is a Swiss-based research group with an international vocation.
1968, it was co-founded, in the sense of art.60ff of the Swiss Civil Code,
Peter B. Kalff and Anton Keller who has been directing it.
CORUM has grown out of the works published under its initial name of DOUBLEKAY. It has been involved in and produced scientific papers on: optimum Nile management, international water law (Water for Peace Conference, Washington), Xylit production and marketing, non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, nuclear micro-explosions, free zones, SLM, Y2K, etc.
Its team penned over 150 parliamentary interventions, and over 50 editorial page contributions (Journal de Genève, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, International Herald Tribune, Wall Street Journal, etc.) on commerce, friendship and establishment treaties, citizenship law, investor protection, Swiss bank secrecy, fiscal policy, transit policy, WHO baby food code, Non-Proliferation Treaty, security and foreign policy, education, and humanitarian operations, conflict anticipation, analysis and resolution.
It provided good offices in the Teheran hostage crisis and subsequent hostage-takings, as well as in the Falklands/Malvinas, Iraq-Kuwait and former Yugoslavia conflicts.
It is specialized in League of Nations and UN-related works regarding human rights, indigenous peoples and minority protection in the former Soviet Union (Baltics, etc.), in Iraq and in former Yugoslavia. And it initiated studies on monotheism and participated in the preparations for the SLM Center.
The work of CORUM has been funded by various sources, including consulting contracts, sponsorships and donations. CORUM is associated a.o. with:
- Good
Offices Group of European Lawmakers;
International Committee for European Security and Cooperation (ICESC);
Swiss Investors Protection Association (SIPA, ASDI);
Mosul Vilayet Council.