Dear listizens,
to fully understand the DU issue I interviewed some former officers from some secret services.
The point is that they were, and are, misleaded on the whole issue of radioactive contamination. They are lead to think that radiactivity is not so dangerous or that the price is worth of it.
But the price is the life on Earth.
Those people are mostly believing in the Nation's interests, but don't understand that by indirectly protecting the nuclear lobby they are in fact betrying the people's interests.
I found a lack of culture, and also some lack of training in democratic issues. The responsibility, in my opinion, come from an old corrupt cold-war East-West elite that want to preserve his power and his respectability undefinitely, despite WE, The people. Some startling examples of this elite are the members of the Council on Foreign Relations. But you can also look at the people representing our nations at NATO headquarters to find some interesting examples.
The new people that are involved in this fraud scheme get money to do it, they are becoming the new post-sovietic bunch of criminals that want to perpetrate the nuclear-terroristic system that we all hope had to finish after the fall of the Berlin wall (the policies of MINATOM, DOE, DOD, etc. are all subjugated to the interests of the nuclear lobby).
And that is unlawful under many law and constitutions around.
So our task is not simply to ban depleted uranium, but it is to start an opinion group world-wide to understand that the nuclear lobby is really killing each one of us: everytime that some people die from cancer or other related nuclear illnesses we must ask ourselves: it is worth the price?
I think that we have a big work to do, and no much time left.
I think that for accomplishing this task, a very globalizing one, it is necessary to overcome different political views, religions, etc. and to unite worldwide. It is necessary to speak out and to inform eveeryone. It is also necessary to gain access to resources that actually are denied, for example financial resources.
It was impressing for me to read the following article:
GUARDIAN, London, February 22, 2001
investors named and shamed - Charities, NHS trusts, trade unions and Labour
party among organisations accused of compromising ethical principles,3604,441302,00.html
This means that we may not know where our enemies are masked. I think that we must start a campaign to explore the connections (Banks-industries-partners) and after we must start writing to every single player to raise the issue of the radioactive dangers and we must ask to them to stop supporting this genocidal lobby.
As an example: how do you think a Bank can survive without people around? So we must ask to Banks to help and to support us a.s.a.p.
In 1999, I have write to very many foundations asking for a financial help in fighting against depleted uranium.
NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE was interested.
The same can be told for the various Greenpeaces and WWF, etc.
So what? We must establish blacklists of so called "charities" that are interested in protecting the nuclear lobby and we must tell to the people:"Hey! Don't pay for them, they are not really interested in you own survival."
The same must be done against UN-agencies that are linked to the nuclear lobby: WHO, FAO, ILO, etc. they ALL have secret agreements with IAEA.
We must ask our governments to stop paying for them if they don't accept to break the mafia-style agreements they done with IAEA.
We must try to cut by every legal mean the flow of money nurrishing this nuclear-mafia. We must ask to our institutions to do that. If institutions are not on our side, we don't need them anymore. We can make new ones that accomplish their task in our name.
I think that now [key-point] is the right time to act.
Now that the DU issue has raised so much attention around.
Who can stop all the people united?
this message around and we will see.
Oppenheimer, Fermi et al thought they were creating a new source of energy that would supply cheap electricity for all mankind. However they themselves never understood the mind-set of the people they were working for. The military thought they had the ultimate weapon with which to defend their interests, now they had to get it into production and lead the public to believe that this was going to solve the energy problems of the world.
The reality however is and was that this technology was not ready for use in the public domain, it was too dangerous and they did not know enough about it to create a safe process. (They still do not know how to utilise nuclear energy safely)
In order to protect their nuclear advantage secrecy was paramount, so after the bombing of Nagasaki & Hiroshima, when Oppenheimer spoke out against nuclear weapons they attacked his character and his reputation in order to stop the public from hearing the truth about what was going on at the "Manhattan Project"
When other scientists afraid of what might happen if the west decided to use nuclear weapons against the Soviet Union, gave the secrets to the Russians, the intelligence services began to frighten the whole public with "reds under the beds" rubbish. They introduced "McCarthyism" and hounded thousands of innocent people in a national purge.
This happened in Europe as well, right wing groups were formed to counter all forms of Socialist/Communist activity in order to protect the interests of the Military Industrial Complex.
The military & the intelligence services world-wide are motivated by their own perceptions of fear. Today the UK Minister said when confronted by the public over "Sanctions" - "I cannot accept that we are responsible as the facts show otherwise"
This informs me that he is unable to perceive that he has a responsibility to prevent harm being inflicted by NATO. He cannot perceive that there are other ways of resolving the problem of Saddam Hussein other than to continue doing what the majority of us perceive as wrong.
My belief is that there is an alternative, NATO and the UN need to organise a vast humanitarian effort from non-western allied countries back by a strong UN Military protective force. That would enter Iraq from the North and South and begin to rebuild the whole infrastructure protecting the people and then introducing a democratic process where the individual indigenous peoples can elect their own representatives and create a democratic country where they all share in the resources that Iraq has to offer them. I do not pretend that this scenario is free from possible conflict, however if it demonstrates that we in the west are capable of placing the well being of the ordinary Iraqi's before our fears of what Saddam might do. I think it may be a responsible attempt at resolving the issue.
Successive governments have tried to limit and control nuclear weapons, however they too are distrustful of the people that they are dealing with. The UN, WHO, ILO etc are not party to a conspiracy they are trapped by agreements made under "National Security" clauses within all agreements between the UN and western Governments. If they knew how to change this they probably would.
We can change this, you are correct. We the people need to confront all nuclear policies and weapons systems at every opportunity. The first step is to challenge any governments "Alleged Right" to put "National Security" interests before the interests of the people.
Secondly we need to put Human Rights before the rights of government, so that we can oppose all forms of abuse against people and against the environment.
Thirdly we all need to challenge their "Right" to use "Deadly Force" in our name.
Fourthly we need to show the public that the money spent in supporting the nuclear industry is detrimental to their best interests. We need to show that the Nuclear Industry as whole is a threat to all of humanity.
Fifthly we need to form alliances with CND, Greenpeace, WWF, and evryone else who is attempting to prevent damage to our environment so that TOGETHER we can lobby the International Criminal Court to put the nuclear issue on the agenda as a "Crime Against Humanity"
The billions of £'s & $'s spent in maintaining the nuclear & military Industrial Complex around the world would feed every starving human being, repair man-made and natural disasters and supply medical services to all of humanity.
The only thing preventing this from happening is FEAR. Governments are afraid of other Governments, ordinary people are afraid of other human beings who appear to be different. When we can overcome this fear we can accept all human beings as members of our family. (The Human Race) When we start to help others we begin this process, we begin to overcome our own fear and see the other persons humanity.
Everyone in the world has the same needs, food, clothing, shelter, work, medical services, protection from disease, disaster, un-employment, homelessness, apathy, tyranny, abuse and harm. These are the real enemies of us all; disease, disaster, un-employment, homelessness, apathy, tyranny, abuse and harm. These are the only things we need to fight against.
Remember all Governments and all Non-governmental Organisations are made up of individual human beings, each of them approachable as individuals and it is possible to change their perceptions if we work together to do this.
Already the brilliant human beings at the MTP, NGWRC, CADU & IDUST are working towards the same goals. Now may be the approprate time for us all to be creating new allies to combat DU & the Nuclear issues world-wide.
Every individual who passes on information and lobbies his/her government or speaks publicly is doing the right thing for all of humanity.
Pesonally I am honoured to be counted amongst such wonderful people, the future of the world is in good hands. If I spent sixteen years fighting in the military to protect people like these then I probably did the right thing.
Quote " General Douglas MacArthur in the Court Martial of Japanese General Yamashita" -" The Soldier, be he Friend or Foe, is charged with the protection of the weak and unarmed. It is his very essence and reason for being. When he violates this trust, he not only profanes his entire ethos but threatens the very fabric of international society."
We are the new warriors, we are protecting the weak and the unarmed against all comers, we are the essence of international society, we do not violate this trust we are all upholding it.
We need to convince, persuade and convert as many as we can to paricipate, to get Governments to acknowledge that this is what we expect them to do, while we act as watch-dogs to make sure they do NOT violate this trust.