NATO officials are concerned that "a legacy of doubt" could weaken the alliance if it does not properly address the controversy over whether depleted uranium poses a cancer risk to its troops.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization fears some of its 19 member countries might opt out of military missions if depleted uranium is, or has been, used in proposed areas of operation.
"This could have profound impacts on future coalition operations and Alliance cohesion," warns a NATO briefing document recently tabled at the alliance's Brussels headquarters, a copy of which was obtained by the Ottawa Citizen.
The document, intended primarily for the eyes of NATO member countries, including Canada, summarizes the controversy that flared in Europe last month over depleted uranium, and whether it is responsible for a so-called "Balkans Syndrome," a label that has been given to unexplained deaths and illness among some alliance troops.
The leukemia deaths of about 20 peacekeepers from Italy, Germany, Portugal, Spain and elsewhere raised concerns about whether the 40,000 anti-tank missiles used during the Kosovo and Bosnia bombing campaigns might be posing a health risk.
The weapons were tipped with radioactive depleted uranium.
Since the flare-up of the controversy, NATO health officials have presented a calm and confident public response. At two Brussels press briefings they restated the fact that there is no proven scientific link between exposure to depleted uranium and increased cancer rates, but added that because of the concerns raised, the alliance favours further studies of the issue.
NATO might have science on its side, the internal document expresses concern
that political fallout in some countries over the depleted uranium scare
could undermine the strength and solidarity of the alliance.