Journal: Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
ISSN : 0265-931X
Volume : 55
Issue : 1
Date : 2001
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pp 1-3
F. Livens
pp 5-27
Time-dependence of the radiocaesium contamination of roe deer: measurement
and modelling
G. Zibold, J. Drissner, S. Kaminski, E. Klemt, R. Miller
pp 29-46
226Ra and 228Ra activities associated with agricultural drainage ponds
and wetland ponds in the Kankakee Watershed, Illinois-Indiana, USA
W.C. Sidle, D. Shanklin, P.Y. Lee, D.L. Roose
pp 47-59
A 10-year study of the 137Cs distribution in soil and a comparison of Cs
soil inventory with precipitation-determined deposition
M. Isaksson, B. Erlandsson, S. Mattsson
pp 61-69
Reinvestigation of airborne 210Pb, 137Cs and 207Bi in Vienna (Austria)
after atmospheric nuclear weapons tests
K. Irlweck, G. Wallner
pp 71-91
Kinetics of the adsorption and desorption of radionuclides of Co, Mn, Cs,
Fe, Ag and Cd in freshwater systems: experimental and modelling approaches
P. Ciffroy, J.-M. Garnier, M. Khanh Pham
pp 93-108
Behaviour and transport of radionuclides in soil and vegetation of a sand
dune ecosystem
D. Copplestone, M.S. Johnson, S.R. Jones
pp 109-112
Coloured rain dust from Sahara Desert is still radioactive
C. Papastefanou, M. Manolopoulou, S. Stoulos, A. Ioannidou, E.
pp 113-117
Selected bibliography
pp 119
Call for Papers