James Phelps spiega il meccanismo di contaminazione delle mucche:
"...This is an example of Sr-90 uptake in the food chain near the Savannah River Plutonium Factory. Due to the releases at the local nuclear sites the elevations of Sr-90 can become thousands of times higher in some foods, fishes, and wildlife. Cows in particular bioconcentrate Sr-90 because it is very high in grasses and resembles calcium. Sr-90 and I-131 and fluorine follow very simular bioconcentration pathways. Brittan manages its cow feeding by refeeding bone and unused animal parts to its succesive generations of cows allowing a further level for bioconcentration of Sr-90, metals, and immune system deadly fluorine. This effect contributes to the BSE or bovine viral encephalitus or viral infections of the myelin in the brain generating ammonia products that damage the nervous system. These effects in cows and cow products can become problems for people living near nuclear sites and even at some distances. The mad cow or toxic cow syndrome is very related to bone seeker Sr-90 like issues, and especially fluorine in the environment in the UK. Britan has now banned selling bone with the cow tissues to avoid more Sr-90 like problems getting into the human food chain. The military under the DOD Star Wars projects keeps track of the Sr-90 like concentrations in cows all across the country. Some of this monitoring is less than legal because it would look very unusual for the military to run around sampling cows in various fields and issueing purchase orders. These things are done very illegally. Bioconcentrating internal radiation and especially internal chemicals from the bone seeking Sr-90 and fluorine have been long known to do damage to the blood cell forming organs via DNA/gene damage and the lymph system. These weakened cell immune responses from damage to stem cells allow viral and bacterial antigens to inhabit the body in dangerous levels that result in increased ammonia waste toxins in fatty nerve shieths, called myelin shieths, that damage the nerve paths resulting in neurological disorders. The myelin shieths do not have the circulatory ability to clear the high rates of ammonia production and this results in the tissue distructiveness of the viral agents. These studies came up with the ALARA issues of there is no safe level of radiation and exposures should be minimized. The Manhattan Project also hides the fluorine releases from the UF-6 diffusion processes. Leaks have occured from teflon membrane cylinder valves, holes cut in systems, and many accidents. The Manhattan Project even had the fluorine compounds called teflon and freon made especially for the UF-6 process. The excessive use of freon and loss the environment has produced an extreme fluoride contamination problem in the global environment as the freon is broked down by the Sun's UV-b radiations to poison the planet. Fluorine is one of the principle drivers for immune dysfunctions allowing HIV to spead."