Nuclear Energy News. Oppose this bill! Senate Bill S472 (Pete Domenici R-NM) would if passed be a windfall for the nuclear industry. The public would have little or no voice in the siting or licensing of nuclear power plants. Also, the licensing hearings for the proposed high level radioactive waste (HLRW) repository at Yucca Mt., NV.
Titled "The nuclear energy electricity supply assurance act of 2001" it is part of the effort to add new life to the nuclear power industry at the expense of people's health and pockets. The bill would encourage construction of new plants and the completion of unfinished reactors with taxpayer's subsidies (in addition to the already heavily-subsidized industry). It will allow and fund foreign corporations to own and operate reactors with little oversight. The current Price-Anderson Act which limits liability of the industry from consequences of nuclear accidents and radioactive releases would be extended under this bill (See the exclusionary clauses in your homeowners and auto policy whereby insurance companies will not cover damage from accidents and radioactive contamination). Nuclear technology is detrimental to the health of the people and all living things. Any attempt to expand it should be fought. Nothing short of an end to nuclear power and weaplons production and the containment and management of the thousands of tons of deadly, radioactive waste, without the present outrageous practice of recycling. This is essential to limit the already devastating health problems which are the result of nearly sixty years of exposure to this technology. Nuclear power cannot help to solve the problems of global climate change and energy supply. For that we need to develop a sustainable energy economy that is both environmentally and economically viable; nuclear power does not meet these criteria. Write or speak to your Senators, Joseph I. Lieberman, 1 State St. Hartford,CT 06103, 1-800-225-5605. email . Sen. Christopher J. Dodd, 100 Great Meadow Rd. Wethersfield, CT 06109, 1-800-334-5341, email Do it now!
Legal Battle to Close Millstone! Coalition Against Millstone (CAM) intervened in procedings before the Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) to block the transfer of the (so-called) Millstone Clean Water Act permit to Dominion Nuclear Connecticut (DNC). This is the proposed new owner of the Millstone Complex presently owned by Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. (NNECO), formerly Northeast Utilities. CAM (we, the plaintiffs) sought a temporary restraining order (TRO) to enjoin (stop) the defendants NNECO from discharging wastes from the Millstone reactors into Long Island Sound that are radioactive, carcinogenic and toxic. This has been "legalized" by the DEP's emergency waiver for the discharge permit that expired in 1997! Following unethical manouvering and collusion by the defendants (NNECO and DEP) and DNC to dismiss the case in the absence of the plaintiffs, CAM, a hearing was held March 27 before Judge Schuman in Superior Court, Hartford. CAM presented expert witness, Dr. Chris Busby, scientific advisor to the Green Party, UK, who testified about the discharges that are known to cause genetic mutations and cancers and that the risks are understated 100 fold. Also synergy (interaction) between radioactive isotopes and chemicals may multiply harm to living things. Dr. John Harshbarger, formerly research scientist for the Smithsonian Institute testified that chemicals released cause tumors and disease in fish that we may be eating. Not allowed into evidence were maps showing cancer clusters adjacent to Millstone, Also blocked by the judge was questioning of DEP Commissioner Arthur Rocque, subpoenaed by CAM. The Court found in favor of the plaintiffs, NNECO and the DEP and that decision is being appealed to the Ct. Supreme Court.
Organizations are urged to join this suit as part of the Coalition Against Millstone to add weight to the suit. Email, Phone: (203)938-3952. Individuals are urged to attend future hearings when announced to support our cause. These nuclear plants will be more harmful and dangerous than ever if we allow Dominion to take over in order to maximize profits from these ailing plants.
Shut Millstone Down Now! Don't Waste Connecticut, (203)389-2067