile designs shifted to fuel encapsulation to bottle up these extremely toxic gases and keep them from getting loose. Today, the neutron resistant material zircalloy is the most favored encapsulant, but leaks around reactors still occur and some of these toxic gases still get loose and do affect health.
For most of W.W.II, the US lived in fear that Germany had discovered the bomb potential of fission. From this scare Oppenheimer was selected to lead the atomic bomb projects from site Y at Los Alamos and with the help of X-10, Y-12, and K-25 in Oak Ridge. Oppenheimer got along will with fleeing European nuclear scientists that feared Hitler's religious oppression and many were incorporated into Los Alamos work. Oppenheimer was into all the old Indian texts that resembled nuclear bombs works in periods 5,000 years earlier in history and this philosophy became part of much of the Manhattan Project's code naming. Code names like Trinity appeared as a culmination test. It was from these texts that Oppenheimer suspected that such bombs would work and also that things could fly with no noise.
In earlier times, there were other Trinity's as perhaps with the center of European-Asian-African continents in the Middle East's trade center. Wise men of these times gathered in this area 2,000 years ago to work on a better solution for cooperation among nations. This area spawned the roots of democracies and laws, things like the Stone of Hammurabi some of the earliest work. The roots of modern religion and democracy stem from this long history.
After W.W.II, our wise men had problems with some of this. Los Alamos succeeded in making nuke bombs and their curiosity also got them into nuclear emissions forces and how to make things that flew and were nuclear. Sadly, in the days of Eisenhower, that caused problems for he liked order and did not want to toss out the window all that was taught by religion of the time in the US. It would be hard to swallow that the US got into a war based on a religion that was difficult to support if all the history came into view on how religions came to be. So, IKE suppressed things like nuclear gases, nuke ionization effects, and nuke things that could fly silently, as they looked just like Opie's Indian readings. Opie tired to leak these details with hints and related code names and IKE and Teller tried to plug them up. IKE retired warning citizens to watch the power of the Mil/Indust network.
Under IKE, we also got into the CIA MKULTRA projects by Sydney Gottlieb that did drug experiments on unsuspecting US citizens using things like LSD. Other mind altering drugs involved the effects of fluorides, toxic metals, and radio wave free radical effects. It even included how soldiers would perform under the drugs effects, some of this continued into the Vietnam era.
The CIA director in this time was Dulles and he would become close with JFK and explain details of this testing as well as the human testing as per the Roswell experiments lost into public areas and the cover stories. Presidents like Nixon was VP under IKE and also knew most all this dirt as well. LSD when combined with other drugs often made persons so paranoid they would commit suicide by jumping out windows or other self destructive events.
In the early 60's, when JFK took the helm after a very close election he inherited a total national security paranoia and control. JFK quickly put the special forces units on the books and took part of their operations out of the dark. JFK was hit hard to stop the NTS and I-131 and Sr-90 from poisoning downwinders. JFK also got hold of the national security folks manipulating the Cuban missile crisis and making more jobs for the nuke bomb factories. He narrowly averted the disaster of a nuke shoot out that would have poisoned billions, and this scared both sides into a more rational realm. Huge cuts were being aimed at weapons labs and atmospheric testing was ended. The nuke national security network hated JFK and the rest became an inside job.
By the time of the 80's, the effects of the mil/ind network were affecting the health of the world. Human science was just discovering finer points of the immune system. Cows were experiencing mad cow effects and human found a virus called HIV. The industrial rainout made the cattle the toxic rivers of the food chain eating contaminated grass coated with bioconcentrating pesticides, metals, and halogen toxins. Cattle refed cow parts came down with brain damage. Milk and other cattle products were filled with cow antibody protein responses to the toxic rain and prions came into view.
By the 90's, the mistakes of the century were beginning to come into clear view of the public and the national security folks enabled their largest misinformation cover up ever. They would use the public's fascination with space and other life to mislead the general public off the actual problems. Eisenhower's carefully crafted politically palatable spin language on extraterrestrial human experiment projects would be made out to be creatures from space and contact. And, of course, we already had a bunch of war crimes on aliens to use as well. The scam was this has double meaning, one reveals the truth and the other a carefully placed cover story. The truth was the mil/ind network gave the planet industrial disease.
The simple truth is that toxins directly drive health and longevity. The natural toxins we encounter in every day life set the cell damage and immune system degradation and this sets the lifespan and when diseases will appear. The mil/ind network's most offending toxic problem was fluorides for more than a 100 years, superseding the nuclear testing toxic effects in many cases. The late 80's found that the leaking gas diffusion plants had poisoned workers and communities with the effects and freon and pesticides poisoned the planet with the ozone hole and bioconcentration up the food chain of animals and man. The root of the problem was biocentration into the immune lymph system and damage to the mitochondrial DNA of immune cells, especially by the long retained halogen toxins in the body. The effect would even correlate highly with the areas most highly devastated by HIV transmission.
In this new millennia, we must be careful to each recall this insanity of the last millennia, else we risk becoming the unwitting conscripts of this continuing toxic fallout of the cold war that threatens to make the citizens a cash crop for the mil/ind network and its soilent green like vision to save SS. We each must be vigilant in not letting the dollar dictate over the needs for common sense and truth for health and the environment. We each must be valiant in noticing the system placed misinformation spin from the White House on down to fake environmental groups to lead the public's opinion and vision of the truth. There is a reason that presidents like Clinton sign national emergency orders each year that continue the issues of national security using deceit and treachery methods to keep the public in the dark on these matters.
If we can recall and recount these histories well, we can find the promised land and a thousand years of peace and the passage into a Kinder and Gentler time, where the knowledge will set all free. If we can't find these simple truths, the prospects for mankind are dim and indeed headed for self destruction. Knowing the real history keeps us from repeating the past and shows us where we need to be.
Phelps, Magnum-Opus Project