I think many of you are catching on to the DU issue, as its about the omission
of immune function as applied to radiation protection science. The Pentagon
types do appear to the getting into hysteria. So, time
to keep pressing on.
What one notices is the radiation protection research looked at a lot of things on a per organ basis, but they forgot to look at things from an immune system basis. Partly, because it was not well known until the 1980's. So, the topic of lymph system bioconcentration just was not considered well, it was a special case for internalized alpha isotopes. It was seen some with Pu alpha emission internal isotopes in lungs, when the Pu showed high lymph node concentration. It was even seen with uranium in lung. This happens mainly because the alpha emission only damages cell in a very small area, so the macrophages are very likely to scoop up the alpha emitting isotope. This effect did not happen with internalized beta or gamma emitting isotopes, or from external gamma, due to much lower LET values. It was a special case that did not become obvious until around the mid-1980's at ORNL. It is known and it is covered up.
The action of the immune system and cell damage were being discovered in the 1980's, and cell factors triggering immune action were found and connected to toxic stress (free radicals, radiation, fluorides, toxic metals, etc.). It was then possible to see the mechanism that pulled toxins into the lymph nodes and raised the concentration there to the highest levels in the body. This effect also set off cell stress factors there and the formation of superoxides and NO. These factors highly damage the mitochondria of lymph cells, powering them down. Stationary macrophages took the hardest dose hit and this mean't the digestion functions of the lymph nodes was compromized and biological's DNA did not get fully destroyed. It also mean't the moble macrophages were not as active. And it also affected the lymph system chemical signalling.
Net effect for cancers is these immune defensive systems would slowly fail and the beneficial effects of seeking and distroying cancer cells would be compromized. Some cancers cells would survive and the cancer virus associated with these cells would harm the central cell DNA and the cell would produce transcription factors to try and repair DNA, but it would also trigger cancer viral reproduction. Other effect stimulated the blood circulation, but the cancer policing cells were impaired. Net result, high blood supply and transcription factors caused rapid cancer cell proliferation. The final disaster for this type immune impairment.
Today, this effect as it relates to DU is being suppressed, but the mechanim is well known. It was suppressed by ORNL, which wanted to get rid of the DU. However, the errors of this supression of information and not making this research public is beginning to show. The Pentagon types will continue to put on a show and the myopic researchers with their epi data that does not include this immune mechanism will also put on a show. But the mechanism is there, despite the floor shows. The mechanism impairs the immune defenses and when combined with other toxic stresses, causes numberous health problems from CFS, MCS types things, arthritic like problems, memory loss, and all the way up to increased cancers.
the Pentagon types and research types feet in the fire-----cause they are
not telling where the problem is----not being truthful.
This model was then discussed as it relates to insoluble DU oxide particulate in lungs and how via very similar process, due to both alpha radiation and toxic metal cell damage triggers, the immune process concentrates the particulate DU into lymph nodes and induces the superoxide effects that are well associated to CFS and MCS type syndromes that medicine and ORNL like to remain mysterious. The urinalysis technique protects well from the soluble forms of internalized uranium, however, it offers no protection from the concentration effects of DU insoluble particulate in lung lymph nodes linking to the CFS/MCS type illness syndromes. It is rather obvious that particulates cause a problem, as the DU has to chemically mobilize to get to kidneys.
I think you also took note that a Pentagon Col. Daxon is promoting the ORNL misinformation in Europe about DU not connected to the mysterious illnesses, or in VA terms undiagnosed illnesses. ORNL full well knew and knows there is a data gap oversight in the research connected to immune defenses and uranium bioconcentration into lymph nodes, as well as knows there is a mechanism that directly relates to the illnesses. The uranalysis method is not sufficient to protect lymph nodes from insoluble particulates. Uranalysis is also net effective on many chemicals that have long retention in the body and cause storage effects that also impact the lymph system, example fluorides. ORNL intentionally deceives both the injured and the public by planning liability reducing deceptions and misinformation campaigns and this is a RICO type situation, and a situation that harms the armed forces and public leading to death.