France: There is a statistically significant excess of leukaemia among young people in the Nord-Cotentin region, around Cogema's reprocessing plant in La Hague, according to a new epidemiological study. However, the study - conducted by a team led by renowned French epidemiologist Alfred Spira - concludes that it is 'very unlikely' that the increased incidence is connected to radiation emissions from the facility. The study reinforces the growing (!!!!!!) scientific consensus that leukaemia 'clusters' around major industrial facilities are probably due to rapid 'population mixing' in previously isolated areas. The study is currently available at (NucNet News, 203/01, 27 June; see also News Briefing 99.28-14)
Plans to restructure the French nuclear industry by establishing a single holding company - provisionally known as Topco - have been finalised by Cogema, Framatome and the French atomic energy commission (CEA). The French government aims to have the new company operational by the end of 2001. (NucNet Business News, 58/01, 28 June; Ux Weekly, 2 July, p3; Nuclear Market Review, 30 June, p3; see also News Briefing 00.49-1)