of Chris Busby in Relation to the Millstone Reactors and Their Effect on
Local Health in Populations Living Near the Sea and River Estuaries.
March 2001
Christopher Charles Busby, of Green Audit, 38 Queen Street, Aberystwyth,
SY23 1PU UK , state as follows:
I hold
a First Class Honours degree in Chemistry from the University of London,
and also a PhD in Chemical Physics. I trained as a spectroscopist and worked
as a senior scientist in the pharmaceutical industry investigating drug-receptor
interactions. This gave me insights into the ways in which very small concentrations
of certain chemicals affect living systems. I also worked as a Research
Fellow in research which examined physical interactions of energy within
micro-structures and this enabled me to understand some of the processes
occurring when ionizing radiation interacts with matter. I was elected
to the Royal Society of Chemistry in 1974, and am presently a member of
the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology. I am the National
Speaker on Science and Technology for the Green Party of England and Wales.
I am the UK representative of the European Committee on Radiation Risk,
based in Brussels. I am scientific director of the independent environmental
research company, Green Audit, and scientific advisor to the Low Level
Radiation Campaign.
I have
given expert evidence on the health effects of exposure to low level ionizing
radiation to the European Parliament on three occasions and am presently
funded by the Green/EFA Group in the European Parliament to advise on radiation
risk models. I have also given two invited expert presentations on radiation
risk to the Royal Society (Committee on Depleted Uranium).
I am asked
to give my opinion as to the likely effects of chemical and radioactive
discharges from the Millstone Nuclear Plant in Waterford CT upon both aquatic
and coastal life and human populations living in areas affected by these
discharges. Whilst it is clear that the chemicals discharged, particularly
hydrazine, have the capacity to cause a wide range of harmful effects,
including cancer, to marine life or people who are exposed, it has been
known since the 1960s that the effects of chemical pollution are greatly
augmented by exposure to ionizing radiation. As Rachel Carson pointed out
in Silent Spring, the chemicals and radiation work synergistically
with a result that is greater than the sum of the individual effects.
My researches
have concentrated on exposure to ionizing radiation from isotopes discharged
from nuclear sites, and it is this I will concentrate upon. However, these
nuclear sites also discharge large quantities of chemical solvents and
other chemicals which may cause or increase the rate of progression of
tumours, and it should be assumed that the effects I will describe include
the combination of chemicals and radioisotopes which are released from
all nuclear power stations in varying proportions.
I will be addressing low-level radiation I will begin by defining this.
Low level radiation is defined as exposure doses below or comparable with
those given by natural background (i.e. below 5mSv). I have studied the
health effects of low-level exposure to ionizing radiation since 1987 and
in 1995 was funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust to produce a
book, Wings of Death, which outlines the early results of my researches.
In essence, it argues that exposure to low levels of man-made radioisotopes
causes cancer and a range of genetic-damage based illnesses at levels far
exceeding those predicted by the present radiation risk models and statutory
frameworks. The reason for the error lies principally in the averaging
methods used to calculate dose.
The methods
used to calculate dose involve averaging the energy transfer which occurs
on exposure to unit mass of tissue. This method has the advantage of utility
and may be accurate when applied to external irradiation, such as that
occurring in exposure to atomic bomb flashes or X-ray machines. However,
it is wrong to use it to establish risk from internal (ingested or inhaled)
radioactive atoms or particles which may give very high local energy density.
This is like comparing the energy transferred when warming oneself in front
of a fire with eating a hot coal. The dose is the same, but the effect
very different.
The main
reason for the difference in health effect between internal particle doses
and external averaged doses is described by the Second Event Theory, a
concept I developed in 1987. Briefly, cellular DNA is the target for ionizing
radiation and the results of exposure are somatic mutations. It is the
DNA mutations which lead to cancer and other illnesses. In the past twenty
years, research has shown that cells have the ability to repair mutations,
and when a sub-lethal ‘hit’ occurs the cell is forced into an irreversible
8-hour repair replication sequence during which it cannot effect a second
repair to any damage it receives. Thus, any fractionation of dose involving
two hits to a single cell inside an 8-hour period results in a very high
probability of introducing an invisible mutation which is not subsequently
repaired. Such events are vanishingly unlikely from external radiation
exposure below 1mSv (i.e. natural background) but may be conferred by internal
particle doses or from exposure to certain sequentially decaying man-made
1952, the planet has been increasingly contaminated by man-made radioisotopes
in atomic and particulate form from atmospheric weapons tests, nuclear
accidents and licensed releases from nuclear power stations and reprocessing
plants. The health effects of exposure to these substances have been discounted
by the nuclear regulators and their scientists, particularly the International
Committee for Radiological Protection (ICRP) on whose models most statutory
frameworks are based. These models are almost exclusively based on the
cancer yield of the Hiroshima bomb survivors and do not address other non-cancer
the models have been increasingly under attack in the last twenty years,
especially since the discovery of childhood leukemia and cancer clusters
near many sources of man-made radioactive contamination. For example, the
nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at Sellafield in Cumbria UK had an associated
leukemia risk in children of 10-fold in 1983. Similar excesses were discovered
at two other reprocessing plants in Europe. The conventional Hiroshima-based
risk model cannot predict the high leukemia yield for the doses calculated
in the affected children by a factor of between 100 and 300-fold. Such
an error has been deemed impossible by the authorities and so radiation
has been excluded as a cause on this basis.
In the
past fifteen years, following the Chernobyl accident, it was discovered
that there was a sharp rise in infant leukemia in the group of children
who were in the womb at the time of the fallout and internal contamination
due to the food chain inputs of radioisotopes. Through an analysis of infant
leukemia in Wales and Scotland together with reported excess leukemia in
similar groups from Germany, Greece and the US, I was able to show that
the combined data defined a mis-match between the predictions of the ICRP
and the observed leukemia yield of upwards of 100-fold. Because of the
large dataset and the five countries, the probability of the effect being
a chance one could be shown to be less than one in ten billion. Because
there could be no other competing explanation for the findings, this study
showed unequivocally that the errors of 100- fold suggested by the nuclear
site clusters discovered in the 1980s were real errors and that the operating
models of the ICRP were unsafe when applied to internal radiation. The
study was published in the peer-review journal, "Energy and Environment,"
in June 2001.
1997, I have been supported by the Government of the Republic of Ireland
to investigate the incidence of cancer in populations living near the Irish
Sea. I have been able to use two datasets, that of the Wales Cancer Registry
1974-89 and that of the Irish Cancer Registry 1994-1996. For both countries,
small area data were used to define cancer risk by distance from the sea.
This risk was calculated as Standardised Incidence Ratio which is defined
as: Observed number of cancer cases divided by the expected number of cancer
cases. This latter was calculated from the appropriate national age specific
rates and the small area census populations.
indicated quite specific effects existed in relation to proximity to the
sea. The highest cancer risks were in the population living within 1km
of the sea, and were driven by seaside towns close to large areas of radioactively
contaminated intertidal sediment. In Wales, an example was the town of
Bangor, close to the mud bank called the ‘Lavan Sands’ where concentrations
of Caesium-137 and Plutonium-239 had been regularly measured by government
survey teams. The origin of this material was Sellafield, 70 miles to the
north. The relative risk of childhood cancer in Bangor was over ten, based
on national averages. This means that some cause existed there which resulted
in ten times more cancer in children than there would be in an another
equivalent town where no such cause existed. There were also significantly
elevated levels of breast cancer, leukemia, colon cancer and all cancers.
The risk trend with distance from the sea was quiet specific, falling off
sharply inside the first few kilometres and then flattening out.
effects existed in the Irish data. Here I was also able to compare the
east and west coasts and show that the uncontaminated west coast did not
exhibit any coastal effect.
The overall
results could be interpreted most easily by looking at the studies which
examined the dispersion of radioisotopes released to the sea from the Sellafield
pipeline. I examined marine charts of the Irish Sea and tidal stream atlases.
I also examined many reports of measurements which showed the dispersion
of radioactivity from Sellafield. All studies agreed that the movement
was not described well by distance from the source but by the movement
of fine sediments in the Irish Sea. The radioactive material was shown
to bind preferentially to fine silts and it was discovered that it was
the tidal energy conditions which define where these silts finish up. Thus
areas of low tidal energy (gyres, bays, mud-flats, estuaries, tidal rivers,
inlets) are where the highest levels of radiation are measured. These are
also the areas where I found that local populations showed highest cancer
A number
of published studies in the 1980s drew attention to the phenomenon of sea-to-land
transfer of radioactive material from the intertidal zone. Thus the trend
in airborne Plutonium trapped in muslin screens placed at different distances
from the Irish Sea shows the same rapid fall off in the first few kilometres
with flattening thereafter found in my cancer data results. In addition,
Plutonium and Caesium-137 has been measured in autopsy specimens from England
and shows a correlation with distance from the Irish Sea. Highest levels
are found in the lymph nodes draining the lung, indicating that inhalation
is the exposure route. The decay of plutonium concentration with distance
from the sea follows the same trend as the trend in sodium chloride particles.
This trend has been established in the US as well.
Thus the
hypothesis which I developed to explain my findings was that radioactive
particles which became concentrated in intertidal sediment were driven
ashore by wind and wave action in the coastal zone and became inhaled by
local people. The translocation of such radioactive particles to the lymphatic
system via the lungs caused high local doses to various tissues which were
supplied with lymphatic vessels. I assumed that the external risk models
were in error by 100-fold for this type of exposure, a figure needed to
explain the Sellafield leukemia cluster but one ultimately justified by
the Chernobyl infant leukemias. It therefore follows that a test of this
hypothesis would be to examine other coastal sites where similar conditions
exist. The requirements are high population density living near intertidal
sediment which has been contaminated with radioactive discharged from a
nuclear site. At least two such test sites exist in the UK and I went and
looked at cancer mortality near these.
I therefore
looked at two nuclear sites near mud banks in the UK using the small area
cancer mortality data obtained from the Office for National Statistics.
I will briefly describe the results which are of interest in the present
case. The first nuclear site is the Power Station Complex at Hinkley Point
in Somerset. There are two reactors there, A and B. The first is a MAGNOX
type and the second an AGR. However, the radionuclide emissions from the
complex have the same materials in them that are released from Millstone;
it is just the quantities and proportions that differ. I attach evidence
of this from the tables given in the UNSCEAR 1993 report to the General
Assembly of the United Nations.
to the sea from the Hinkley point reactors, which began operation in 1967,
become attached to fine sediments on a very extensive offshore mud bank
called the Steart Flats. The town closest to the Steart Flats, Burnham
on Sea, was found to have more than twice the national average breast cancer
mortality in the period 1995-1999. All-malignancy and prostate cancer mortality
are also both significantly high. In addition the, trend of these cancers
with distance from the mud falls off in the same way as I found in Wales
and in Ireland. The effect is statistically significant. Measurements made
by MAFF show that the mud bank is indeed contaminated with material from
the reactor discharges. In addition, official measurements show that the
mud is about twice as radioactive (external gamma ray dose rate) than the
inland areas. I presented a review of this work to the EU- funded ASPIS
conference on the Island of Kos last year ("Is Cancer an Environmental
Disease?") and it has been accepted for publication in the proceedings
of the conference and will appear next year.
I have
also very recently examined breast cancer mortality in a similar study
near the Bradwell reactor in Essex. This reactor is on a tidal inlet, the
Blackwater. Results show the same effect. There is a doubling of breast
cancer mortality risk in the town of Maldon adjacent to the mud, and the
map shows general excess breast cancer mortality risk in this inlet as
compared with the next inlet south where there is no nuclear power station.
I have
examined data relating to radioactive discharges from the Millstone site.
This is given in the UNSCEAR 1993 report, referred to above. Tables 34
to 26 of that publication show that for the representative major releases
the plant is the worst of all Pressurised Water Reactors in the US. For
example, for Cobalt-60 releases in 1988, 29.7% of all Co-60 released by
all the 57 PWRs in the US came from Millstone. The mean Co-60 release from
the 57 PWRs was 5.8GBq (standard deviation s = 5.8) For the isotope Caesium-137,
the discharges from Millstone amounted to 26% of all the Caesium-137 discharges
form the 57 PWRs (mean = 44.62GBq; s = 4.62) Thus, the mean discharges
of these two dangerous gamma emitters is more than 5 standard deviations
from the mean. Since it is now universally accepted that all radiation
doses carry finite risk of cancer, this is a serious breach of the internationally
accepted ALARA principle that doses should be kept as low as possible.
In addition to Co-60 and Cs-137, Millstone releases very large amounts
of Tritium, an isotope of hydrogen that forms radioactive water and is
incorporated very easily into marine animals, where it carries finite risk
of cancer.
In further
evidence that Millstone is particularly dirty, I have seen a copy of a
letter from Senator Lieberman to the chairman of the NRC dated December
22nd 1993 in which the Senator draws attention to a confidential
industry evaluation which maintains that the station "has taken insufficient
action to minimise the volume and radioactivity of liquid waste releases."
He points out that this is in contradiction to the published NRC report
which states that the "operation exceeded regulatory requirements" and
that the effluent was "effectively monitored and controlled."
I have
examined marine charts of the area near Millstone (e.g. Maptech Vol 1 Edn
5,: Long Island Sound, Chart #27 Stratford Shoals to Newport Rhode Island
from Waterproof Charts Inc, Punta Gorda, Fla). I have also examined the
tidal stream atlas for the area (Eldridge Tide and Pilot Book 2001 Boston,
MA 2001). In addition, I have spoken with a local fisherman, Mr. Joe Besade,
who has knowledge of the area and conditions. I conclude that there are
significant differences between the tidal conditions in the area and those
which exist in the areas in the UK which I have studies. In particular,
the tidal energy in the Millstone area is greater and the tidal range less.
Thus there are fewer large areas of accretion zone intertidal sediment
on the coast. Indeed, much of the coastal zone bottom is sandy gravel.
However, patches of mud likely to contain radioisotopes seem to exist in
narrow inlets and in the tidal rivers which carry tidal deposits up to
15 miles inland. Supporting evidence for this belief is to be found in
a report in 1999 which drew attention to the presence of Cobalt-60 in mud
in Jordan Cove. (Gaboury Benoit in "Estuaries" 1999). In addition, there
is mud in slightly deeper water, according to Mr. Besade, who states that
a special type of mud anchor, a mushroom, is needed to moor boats.
the sediment conditions are not quite the same, and this may mean that
the discharges have not concentrated to quite the same extent as in the
UK cases, the populations living close to the sea in the area are very
much greater. And so the overall risk of cancer may be very great.
The main
differences in radioisotopes between Millstone and Hinkley/ Bradwell/ Oldbury
etc are that the releases from Millstone have much higher levels of the
gamma emitter Cobalt-60 and also Tritium. I would expect this to have an
effect on the spectrum of cancers and the yield but cannot predict what
this might be. Tritium levels are also high in surface sea water in the
Bristol Channel near small areas where I have established that excess breast
cancer mortality occurs.
to my study of Burnham on Sea (near Hinkley) and Maldon (near Bradwell)
there was anecdotal evidence of excess breast cancer. This apparently is
true of Millstone. I have seen a book, Millstone and Me, in which there
a number of accounts of cancer clusters near the inlets where I should
have predicted high levels of radioisotopes. There is some further information.
The State of Connecticut Tumour Registry reported in 1995 a study of cancer
incidence in four towns which fit my criterion of large population in proximity
to radioactively contaminated sediment. These were Waterford, New London,
East Lyme and Groton. Results showed that between 1989 and 1991 there was
a significant excess risk for all cancers (1.08; p<.05), female breast
cancer (1.20; p<.05), and uterine cancer (1.29; p<.05) In addition
there were non-significant excess risks for ovary cancer (1.35), and thyroid
cancer (1.60).
In addition,
there is a pointer from a study made by the National Cancer Institute into
cancer incidence in New London County ( Jablon et al. 1990) before and
after the operation of the Millstone plant began, results given below:
cancers New London County Standardised Incidence Ratio
Period |
Cases |
Ratio |
(before startup) |
2790 |
0.91 |
(after startup) |
3363 |
0.96 |
1976-80 |
4029 |
0.99 |
81-84 |
3595 |
0.99 |
(3-years) |
1478 |
1.02 |
Also there
is evidence that the iodine releases from the plant may have caused increases
in thyroid cancer. This is taken from a paper by J. Mangano in 1996 showing
Thyroid cancer in New London County.
Period |
Cases |
rates |
51-55 |
15 |
1.91 |
56-60 |
14 |
1.57 |
61-65 |
17 |
1.71 |
66-70 |
17 |
1.54 |
71-75 |
20 |
1.72 |
76-80 |
38 |
3.21 |
81-85 |
42 |
3.45 |
86-90 |
62 |
4.93 |
91-93 |
51 |
6.69 |
I finally conclude that sufficient evidence exists for me to believe that
the operation of the Millstone plant, like the nuclear power stations operating
near the sea in the UK, has caused increases in cancer in local populations
through similar mechanisms. The Millstone reactors are licensed to release
radioisotopes on the basis of erroneous models for radiation risk which
significantly understate their true risk. At very minimum, the case outlined
here should be examined in relation to the plant, and measurements of local
cancer rates should be made and examined in relation to measurements of
radioisotopes in persons, marine samples, sediments and air.
Since human cancer data is readily available, and human cancer is a major
human concern, my studies have concentrated on this as an indicator of
impact. The primary impact is a mutation in a living cell and this will
occur whatever the cell belongs to. Thus, the discovery of human cancer
increases correlated with radioactive discharges to the sea points to a
very much more profound effect on the animals and plants which live in
the sea and which are in contact with the radioactive particles. Many creatures
(oysters, clams, etc.) routinely filter and incorporate radioactive particles
from the mud. Impacts will include cancer but also, more significantly,
will include developmental abnormalities, foetal death and sterility and
genetic damage. I have no doubt that the operation of the Millstone plant
has and will continue to cause irreversible harm to life in the coastal
zone bordering it and in the rivers and inlets opening into Long Island
for the United Nations show that Millstone is the dirtiest reactor complex
in the US, accounting for about one third of all the major liquid discharge
isotopes (Caesium-137 and Cobalt-60) from the 57 Pressurized Water Reactors
in the US.
research on power reactors and nuclear sites near the sea in the UK shows
the existence of a sea-coast effect on cancer in four separate areas where
man-made radioisotopes have been measured in intertidal sediment. Persons
living within 1km of the sea have a significantly higher risk of cancer,
particularly breast cancer.
The explanation
of the effect is that sea-to-land transfer of the radioactivity results
in inhalation of the material and contamination of the lymphatic system.
This results in high local tissue dose, a circumstance not covered by the
present external radiation based risk models.
published analysis of infant leukemia increases in the group of children
who were in the womb over the period of the Chernobyl fallout indicates
unequivocally that the present external radiation risk models are incorrect
by a factor of at least 100-fold.
of the releases from Millstone, and also the particular tidal conditions
in Long Island Sound with the UK studies of similar power reactors also
releasing a range of the same isotopes, strongly suggest that the discharges
from the site have caused cancer in local coastal populations and irreparable
harm to marine and coastal life.