I go with present European "hysteria", noting that Iraqi "hysteria" is hushed up, and Bosnian data has not seen the daylight yet, as if that new pro-NATO country was even more "backward" than Iraq. I'd rather see your institute try to answer strategic questions:
0. Why has Pentagon been lying, twisting the truth, suppressing info, manipulating inquiries ever since the issue of DU entered public arena, but not before?
1. Why is emphasis on NATO and UN soldiers from Bosnia and Kosovo and not on the local population?
2. Why is UN investigating again? They already investigated after NATO admitted the use of over 10 t of DU in Kosovo and found no risk to local population. Why would the best equipped teams miss equipment for alfa particle detection? Could it not be flown in by a courier? How come half-amateur Patricia Axelrod could rig up such equipment and measure radioactivity at Tomahawk craters in beograd, but the best equipped UN teams could not, although they examined Novi Sad devastation with every probe possible under the sun.
3. Why were some NATO and UN troops and workers safeguarded (sort of) against DU but not the local population?
4. Why are soldiers with apparent DU-related illness appearing on TV of countries whose military spokespersons just a few days ago assured the public from the same TV screens that there was no problem. Why would Portugal top statesman become frustrated with the military and launch his own investigation?
5. Why do the military of some countries say that they categorically know there is no problem with DU illness? They state next minute they did not test anybody because DU is so safe that examinations are not necessary? Other dispatches say the same military suppressed medical evidence when DU-related illness was detected.
6. Why are military teams going to Kosovo to investigate? Since when criminals are allowed to investigate their own crimes? A momentum from the ICTFY in the Hague; a new type of NATO warfare - legalistic?
7. Why has no mainstream media dispatch shown deformed babies from Iraq areas contaminated with DU. Because they were born after Pentagon vaccinated them with anthrax? Or because their mothers were smoked in the desert in the burning oil wells?
8. Why Dr. Rokke's 50 men are largely ill with DU-induced symptoms or dead, even though they were not vaccinated and did not breathe the oil well smoke? The only one who does not have any symptoms wore complete special protective clothing in the Gulf.
9. The fire at DU depot at US base in the Gulf consumed benzene and not DU?
10. If the DU was so benign, why the special decontamination of US tanks hit by firendly fire, preparation for overseas shipment and disposal at US nuclear waste depots deep in the ground?