Subject: Credence AIDS update
Dear reader, it's a mad, mad world in the realm of 21st century conventional medicine. To the initiated in these matters, the good that is achieved in conventional medicine (for instance in A and E, and in the various organ, limb and joint replacement interventions) is surely outweighed by the wanton physical and mental destruction brought about by vested interests in this $£multi-billion industry. The withholding of unprofitable but bona fide treatments to protect shareholder interests: the aggressive and continuous promotion ofhighly toxic and highly profitable non bona fide conventional regimes: the unnecessary illness and deaths meted out in the conventional treatments for cancer, AIDS, diabetes, Alzheimer's and other treatable conditions: from fluoridation and other environmental toxins to mass vaccination, from fabricated public health scares forprofit to vested interests controlling conventional research: from the restriction of our freedom of choice to the mass enforcement of unproven industry-shaped health policy: genetics: cloning: GM foods....we all share the same concerns around that giant known as the orthodox scientific and medical model. But with all our various campaign groups, although growing in number, are still so very dispersed.The lack of a centralised campaigning body able to define these key issues, educate with simplicity and clarity, co-ordinate and then accurately target mass protest, has resulted largely in scattered, indiscriminate ‘pot-shot’ campaigns, inflicting only superficial damage against the orthodoxy.
We are pleased to be able to bring you some very good news indeed - the imminent arrival of CTM - the Campaign for Truth in Medicine. As an organisation, CTM will be responsible for effectively coordinating mass protest against dangerous conventional policies and treatments. CTM will be the conduit through which our widely held, but dispersed concerns can be co-ordinated into a unified, well-targeted and forceful voice for change. Imagine the consequences of a precisely targeted and co-ordinated protest numbering at least 500,000 informed, voting constituents, concentrating on a single issue at a time. A protest of this nature will not be ignored. The objectives and strategy outlined by CTM makes change in conventional policy and practice an achieveable reality. A more detailed report on the aims, objectives, strategy and ethos of CTM will be distributed to you shortly. The CTM site is launched in April.
With regard to the future of the Credence AIDS updates, the central features of AIDS and HIV - its duplicity, vested interests and profiteering, is mirrored in many other aspects of conventional health policy. Because CTM is committed to educating and informing on all the unhealthy aspects which shape conventional health today, including AIDS and HIV, the updates will no longer be distributed in their present format. They will be incorporated into the CTM library and archiving system. We thank you for the tremendous support and encouragement received from across the world so far, as a result of the AIDS updates, and we trust that your interest in the issues raised will prompt you to investigate the benefits of your becoming a member of CTM.
To all you activists and freedom of choice campaigners out there in whatever capacity, with CTM, big changes are on the horizon.
Steven Ransom