December 15, 2000 12:55 AM
(abolition-usa) Oboe 6 detonated
The U.S. Department of Energy conducted the subcritical nuclear weapons test at 3:30 p.m. PST at the LYNER facility in Area 1 of the Nevada Test Site. This is the twelfth subcritical nuclear weapons test since the U.S. suspended underground testing in 1992.
FYI Icecap -- Icecap was to be the next nuclear test in 1992 when the U.S. testing program was terminated. It has been held in a state of low readiness ever since. Over the past two weeks significant activities have restarted at the Icecap site and substantial numbers of new workers have been added at LYNER (Low Yield Nuclear Experiment Research) underground facility. Given the trial balloons about mini-nukes and problems with stockpile stewardship published recently, I take this activity seriously.
of Atomic Veterans
Atomic Workers Division