Dear Friends,
I just would like to inform you of some recent initiatives on DU in Belgium. Last year, we made a proposition of law in order to ban DU in ammunitions in our country. The debate in Parliament is planned for next month.
I just received some information that DU may be used also in our country during shooting exercises with US A-10's in the Limburg region (Helchteren). Until now, I didn't succeed in verifying it, because the Belgain authorities say they really don't know what kind of weapons the US army uses during it's exercices...
Last month I visited Serbia and found out that people there are very worried about possible health effects of DU. They refer to the presence of DU in Tomahawk cruise missiles. Does there exist some precise information on this?
DoD Launches Depleted
Uranium Training
Linda D. Kozaryn
American Forces Press Service
Depleted uranium is used in M-1 Abrams tanks, Phalanx gun systems and some cruise missiles, as well as A-10s, Harriers and other military and civilian aircraft. The Abrams, Bradley fighting vehicles and other weapon systems use ammunition containing DU penetrators.
Dr. Georg