Final Diagnosis: Environmental Toxic Pathway Analysis and Immune System Cytokine Modality Provide Key Insight into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Mechanism and Etiology of Varied Pathogen Driven Illnesses.
By: James E. Phelps
Abstract: The cytokine signature of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is similar to that seen in chemical injury, Gulf War Syndrome, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus. CFS is shown to have a Th2 cytokine humoral modality from the shut down of the Th1 cellular defense. Th2 is an allergic antibody biased mode that takes precedence as the Th1 cellular mode that regulates pathogen infection internal to cells is exhausted. Illnesses for Department Of Energy gas diffusion plant workers have this modality and many similarities to CFS due to similar toxic exposures. This report investigates the stance that toxic materials drive disease and presents an underlying common mechanism that has been overlooked and more recently suppressed. The report will show that there are new highs in toxic induced immune damage that lead to a proliferation of unregulated pathogens that further damage health. Analysis of the toxic pathways of nuclear industry toxic metals point to cytokine signatures that offer key insight into progression of these cytokine activations leading to long term CFS. Beryllium metal cytokine factors are presented as a model for other toxic metals and chemicals that form insoluble products in the lymph nodes that lead to long term cytokine triggering and shutting down the macrophage pathogen destruction function. The beryllium model is then expanded into a general model for other toxic metals and fluorides that share biological concentration of cytokine triggering toxic materials in the lymph nodes. This effect leads to continual cytokine triggering and toxic damage to the macrophage cells that perform pathogen destruction and antigen presentation function. The discussion also takes into account the time line of scientific discoveries that have allowed these insights into CFS since its recent popularized discovery in the mid 1980's. This report is a comprehensive and broad based discussion illustrated with practical examples and referenced to peer reviewed scientific journals used to show the key effect in CFS and human immune health.
The human immune system is a complex system of dynamic cells with many cytokine feedback factors that have been explored in the last decade to reveal many of the mechanisms for illness. The immune defense takes on two distinct modes as set up by the stimulation of T helper cells, as triggered from the lymph nodes. The cellular Th1 immune system profile is one designed to control pathogens internal to cells and the humoral Th2 system response controls external cell pathogens. [1] Study of the cell factors and cytokine signaling yields an understanding of how these factors lead to and control many illnesses, including chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). This report outlines a cellular mechanism and a toxic pathway for damage to the immune system by analysis of the cellular cytokine response from toxic damage, which then leads to more progressive disease factors from loss of pathogen regulation.
This discussion will time line the discovery of CFS, correlate toxic environmental factors with CFS, and connect the cell mechanisms to the prime factors driving the CFS immune dysfunction process. The nuclear weapon materials research offer key insight into the toxic pathways and cellular responses that lead to these theories and conclusions. This report reflects my research into viral and immune system effects since 1980, with direct experience from the Oak Ridge, Tennessee nuclear site. I, as an ORNL Sr. Staff, was the first to propose that fluorides had an insoluble precipitate effect in the lymph nodes due to calcium affinity, similar to what is reported for metal oxides. This key effect has not been reported by ORNL and suppressed since 1986 due to Oak Ridge liabilities from toxic emissions. Presenting a key finding on fluoride toxic effect and its cumulative mechanism in a public forum is the purpose of this report.
This report is principally concerned with the lymph system, its cytokine signaling, and how it responds to toxic exposure. Cell and lymph system response is nothing new as even snake venom toxin drives cytokine response and nitrogen oxide (NO) generation. [2] Snake bites require light tourniquet pressure to prevent circulation of snake venoms in the lymph system and around the body leading to death in some cases. Many biological toxins are handled well by the lymph system, but many toxic materials enter the same pathways and cause serious problems due to insolubility problems of mineralization or turning to stone in these critical zones.. Oddly enough, it has been suggested that the symbolic imagery connected with the Virgin Mary icon standing with foot placed on a snake emanating from the Earth and the snake biting the apple as symbolism for contamination from the Earth's lower regions connected to disease and illness. Religion symbolism from Noah is connected to the largest land mass volcano on the Earth and the toxic emanations to health effect on man and animals. This report will take a multi-disciplined investigation, using vulcanology, history, religion, nuclear plants, wars, and toxic research to look more deeply into these health effects.
From the nuclear weapons production, Oak Ridge is one of the most chemically impacted industry sites in the U.S. and many toxic linked illness patterns are evident. The toxic material research studies from the nuclear industry and Oak Ridge health problems provide a clear and unique view for some of the mechanisms for toxic driven immune activation in illnesses. These studies, that are well known in the nuclear plants, will be used to illustrate and prove the process of toxic induced immune illnesses. Toxic material pathways into the human body, how they retain or concentrate with time, and vector to different organ systems play pivotal roles in disease etiology. Some of these toxic material pathways directly affect the immune system resistance and lead to viral disease etiology. Examining these patterns and how they overlap CFS is the focus of this report.
The term CFS (CFIDS) made its national appearance in the mid 1980's with the investigations of Dr. Paul Cheney concerning sick persons in the area of Lake Tahoe, on the California and Nevada border. Most of these CFS persons were fine one day and came down with a mononucleosis like illness the next, with flu like symptoms persisting. In 1999, Cheney described the illness as one that depleted glutathione, used much ATP, and showed a very significant up regulation in an enzymatic pathway known as the 2-5A RNase L.[3] Looking for toxic exposure factors, the waters of Lake Tahoe are pristine, but the area has volcanic origin that contaminate some wells and soils with volcanic materials. Well waters are often contaminated with higher levels of arsenic, manganese, radium, radon, and fluoride than surface waters. South Lake Tahoe has public water supplies from wells that have metal contamination, often associated with volcanic zones or mining. South Lake Tahoe water reports have specific caution for immune compromised persons because of these pollutants. [4]
Cheney's CFS Tahoe cluster diagnosis was made possible by detection of new chemical bio- markers, but CFS is not new as it appears to be symptomatically reported in 1750 and in other terms in earlier periods. [5] It is also speculated that the biblical story of Jesus healing the person by the well is even earlier evidence of the illness. The Cheney / Tahoe mononucleosis like illness is associated with swollen lymph node from activation of EBV, HHV-6, and other viral pathogens that are associated with follow on disease factors, like MS. [6, 7] Glutathione (GSH) depletion is associated with the cellular oxidant repair process and detoxification of tissues and it is lowered by chemical and pathogen damage to mitochondria of cells that manufacture ATP. [8, 9] Lowered GSH can hasten cell apoptosis and is an indicator in chronic disease, cancer, arthritis, and rapid aging. [10 ,11, 12, 13, 14, 15] Glutathione is important in liver detoxification and in maintaining the mucosa cells that line the intestine. [16, 17] Glutathion depletion drives shifts in cytokine mode from Th1 to Th2. [18] The 2-5A RNase L enzyme is part of the activation process for the Th1 interferon cytokine that inhibits viral replication in cells.[19] 2-5A RNase L is also important in the control of HIV replication. [20] These bio-markers point out that control of viral pathogens in the body have been compromised. The mechanism from just these indicators is not well defined, but these are indicators of immune cell toxic effects.
Cheney's patients were from an extinct volcanic zone with contaminates in well water. From the study of vulcanology, we know volcanic zones have many of the toxic fluorides and metals problems associated with mining and operation of Department Of Energy (DOE) plants that emit metals and fluorides. [21, 22, 23] Volcanos have more explosive power than nuclear weapons and produce toxic fallout and contamination problems with acids, toxic metals, and toxic halogen compounds [i.e.: calcium fluoride, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride]. Meteor events also present toxic emissions like those from volcanoes and these same factors play dominate roles in species survival. The Earth, for many millennia, was bathed in distilled waters from the heat of the sun that produced a thin layer of less toxic soils on the planets surface and clean surface waters. Mining, industry, and well drilling often compromise this natural toxic isolation process and lead to health problems in man.
Toxic emissions from volcanoes have been associated to bio-markers such as porphirine and porphyrins, which are diagnostic indicators of toxic cell damage effects from metals and chemicals. [24] Persistent toxic gas emissions of volcanos kill animals and cause long term defoliation of downwind areas. Mining and smelting operations often cause similar problems with acid run off contaminating soil and water with metals and fluoride. It should be noted that centuries earlier volcanic zones were connected with rapid spread of disease. An example is the Hawaiian islands and their native residents weakened immune resistance to measles, syphilis, and other diseases, as Europeans traded and socialized with them. It is noted in history that in this population disease spread incredibly fast and devastated the islands inhabitants, which suggested their immune resistance was degraded by their volcanic environment. Volcanic eruptions are even postulated to have caused the downfall of the Egyptian city of Memphis from massive plagues. It was these early associations that connected toxic material to the weakening of the immune protection system making persons vulnerable to opportunistic infection and endogenous viruses in the body, as well as exogenous viral transmission. These early observations suggested CFS had environmental and industrial linked toxic contamination origins.
In other centuries toxic metals such as arsenic, lead, and mercury were associated with health effects. Lead was connected to the neurological hearing illnesses that Beethoven experienced and even associated with the demise of the Roman empire due to the lead food storage methods.[25] Lead promotes a Th1 type cytokine response and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) that will activate the macrophage's and pull particulate into the lymph nodes. [26] The leading Th1 cytokine called TNFa promotes macrophage activation. Persistent triggering of Th1 inflammatory cytokines by toxic materials is linked to CFS factors like headache, fever, myalgia, fatigue, and are toxic in high doses. Here the pathway was via food supply with absorption via stomach and gut and retention of metal oxides in the local lymph nodes. Toxic metal retention and damage to the immune system is associated with cancer vulnerability.[27, 28, 29] The effects of arsenic in well water are associated with the rising cancer rates in India. It was attempted to improve the biologically polluted, surface public water supplies in India via drilling wells, but this resulted in high arsenic public water. Arsenic is well connected to lung, bladder, and skin cancer, but is a treatment for liver cancer that impairs the mitochondria of cancer cells. [30, 31] A similar attempt to avoid biologically contaminated surface water in Africa presented wells with high fluoride content. How these toxic materials distribute in the body organs and inner cell effect is important to immune resistance.
A metal oxide analogy from the mining industry is connected to the mechanism of a controversial anti-cancer drug called laetrile. In special mining practices, cyanide chemicals are combined with insoluble metal oxides in a process called in-situ mining to form extractable soluble metal products. The cyanide radical makes metal oxides soluble via replacement of the oxygen radical. The cyanide radical is unique in its ability to render metal oxides soluble and the effect is used in mining for various metals and in the electroplating process. Some enzyme processes mimic this effect in human chemistry. Cyanide radicals are also drawn into the lymph nodes, where the increased probability to react with metal oxides may reduce their concentration. Lessening the lymph node concentrations of insoluble metals then linked to the anti-cancer effect by restoring lymph node cell function. It is suggested that the biblical symbolism of turning to stone is a version of these metal oxide ore minerals forming stone and impairing the lymph system. The function of the immune system is central to the control of cancer viruses, yet many studies are done with only the cancer tumor cells in mind. The laetrile studies omit the immune system effects and the metal loading effects in the lymph nodes. Many B vitamins are also cyanide involved compounds that may play a role in the metal detoxification process. Vitamin B-17 and laetrile share the cyanide radical. Many grains contain B-17 and over processing of foods tends to denature these natural beneficial content. Food processing and cooking often deplete food of vitamins and cyanide compounds. In the last 50 years, the industrial dominance of metals in immune damage has been replaced by more dominate chemicals, such as fluorides. [32, 33] This makes the effects of laetrile of lesser benefit in cancer treatment.
These simple observations began my thesis for the mechanism for disease from the impact of toxic metals on cells in the early 1980's. These observations qualify that many toxic metals are linked to disease, now it remains to determine what quantity and what processes are involved. It was observed that many toxic heavy metals damage cells and activate immune system response. The toxic cell damage triggers cytokine production and T-cells that kill the damaged cell with hyper-oxygen products and trigger macrophage's, which clean up the material and process it with hyper-oxygen reduction chemistry. [34] The process results in the accumulation of insoluble metal oxides in the macrophage region of lymph nodes and can be seen in data from many toxic metals. This biological accumulation of toxic metals is seen in the research data for beryllium, silicon, plutonium, uranium, and other insoluble metal oxides. [35, 36, 37] The effect is very clear in research for lung damage from airborne toxic metals pathways to lung that activate the lung inflammatory immune response. Toxic materials in the lung activate the cytokine production of TNFa that promote macrophage's, and can be seen with radiation and for toxic metals. [38, 39, 40] Cytokine TNFa is directly delivered to the mitochondria of cells and involved in apoptosis / necrosis. [41] The mitochondria of cells play important roles in cell energy production and hormonal and cytokine messaging.
Beryllium is the most detailed studied toxic metal and makes an excellent example for the model of how the toxic metal activates the immune system. [42] Beryllium workers can become sensitive to beryllium and become sensitized to breathing it as determined by a lymphocyte proliferation test.
With any addition exposures persons can acquire a fatal disease called chronic beryllium disease, where the lungs cells are damaged by continual inflamation. This is often mediated with steroid inhaler medication. The disease is often mis-diagnosed as asthma initially due to similarity of symptoms. Beryllium is taken into the lymph nodes via the action of macrophage's and as the lymph concentration builds it triggers the lymph nodes to make T-cells and B-lymphocytes in response to the toxic beryllium metal. [43] As the concentration in the lymph nodes builds the insoluble metal oxides retain long term and keep the local lung lymph system triggered long term in the Th1 inflamation mode. In this Th1 state the lung uses much glutathione for cell repair processes. [44] Since this is an effect local to the lungs, the glutathione is not depleted in the whole body. The air pathway for beryllium used in the nuclear weapons business is a well developed model for the immune activation process, and shows a local process that is highly related to indicators seen in CFS. Sensitization to beryllium compounds happens after cells in the lymph nodes undergo blast cell transformation. It is clear that beryllium concentrations of beryllium toxic metal in lymph nodes set up the cytokine triggering of the immune system.
Other toxic metals cause the same problems at concentrations lower than that needed to kill the cells directly, as long term cytokine activation causes serious health problems. [45] As the metals concentrations build in the lymph nodes the TNFa cytokine causes necrosis of the macrophage and other lymph nodes cells and continual generation of activated T and B cells. If the lymph node concentrations get too high this disables the pathogen destruction function of macrophage's. Beryllium oxide particles principally involves the local lung lymph nodes, but other toxic metals that are more soluble and enter the body via air or food chain can impair lymph nodes near the intestine or all the lymph nodes at once. As the macrophage's are disabled it leaves cell fragment products scattered around the tissues that then bias the system toward a Th2 response in the long term. Th2 modality excretes IL-10 which further shuts down the macrophage function and exasperates the effect. This leaves the body vulnerable to inner cell viruses and other pathogens such as mycoplasma.
Metal prosthetic joints in the body further illustrate the effect of metal particulate concentrating into the lymph nodes and this triggering inflammatory cells that loosen the bone with high levels of peroxides. [46, 47] Metal particles of less than 1 micron can be carried into the lymph nodes via the macrophage's and concentrate there. [48] The lungs are sensitive to many different metal particles that can also set up the Th1 inflamation mode. The effect is intensified if the particles from airborne exposure have an acid like coating that is insoluble. Regulations have attempted to mediate these toxic particle exposures, but has made further poor choices. Gasoline refining eliminated lead in the 1980's because of this effect on the population and replaced it with hydrogen fluoride (HF), which has even worse cumulative factors and time integral dose effect on the macrophage function. Rising levels of pesticides in food and water, rising industrial emissions of HF all combine to contribute to effects that trigger the cytokines and lead to CFS cytokine Th2 modality in the long term. The worsening environmental metal effects can be seen in even the surface waters of the Great Lakes with their increasing levels of toxic metals that can damage the immune system, produce allergy, increases susceptibility to disease, and autoimmune disorders. [49] Even pollution of rivers from fluorides added to public water supplies harm salmon. [50] Animals and man can be highly affected by toxic metals and their phagocytosis cell ability severely impaired by low concentrations of metals, while NK cell activity is not impaired. [51] It is these poorly controlled pollutants that drive increasing rates of CFS, cancer, and many immune linked illnesses.
The key etiology of the toxic accumulation effect can be anticipated by the function of oxygen based chemistry of stationary macrophage's in the lymph nodes acting with the mobile macrophage's carrying toxic cell material from around the body to these local lymph zones. This is an often overlooked important and key effect to have build up of insoluble toxic material directly in the critical signaling network of lymph nodes that keeps the immune system cytokine triggered and supply high oxidative stress directly in the lymph nodes. This effect can lead to toxic metals damaging the ability of the body to control pathogens and even to rising viral presence in the body from endogenous and exogenous sources. [52, 53] For air pollutants the lungs nodes are most affected and for food and water pollution the stomach and intestine nodes are the principle effect zones. A pivotal role is carried by the proper function of the lymph node pathogen regulation mechanism. Simple local inflammatory activation of the immune system results in increased glutathione to aid in DNA repair, and long term global activation results in depletion of glutathione. Decreased levels of glutathione promote cell apoptosis / necrosis. Toxic's that damage the liver cause a lack of glutathione for DNA repair.
The importance of a cell organelle called the mitochondria was better defined with respect to disease mechanisms in the mid 1980's with its critical role as the cell energy mechanism and the source of ATP. [54] These organelles were small cells within cells with bacterial like DNA that were vulnerable to oxidation effect, metals, and oxidative halogens.[55] GSH plays a strong role in the production of ATP and mtDNA repair from oxidative damage. [56, 57] CFS is well connected to lowered ATP levels. [58] Mitochondrial damage is connected to nerve damage and aging. [59, 60] Mitochondria is how the body converts stored fat into energy and damage to these areas of cells is linked to weight gain and obesity factors that are high in the US. Fluorides have the capacity to affect the thyroid T-3 hormone production and modify cellular ATP production throughout the body as well as diminish mitochondrial numbers in cells. [61] Depletion of ATP is connected to the Th1 to Th2 switch seen in CFS and other diseases. [62] High concentrations of toxic metals and fluorides in the lymph nodes will highly impact the mitochondria of these cells. This leave little doubt that the worst case for mitochondria damage due to toxic concentrations is the lymph nodes and that this process is directly connected to CFS and other immune dysfunction illnesses. Toxic metal and fluoride releases are connected to the Oak Ridge K-25 gas diffusion plant and a number of workers were noted to be affected by symptoms similar to chronic fatigue syndrome. Gas diffusion plant workers with CFS like symptoms number in the hundreds. The K-25 gaseous diffusion plant lost huge amounts of toxic hydrogen fluoride (HF) to the air of the plant and region and was discovered by questioning workers about processes and releases. Other HF releases from the X-10 Molten Salt Reactor and the Y-12 UF-4 "Salt Shop" operations provided similarly affected workers and correlation to HF toxic effect due to cumulative low level exposures. The large losses of the K-25 plant exposed not only workers, but downwind residents of the plant to fluorides. Fluorides were highly suspected as area pine trees, which are very vulnerable to fluorides, were showing impact. There was both air / lung pathway effects, soil contamination / food pathways into the gastrointestinal system, and ground and surface water pathways into communities. These pathways for fluorides connected them with the CFS like symptoms and asthma seen in workers and communities. The workers had high levels of calcium that is indicative of fluoride exposure. [63] They also had high retention of metals and high porphyrin. Fluorides tend to be accumulated (integrated) over a lifetime and the same net dose occurs from a ten unit dose over one year or that of a one unit dose over ten years. Fluorides cause some of the worst damage to the immune system with very low concentrations. Industrial fluorides emission in Germany in the late 1800's was perhaps the first chemical to produce worker and community health problems. Fluoride is connected to renal stone formation via insoluble calcium fluoride formation, much like what happens with metals in lymph nodes. [64] Veterinarians warn against using fluoride tooth pastes on animals and with the knowledge of the lymph node effects fluoride tooth pastes and fluoridated public water become dangerous to public health. Industrial fluoride emission was linked to asthma and to arthritis. [65, 66, 67] Fluoride workers also show their cytokine response biased toward the Th2 in the long term. [68] Fluorides impair the macrophage's at very low concentrations and the effect is strongest in the lymph nodes from the insoluble product effect that is often combined with metals and free radical synergy effects. [69, 70, 71, 72] Fluorides cause swelling of the mitochondria indicating damage to ATP processes. [73] Hydrogen fluoride sets off inflamation in lungs. [74, 75] Fluorides toxic effects set up the same mechanism as seen in the beryllium model. Fluorides are pulled into the lymph nodes and the affinity of fluoride for calcium produces an insoluble precipitate that is similar to the effects caused by the insoluble metals. The effect sets up TNFa and hyper-oxygen damage that locally lowers glutathione in the lymph cells. TNFa promotes viral RNA replication. Increasing viral infection in the type I macrophage's promotes more TNFa and this is multiplied by the repeating effect of cells in the lymph system. This activation of the Th1 process also sets up a switch to Th2 mode slowly as the macrophage's stop working and foreign cell products accumulate in the tissues that trigger the Th2 mode. Th2 suppressor effects on Th1, impaired ATP, glutathione, and other effects contribute to the mode switch. [76] Th2 mode involves IL-10 that further depresses and shuts down the macrophage action and locks in the Th2 mode. This lymph node / mitochondria impact thesis became a toxic pathway mechanism for immune dysfunction in 1986 that explained the process for all immune linked diseases and even aging / longevity factors. The thesis was that insoluble toxic material, metal oxides and fluorides predominately, accumulated in the lymph nodes and disabled this pathogen destruction mechanism and the toxic presence set up a continuous cytokine response in the lymph system that keeps the immune system triggered and allows pathogen presence. [77] In the early stages of viral activation, a Th1 profile with TNFa is often seen and in a normal immune response these levels control the virus. [78] Internal cell viruses such as EBV, CMV, HHV-6, mycoplasma, cancer viruses, HIV, and etc. can run out of control with a system biased toward Th2. The toxic material concentrations triggered the inflamation effects that cause cell apoptosis, necrosis, consume glutathione, etc. Add in pathogenic components and the outcome is further modified. HIV spends cell energy and promotes TNFa and IL-10, which helps in the demise of T-cells as the disease progresses due principally to the loss of macrophage activity from the IL-10. [79] The 1991 Gulf War exposed thousands of veterans to various toxic materials that have long retention in the body and set up the same conditions as the toxic metal effects in the lymph nodes. Many of these Gulf War Veterans experience the symptoms of CFS and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS). [80] They also are biased toward the Th2 profiles because of the similarity to the industrial pollution that drives CFS. They were exposed to toxic metals in the form of DU and mercury preservative in Th2 promoting vaccines. They were exposed to halogens in the form of bromine from PB tablets, excessive chlorides from water treatment, various pesticides, and fluorides from nerve gases.[81] Recent studies have shown that those exposed to chemicals have brain damage. [82] CFS affected persons also show brain damage. [83] Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) persons also have fibromyalgia similar to CFS. [84] It is not a single chemical factor analysis that solves the illness toxic driven equation, but various toxins acting in the same pathway to disable the lymph system that best explains GWS. This war was the toxic equivalent of hell that dosed many there with 30 years of industrial and environmental pollutants that aged them with health effects to 60 years old females. There is one central etiology mechanism involving insoluble compounds in the lymph nodes triggering the cytokine response. The immune dysfunction comes from multiple contaminates acting via a common mechanism that allow varied illness outcomes as determined by exogenous and endogenous viral predispositions and other opportunistic pathogens. Food processing and preparation play a strong role in the vitamin and free radical effects in the intestine that affect these cells and their local lymph nodes. Food processing and cooking destroy most of the nutrients in food. Raw and uncooked living vegetable foods supply more vitamins, as compared to cooked vegetables or fried food. [85, 86, 87] Cooked food has long been associated with delivery of free radicals from food stuffs to the stomach and intestines and this effect causes some excess production of white blood cells, called digestive leukosis. High temperature fried food supplies the most free radical content and highest toxic exposure due to bio-concentration in the food chain. Raw and uncooked foods don't produce these free radical effects and provide better delivery of enzymes and vitamins, as well as fiber to detoxify the system. Raw food diets aid in mediation of CFS, cancers, and other immune illnesses because of these vitamin and reduced free radical factors. The raw food verses cooked food is also involved with the biblical issues of Genesis. Animal foods add a level of bio-concentration of toxic material from airborne contamination of the animal food chain. Cooking vegetables or animal products produces free radicals from the pollutants and pesticides that can retain more easily in the body. Vegan diets also make the intestine more basic, which results in less immune activation and less absorption of toxic metals. Because of these effects, the raw uncooked vegan diet is connected toward effective intervention for fibromyalgia, rheumatoid, heart, and cancer. [88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93] Vegan diets also alter the fecal bacteria levels and bacterial fatty acid generation. [94, 95] The toxic load and nutrient supply in the intestines is highly associated with immune illnesses and long term effects result in leaking gut syndromes. The quick heating pasteurization of milk also produces toxic effect. [96] Raw food diets promote illness recovery. There is more that supports the conclusion that the toxic loading in the lymph nodes shut down the monocytes / macrophage's and is the pivotal problem with HIV. [97] HIV transmission and infections appear most prevalently in the intestine and its local lymph system. Here the toxic load of the food and water chain come into play with cytokine factors and lymph node effect. The intestinal region is the most affected from cooked food free radicals and the uptake of toxic's in the food and water chain. Regions in Africa with the highest fluoride in well water and food have the largest problem with HIV transmission. [98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103] Many of the high fluoride regions follow the east African Rift Valley zone that is lined with volcano and seismic zones. [104] In many of these areas the persons have frosty white teeth from dental fluorosis and many are disabled by age 40. This is significant because fluoride toxic effects set up cytokine profiles that HIV transmission and growth require with TNFa in the lymph nodes and loss of macrophage / monocyte performance driving Th2 bias in the intestines and body as a whole. [105] The TNFa cytokine promotes the viral proliferation of HIV. [106] HIV as it infects more cells in the body sets up its own cytokine signatures that become the additional factors on top of the toxic effects that keep it from being regulated. HIV also produces IL-10, which suppresses macrophage action. [107] Impaired monocyte / macrophage function is highly associated to HIV progression and pathology for other viral infection. [108] Rising IL-10 levels that suppress macrophage action directly connect to the loss of CD-4+ T cells. [109] These T-cells are preferentially attacked due to the gp120 bonding site on T-cells that promotes HIV cellular transmission into these cells. The early AZT treatment acted more to destroy cell mitochondria than to oppose HIV replication. [110, 111] HIV always involves activation of other viruses and these can worsen the cytokine activations and AIDS progressions. [112] HHV-7 is often activated in HIV infected persons and the lymph nodes are seen to be the site of reactivation. [113] This leaves little doubt that the failing lymph node effect play a central role in HIV proliferation. This can also be seen in the case of cancer viruses where the failing lymph node cellular regulation allow cancer metastasis of lymph nodes and helps to spread the cancer viral infection. The same effect also spreads HIV and other viruses, rather than regulate and destroy them. The HAART treatment for HIV lowers the AZT dose and avoids using TNFa mechanisms that promotes HIV transcription and this has almost rendered HIV a chronic survivable disease, with many having near normal life-span with non-detectable HIV in their blood. The principle problem with HIV and the immune system is that TNFa triggers it, but it is the monocytes and macrophage's that play the pivotal role in controlling the viral destruction and proliferation of HIV. The key factor is macrophage and monocyte performance for regulation of HIV, with the exposure to fluorides dominating this performance in many countries.
In Conclusion, immune system diseases are caused by poor environmental, industrial, and agricultural practices bringing toxic material into contact with the air, food and water chain leading to animals and humans. The principle toxic offenders are fluorides and its halogen family relatives, closely followed by toxic metals, and chemicals that impact GSH. The leading damage vector is via damage to the cell mitochondria of lymph node macrophage cells of the Th1 driven cellular defense immune system. The failing macrophage's leave cell products from killed cells in the body that drive Th2 mode and this drives a lock in process into Th2 seen in chemical plant workers, CFS, GWS, MCS, and HIV. The critical or processional pivotal event leading to this is the accumulation of insoluble toxic products in the lymph nodes. This effect produces the net aging effect of the body, as it sets the net cellular degradation from unregulated pathogens.
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Author: The author is resident of Knoxville, Tennessee and has a Bachelor and Master of Science degrees from the University of Tennessee. He formed and directs the Magnum-Opus Project to correct and expose the wrongs of the Manhattan Project and the abuses of openness in national security. He is former Senior Development Staff of Oak Ridge National Laboratory and has direct experience with some of the most toxic materials from the nuclear industry. He worked on toxic site remediation, radiation detection, invented the USRADS survey system, and won ORNL significant event award.. He discovered high levels of hydrogen fluorides emissions from the gas diffusion plants and noticed the link to CFS like illnesses in the worker and local community populations. He defined the basic mechanism for CFS and HIV in national security circles in the 1980's. He claims his inspiration for the discovery came from the icon imagery of vulcanism connected to the story of the Ark and the environmental imagery associated with Mary controlling the venom from the Earth entering the food chain. Author says insoluble lymph mechanism information was suppressed for more than a decade by industry control of research, negligence on the part of CDC, ATSDR, and EPA, and criminal cover up on the part of the DOE. He purposely chose to publicize his work and discoveries to express the need for preventive and alternative medicine to take a more balanced stance against AMA and pharmaceutical based dominance and excessive profiteering in medicine.