The German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) are responsible for the contamination of military and civil personal who served in their radar units. This is the result of an investigation which was published last Thursday, 21 June 2001.
The head of the German ministry of Defence, Rudolf Scharping, initiated the investigation at the beginning of this year, when the Second Channel of German public TV, the ZDF, informed on some veterans who suffered cancer, heart problems, and immune diseases. The journalists had had access to a secret report of the German MoD which recognised the technical and social negligence of the Armed Forces. The investigation ran under the control of Theo Sommer, former director of the German magazine "Die Zeit".
Sommer's investigators mean that there is no danger for the soldiers and civilians living in the battlefields of the Kosovo where DU-ammunition was found. Scharping used the result of the Sommer group for an harsh attack against the media which had informed about the health risk of Depleted Uranium at the beginning of this year.
The German version of the Sommer report is available on the official website of the Bundeswehr: