Selection of articles from Elsevier Science

 Journal: Applied Radiation and Isotopes
 ISSN : 0969-8043
 Volume : 54
 Issue : 3
 Date : Mar-2001

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 pp 371-375
 Sorption characteristics of zinc(II) by calcareous soil-radiotracer study
 D. Wenming, G. Zhijun, D. Jinzhou, Z. Liying, T. Zuyi

 pp 377-382
 Matrix effects during potassium and calcium determinations in rice saplings using X-ray spectrometery
 Vandana^1, R. Mittal

 pp 387-391
 Lyoluminescence characteristics of trehalose dihydrate
 A. Raman, I.K. Oommen, D.N. Sharma

 pp 393-397
 Radiological impacts of the amang processing industry on neighbouring residents
 B. Ismail^a, Y. Redzuwan^a, R.S. Chua^a, W. Shafiee^b

 pp 443-446
 Measurement of the gamma-ray probability per decay of ^4^2K
 D. Simoes, M.F. Koskinas, M.S. Dias

 pp 447-454
 Free parameter, figure of merit and ionization quench in liquid scintillation counting
 P.G. Carles^a, A.G. Malonda^b

 pp 467-473
 Determination of ^2^2^2Rn emanation fraction and diffusion coefficient in concrete using accumulation chambers and the influence of humidity and radium distribution
 C. Cosma^a, F. Dancea^a, T. Jurcut^b, D. Ristoiu^a

 pp 497-507
 Evaluation of airborne gamma-ray spectrometric data for the Missikat uranium deposit, Eastern Desert, Egypt
 S.H. Abd El Nabi

 pp 509-517
 The effect of heterogeneity in gamma-ray albedo analysis of mineral raw materials
 Y.N. Pak, A.V. Vdovkin, A.D. Borodachyov

 pp 519-526
 Application of PGNAA for bulk coal samples in a 4@p geometry
 M. Borsaru, Z. Jecny

 pp 527-533
 The subsoil gamma-ray intensity distribution in the Oriental Region of the Republic of Paraguay
 M. Godin, E. Galiano-Riveros

 pp 535-542
 Cluster analysis of radionuclide concentrations in beach sand
 R.J. de Meijer^a, I.R. James^b, P.J. Jennings^b, J.E. Koeyers^b

 pp 543-557
 Geophysical natural @c-ray well logging and spectrometric signatures of south AL-Abter phosphatic deposits in Syria
 J. Asfahani, A. Abdul-Hadi

 pp 559-562
 Elemental analysis of two Egyptian iron ores and produced industrial iron samples by neutron activation analysis
 A. Sroor^a, N. Abdel-Basset^a, A.S. Abdel-Haleem^b, A.M. Hassan^c

 pp 565-583
 Determining soil contamination profiles from intensities of capture-gamma rays using above-surface neutron sources
 J.K. Shultis, F. Khan, B. Letellier, R.E. Faw

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