a message dated 1/27/01 12:38:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,
"Old patterns will persist if serious effort is not made to change them"
In the first months of the new millennium we are still plagued with the
same old problems as we had in the last 15 years of the last. Can
we afford to do nothing? Can we afford not to understand these simple
problems? Can we afford to let this countries industrial minions
foist these misinformation's on the citizens one day longer? Can
we change this? YES, We can.
The illness plagues are getting worse and its going to get into biblical proportions, if its not already there! Things like diabetes are on the rise, and its not just an obesity factor. It is the toxic effects from a food chain with little nutrients and agencies like the CDC and ATSDR that are the willing protectors of industry profits that often derive from poisoning citizens slowly and corrupting their food supplies. Late onset diabetes has environmental causation.
From the Gulf War, we have hundreds of thousands sick with unexplained illnesses, which are all immune related. We've known that immune system cells exist for decades, and found the purposes of white cells and macrophages long ago. We know metal toxins like DU harm cells and these damaged cells are gobbled up by macrophages and they concentrate into the lymph nodes and lymph system at concentrations high than in any other parts of the body. Yet, places like ORNL and OR only gave the Vets the technique of urinalysis and told of kidney damage effects and this simplistic distraction holds Vets hostage from determining their ills from this and other chemical toxins that do the same thing. The collective of these toxics is no mystery, its the root cause of all the ills. The lymph system is the immune system and that is where lies the highest toxic concentrations that highly damage the mitochondria of cells.
Even in the new born, the US vaccinations force infants over the standards for mercury exposures in their first moments of life. The toxic assault in the US begins from a very early age. In the transitions from mom's milk to formula, they are then exposed to high levels of fluorides in formula. Later, fluoride in water and tooth pastes. High fluorides in many cereals even. Its an epic toxic onslought that affects them for the rest of their lives, and makes each less resistant to additional toxic exposures. These toxic onslaughts affect learning and in time longevity.
The worst toxic assault offenders are the long retention halogen chemicals [i.e., all long retention fluoride compounds, PCB, dioxin, pesticides, sarin] and the long retention toxic metals [i.e., mercury, beryllium, arsenic, nickel, DU ] and the lung pathway is the worst from industry and wars.
Its made worse by the fertilizer industries adding these toxins to the food chain and the pesticides that systemically enter the plants. Industry emissions make cows the toxic rivers of the food chain from the toxic fallout and grass consumption of the animals. Add on even more toxic stuff added to feeder lots. Toss in reefed bone meals and the cows exposures to bone seeking metals and fluorides becomes an overdose that drives them mad. Then we don't notice when many of these like effects affect our youth, drive crime rates in this country, and set our health and longevity. Odd from the many folks that are supposed to understand the teachings of the bible and its similar predictions from 2,000 years back.
Notice a pattern of industry denials, misinformation planted to suggest its some viral causation or DNA imperfection in the host, when its really all been just a toxic onslaught of epic proportion. From cancers to immune diseases, the causation is suppression of the immune protective cells. Always been that way, as person's don't really get cancers from bad DNA or viral, they get these ills from extremely high levels of cumulative toxic exposures over a lifetime from natural and manmade sources. Cancers come from oxidative cell stress from radiation and chemical effects that accumulate in the body over a lifetime. In the latter part of the last century the manmade sources from reckless industrial pursuits and radiation drove mankind into the breakdown mode for cellular immunity.
Nature has often driven man regionally with like effect and this is seen in parts of India and Africa where the endemic fluoride is high in the well water. In the African countries that have this high toxic exposure in water is where we also see the highest rates of HIV transmissions and the most sexual promiscuity. Fluorides do have an aphrodisiac like effect. In India, the effects disable persons before the age of 40. Fluorides are well known to damage the immune protection cells.
Around the US's gas diffusion plant we see the same out pawned off story of mystery diseases [viruses and defective host DNA], yet the truth tells that these workers and communities were highly exposed to HF and fluorides chemical releases. Many of them have the classic signs of fluorides toxicity, yet no doctor in these regions will diagnose said same. The professions all belong to groups [AMA, ADA] that endorsed fluorides as a medicine for teeth, but it has long term cumulative effects that become highly evident in later age, even to the point of being highly involved in the disease, aging process, and death. These professionals can diagnose the effects or arsenic poisoning, but look right around similar slow poisons that kill off the aging, and also make their professions huge profits.
In this millennium, doctors are supposed to know the immune system exists, despite frequent denials. Doctors are supposed to know that industrial pollutants affect the immune system and induce diseases. Doctors are supposed to know that these long retained toxins can induce long term diseases that slow both immune protection and cell energy. Yet, doctors in these company towns deny things like CFAs, CMS, and other lesser than cancer disease exist. But they sure like the profits from the cancer treatments.
Doctor are NOT supposed to brand folks with immune related disease as mental or any other stigma to avoid a correct diagnosis, else they become practitioners of malpractice and further assault these toxic victims as paranoid or schizophrenic. These type doctors need the same brand as applied to NAZI holocaust experiment practitioners. Professionals do great harm with this attitude of denial, this dismissal of the existence of the immune cell harm, the denial that these immune disease have environmental causation's, the denial that its not obvious--but a convenient profitable mystery.
Incineration or wars, the toxic emissions cause problems. Incineration of chlorinated plastics makes dioxin, incineration of uranium-fluoride compounds makes toxic HF. These are immune suppressing toxic chemicals that are cumulative in the body over a lifetime, from even the lowest exposures. The use of these chemicals in homes makes fire fighters have to wear supplied air respirators to fight house fires or industrial fires to avoid occupational illnesses connected with these toxins. Net same effect happens around plane crashes with burning Teflon wiring and chlorinated plastics emitting these same toxins.
In the Gulf war, blowing up sarin with high explosives did not destroy the fluorides in the compound, but blew it to the wind over wide areas. Incineration of nerve gases at army depots across the country releases fluorides toxic compounds. Incineration of the HF and fluorides in the oil wells blew even more toxic fluorides over huge areas. Same for the HF used in oil refineries, and the UF-6 facilities that were targeted to release more HF to the regions air. Toss in some insecticides, PB, and some other stuff all added to this past latter centuries children exposed to too much mercury and fluorides as they grew up in the US and one quickly finds their breaking point in immune resistance and toxic tolerance. The Gulf War was the mother of all toxic assaults. Hundreds of thousands made long term sick, and hundreds of thousands called mental for having these diseases, which the professionals in this country had a willing part in causing. There really is a common machanism cause for GWI, as well as for CFS, MCS, DOE mystery diseases, BUT not in the minds of the professional profit seekers or liable industries and Govt. agencies. These willing bringers of plagues are in the hunker down and lie mode.
The DOE plants are the mother of all toxic industrial assaults on the public, because of their classification of poisons to deny they existed, while knowingly poisoning their own workers and the public at large. DOE Case in point for radiation are the Downwinders and the high rates of cancers foisted onto them from the nuclear fallout from reckless nuclear experiments.
DOE Case in point two for chemicals is the gas diffusion processes huge emissions of HF and fluorides that cause similar oxidant cells damages as radiation's, but vector to other parts of the body much as would I-131, but not at all limited to that. I-131 vectors to the thyroid. Toxic metals vector to the lymph system, as do the halogen toxins, where they harm the very vulnerable mtDNA of the immune protection cells. Internalized isotopes [Sr-90, U, Ra] often seek the bone, and their oxidants effects get into the lymph system as well, and cause cancers. There are specific differences in the pathway mechanisms and similarites..
I can only ask that all the good environmental folks that witness these effects on their fellow citizens take note, take the time to learn and pass what they learn on, then take action. These "Old patterns will persist if serious effort is not made to change them" Its time. Its past time. The simple message is clear as to what is happening. Its in everyone's best interests to end this massive cover up of the health effects stemming from so simple a cause effect relationship, and clamp down on the cover up enablers from industry, press, and Govt. that sell us this bill of fake goods.
This industrial domination of human health rights and rights to know needs to end. The hostage taking by the Gov's sovereign immunity to cover up a massive plague from their very mistakes needs to end and it should never have been allowed to call this national security. National security has become the bringer of plaques on the citizens and the denial of their constitution rights. National security has become the destroyer of worlds, as Oppenheimer once quoted from an old Indian text at Trinity. The national security cover ups have infested the world with industrial diseases, and this is not in the best interest of the US citizens, nor the world. It has become the definition of crimes against humanity, the manifestation of a biblical plague and a coming Armageddon.
United, free to understand, properly informed, and free to speak out globally we can stop this monopolistic beast and return the power to the citizens.
It is just that simple. There are many things to remember on this "Day of Remembrance." Congrats to the Downwinders with the campaign for unity.
Jim Phelps