Monday, June 18, 2001 9:38 AM
FW: Bandazhevsky condemned to 8 years of prison
Dear Friend, can you spread this news, also to the press ? thanks, we are so worried, and demand immediately adequate detention conditions and health care for Bandazhevsky who
is very ill. Last time they nearly killed him when he was kept in isolation.
Yours in Peace
Fernex, WILPF France
Dear Colleagues
The Military Court in Gomel has, a few moments ago, condemned Professor Yuri, I. Bandazhevsky, former Dean of the Medical Institute in Gomel to 8 years of prison.
There is no possible appeal against a verdict of the Military Court, only the Presidential Grace an international solidarity campaign will be launched soon.
This verdict was issued, although Bandazhevsky has always denied the corruption charges raised against him, and the accusers have declared to the Court that they had testified against him under constraint (menaces against their families, against them, drugs in their beverage).
Prof. Bandazhevsky showed the organic, anatomic and histological health damages caused by incorporated Cs137 in the Chernobyl victims, especially children living in the contaminated zones.
As the UNSCEAR maintains (May 2000) that the only consequences of Chernobyl are 1800 thyroïd cancers in children and teenagers, Bandazhevsky's findings were not politically correct and he had to be suppressed. Chernobyl happens to revive the Galileo Galilei tragedy
We are very sorry, Please, spread the news and help !
Fernex, PSR/IPPNW Switzerland
Fernex, WILPF France