9, 2000
WASHINGTON, DC, October 9, 2000 (ENS) - Congress has approved a Defense Department appropriations bill that includes millions of dollars to compensate nuclear weapons workers, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson said Friday. The program would cover employees who were injured after exposure to radiation, beryllium or silica while working at weapons plants over the past 50 years. "Under the proposal in the defense authorization bill, nuclear weapons workers with radiation related cancers and lung disease will receive benefits to help pay their medical bills," said Richardson. "It's a national debt long owed our Cold War veterans, who've paid the highest price possible for their service to the nation." Eligible workers would receive a lump sum payment of $150,000, plus all future medical costs related to the illness. The program would receive $250 million in fiscal year 2001, and additional funds would be made available as needed without the need for Congressional approval.
$309 billion Defense bill, which must still be signed by President Bill
Clinton, also includes $40 million for projects on the Puerto Rican island
of Vieques, where the Navy maintains a bombing range and training facilities.
The bill would transfer 4,000 acres on the western side of the island to
the people of Vieques. The appropriations measure authorizes about $1.3
billion for environmental restoration activities, which is $45 million
more than the White House requested for remediating former defense sites.
An additional $50 million would be spent on the Hanford Tank Waste Remediation
System project at the Hanford Reservation in Washington state. The controversial
National Ignition Facility would get $136 million to continue construction
on the project, which is already over budget.
Sounds like the thousands of HF or chemically injured gas diffusion workers
don't get covered and are sent into state systems that already don't work.
No compensation for the HF injured lungs, HF induced cancers, HF induced
thyroid diseases, or all the CFS like illnesses that debilitate workers.