Use of Uranium in Munitions & Industry taken to the European Parliament
Raymond A.Bristow 27th October 2000
On Wednesday 25th October 2000 the issue of the use of Uranium in Munitions & Industry was finally taken to the European Parliament Strasbourg. I firstly express a special note of thanks to 'Nibby' (Mr Richard David DU Poisoned through exposure in industry) who was instrumental in organising the event and also to, Graham Watson MEP who hosted and Chaired the event.
At a meeting on the 24th October 2000, the evening before the event Graham Watson MEP stated to those present, (Mr David representing the National Gulf Veterans & Families Association, Mary Ripley-Gruzman and Stella Gresham of the Medical Uranium Project) that, he had come under Governmental pressure not to host and pursue this issue. This has resulted in Graham Watson becoming all the more determined to get to the bottom of this issue. At long last there IS a politician who wants to look at the Science and the Facts and have the issue debated in a proper manner.
Wednesday 25th October 2000, The Presentation.
The Meeting was opened by Graham Watson MEP and he extended thanks to those present, MEP's, Speakers and others for attending. After the opening remarks part of a French TV Documentary by Martin Meissonnier was shown in part which gave an excellent introduction, brief history etc. to bring up to speed those who knew little about the use of Radioactive Waste in Munitions and Industry.
Following the showing of Martin's Film Mary Ripley-Gruzman gave a talk about the work of the Medical Uranium Project. She presented the scientific facts complete with a Slide Show which had the results displayed that was presented at the Paris Scientific meeting by Prof. Durakovic, which was held a few weeks ago. She also made it very clear that the Medical Uranium Project would work with and share information with any establishment in any of the European Countries but this would involve the Medical Uranium Project protocols and over all control. (Plain & simple: they will only carry out Science & Research for the good and benefit of the victims of poisoning with Nuclear Waste and not help in any Official cover up, let science be science, results be results and fact be fact.)
'Nibby' (Mr Richard David) followed Mary and he spoke about the 'secrecy' of the use of Radioactive Waste in industry. Because of his acquired cognitive problems following his exposure he prepared his statement in advance, I therefore attach it at annex 1 where it can be read in full. (Annex 1 is at this moment only on faxed copies as it is a scanned image and is too large for email. Nibby will be on line in two days, a copy will be available then. His Tel / Fax in the mean time is: ++44 (0) 1297 625 206.)
The next speaker was Damacio Lopez [from IDUST, International Depletd Uranium Study Team] a very seasoned campaigner on this issue for the past 15 years. The small town in New Mexico where he comes from is next to a Uranium Munitions testing range. The small community has endured an extremely unusual high level of health problems with the signs and symptoms that ill Gulf War Veterans are suffering from and in addition the terrible birth defects and cancers. Damacio concentrated his time speaking about the moral and legal aspects of the use of Uranium Munitions. He quoted word for word the United Nations sub committee ruling where it declares such weapons are illegal.
also distributed printed material that I think is a good 'eye opener' for
those who know little of this issue; I therefore include this information
and attach it as annex 2 . (Annex 2 is at this moment only on faxed
copies as it is a scanned image and is too large for email. For a copy
on email please email the International Depleted Uranium Study Team &
ask for a copy of the Document entitled 'THE USE OF THE RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL
Address: IDUST@s... )
At this point questions where taken from the floor. All of the questions from the MEP's except one were sensible and constructive to the debate. It was also clarified during the question session that neither industrial workers nor Soldiers in the Gulf knew about Uranium Components / Munitions let alone been warned of any dangers and because of this no protective clothing had been worn and no protective measures taken. However, one Labour MEP claimed that there was no secrecy surrounding DU weapons as 'Nibby' claimed. Nibby pointed out that he was NOT a Gulf War Veteran and he was not making remarks about Munitions but about the use of Radioactive Waste in industry of which he had no knowledge, no training, no safety procedures and no respiratory protection, which will have been the probable port of entry. (Plain & simple: he shot him down)
The same Labour MEP claimed that the MoD had offered to test the 30 Veterans that had tested positive but none of the Veterans had come forward. I (Ray Bristow, Representing the National Gulf Veterans & Families Association) Replied with the following:
1. There was no need for the Veterans to be tested again as they and their Medical Practitioners had the results.
2. Is it not more important to test the thousands of ill Veterans who the MoD accepts are ill but they don't know why?
3. I corrected the Labour MEP by stating one Veteran came forward trusting the MoD and was indeed tested ~ the result was no DU found. However the Veterans found this difficult to believe as this Veteran was highly positive. With a little investigation the Veterans identified that he had been tested for the presence of naturally occurring Uranium, so of course no DU had been found and incidentally the establishment concerned with the test confirmed that they did not have the facilities to test for DU. In addition I also informed him that I myself had written to the Armed Forces Minister stating that I would be willing to be tested. But I wanted the MoD to give me a copy of the protocol first so that it could be scrutinised first by Prof. Durakovic to ensure I was not to be 'duped', I have yet to receive the common courtesy of a reply. I suggested that if he wanted to see at first hand the Medical effects of Depleted Uranium weapons then he should visit the southern city of Iraq, Basra, where he can witness at first hand the Genocide of a Nations Children.
4. I also referred to the reporting of the Paris Conference by Martin Meissonnier & Jonathon Carr-Brown and the MoD's Statement which was it is their duty to ensure that the Veterans get the best possible care. I pointed out that I had a letter from The Gulf Veterans Illness Unit that clearly states that the Gulf Veterans Illness Unit and the MoD Medical Assessment Program is for Medical Assessment and advice and NOT care. Once again the MoD mislead the Public, Veterans and Politicians.
The Labour MEP then stood up and left the room during the session. (Plain & simple: he was shot down once again)
Mr Bob Shakesby also Representing the National Gulf Veterans & Families Association pressed home a very important aspect of victims who have been exposed to Uranium Nuclear Waste which is its over all effect: The medical problems, the disabling effects leading to loss of work and income, which in turn has an impact on their spouses, their children their homes etc.
The meeting was then brought to a close.
Post Presentation
It was a very busy day at the European Parliament and many other meetings were taking place and at first we were a little disappointed with the numbers that actually attended. However, Graham Watson MEP was very upbeat with the event and encouraged by the attendance as those that did attend were very interested in the issue and also most of them were also very influential MEP's. Some of the MEP's stayed back for personal chats with us asking further questions expressing concern and a determination to know more. I was very encouraged by Linda McAvan, Labour MEP for Yorkshire & Humberside (my area); she expressed great interest and said she had been following the issue on TV in the UK. So, listening to the man that knows and with further discussions with the MEP's and reflections amongst ourselves we came away very pleased with day. Interviews were given to the French TV (I think Channel 3).
Result and the way forward
This is just the beginning. Graham Watson needs as much support as possible. An excellent foundation has been laid. To benefit and take the cause further I propose that each person who is actively concerned with the use of Depleted Uranium to present this issue and lay a brick upon this foundation to his or her MEP. In addition if each person can recruit just three or four friends to raise the issue and lay a brick too then this total number will be a very large number indeed throughout Europe.
As the United Nations has no Law Enforcement capability then the countries that choose to ignore the illegality of DU Weapons then they will get away with its use. If the issue is actively pushed in the European Parliament we may (must as a goal) then get it referred to the European Courts of Justice. It is this court that can enforce the law of the United Nations upon Member Countries of the European Union.
This will benefit:
Ø Future Generations and the one and only Eco-System Planet Earth.
Ø Military Personnel in Combat and Training Zones.
Ø Civilians in Combat and living next to Training Zones.
Ø Civilian workers in industry.
The General Public against accidents with burning objects containing DU
(e.g. Aircraft fires, the 'covered up' fire at an ordinance depot holing
stocks of DU Weapons at Featherstone UK etc…).
The views expressed in this document are my own and may not necessarily represent the views of persons mentioned by name in this document.
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