Hello everybody and welcome to this, our sixth newsletter dedicated to exposing the corrupt and fraudulent nature of HIV and AIDS. In this month’s issue:
Tanzanie stuck at customs.
in bureaucracy
Christmas Message
Our newsletter is now requested across the globe, and addresses are being added all the time. As a result, although you may not be a newcomer to the debate, with each newsletter, we always begin by clearly stating our beliefs on the subject of AIDS and HIV.
When even modest intellect is applied to the subject of AIDS and HIV, it quickly reveals a highly profitable industry at work, built on immoral and unscientific foundations. The vast amount of evidence giving a non-viral explanation for the thousands upon thousands of deaths in the so-called HIV pandemic, stands in stark contrast to the complete lack of evidence for the existence of HIV, the virus supposedly behind the deaths we have witnessed these last years. In fact, the reward offered to the conventional AIDS establishment for evidence that HIV exists remains uncollected.
It is also apparent that the multitudes of well-meaning localised agencies now involved in conventional AIDS/HIV care have not carried out their own research into the foundational ‘science’ of HIV, or into the vast industry now supported by this hypothesis. They have accepted all orthodox explanations at face value. They are now firmly fixated upon a viral plague, and firmly in support of western drug companies in their manufacture of toxic (and highly profitable) solutions to a supposedly ravaging ‘virus’. As a result of a naive trust in the conventional AIDS model, any work these agencies carry out of any practical human benefit is utterly lost to the far more damaging effects they wreak upon the individual through advocating dangerous conventional treatments, and upon society as a whole, through their support and promotion of the lie. To make matters worse, many of these agencies are continuing on with their death-inducing AIDS care ministrations, despite being in possession of reliably sourced evidence totally discrediting their position.
This perverse mixture of genuine ‘ground level’ naivety, wilful errant practice and intense media bias offers no real clue to the watching world as to what is really going on behind the scenes. In truth, HIV/AIDS is the most diabolical medical error the modern world has ever witnessed. The whole industry teeters on the HIV test which through its highly inaccurate diagnostic mechanism is continuing to deliver a false HIV positive diagnosis to thousand upon thousands of people, and at the same time, earning $billions in revenue for their manufacturers. This false diagnosis further lines the pockets of the pharmaceutical giants, who at vast profit, then sell the ‘antidote’ to the supposed AIDS diagnosis in the form of AZT and its derivatives. These drugs do nothing but harm, helping only to bring about the very ravaging illnesses so mistakenly attributed to HIV. and are as good a place as any to begin researching the deadly effects of AIDS drugs. In truth, any planetary threat to health arising from this current crisis will only be because the planet is being taught what to think about AIDS and HIV, but not how. People are dying as much out of ignorance, as they are at the hands of conscience-seared racketeering. And all the while, the uninitiated profusely clamour: "The medical establishment must conduct more research. We must develop more drugs….and please, please, pleeeease allow Africans the drugs they so desperately need!".
Africa does not need AIDS drugs. To put a swift end to the current African AIDS ‘pandemic’, all Africa needs to do is begin broadcasting the truth. Philippe Krynen is the director of Partage Tanzanie. Philippe began his adult life as a believer in the conventional AIDS model. He travelled to Africa to write a book on the subject, realised that the story the West was given on African AIDS was a complete lie, and is now at the sharp end of African care work.
Philippe stated. "Give us food, water and education… and you can forget about AZT"It really is that simple. In other words, give the African people what they need, allow them comment and input into to their own infrastructure and they will soon flourish.
No doubt some will argue that it’s all a lot more complicated than that. Please reserve judgement in this matter until you have read ‘Lively debate… or losing the plot?’
On the subject of African infrastructure, it is interesting to note that before the advent of overseas western meddling, more accurate world history documents Africa as having been a culturally sophisticated and thriving continent, rich in mineral deposits and other precious commodities. Between 1509 and 1513, Leo Africanus kept an account of his journeys in Africa. In his book ‘A Geographical Historie of Africa’ he describes one of the regions he visited. "…I myself saw fifteen kingdoms of the Negroes…. In Tombuto (Timbuktu) there are many shops and merchants and especially of such as weave linen and cotton cloth. And hither do the Barbarie (Barbary) merchants bring cloth of Europe… Corn, cattle, milk and butter this region yieldeth in great abundance…. Here are great store of doctors, judges, priests and other learned men that are bountifully maintained at the King’s court and charges…" In Africa’s Choices, author Michael Brown notes that Francis Bacon, the founder of modern European science, had to go to Morocco to learn mathematics.
Partage Tanzanie - stuck at customs.
Unfortunately though, times have moved on, and much of Africa is now in the vice-like grip of western-led financial institutions, who in the main are intent on supplying what Africa does not need or want. Equally, these same institutions are not allowing freedom of choice in fundamental matters - freedoms that relentless western media campaigns have successfully shaped us into believing as ‘very dangerous if allowed’.
As a consequence of western meddling, Philippe Krynen is facing a critical situation at this time. Philippe runs an orphanage in Tanzania, and out-reaches to some 5,000 needy people across a vast area called Kagera. Due to pressure from the IMF and World Bank on loan repayments, the Tanzanian government has levied import taxes of between 60 –100% on all goods coming into Tanzania. As a result, Philippe has 4,000 much-needed mosquito nets, three Packard Bell computers with longed-for email facility, and many other donated items - all just sitting at the central Tanzanian customs depot. These items have sat there for some months, requiring almost their full retail value before release. Of course Partage cannot afford to pay this sum. The effects of these import taxes are such that Partage Tanzanie and numerous other worthwhile NGO’s, who depend on imports to continue their vital work, face imminent closure. The work these agencies carry out to help the poor may soon cease. World Bank and IMF compassion for the Please see "Drop the debt? A drop in population more like."
Wonderfully, with regard to orthodox AIDS ‘news’, there has been a truth breakthrough in a mainstream paper in the UK! On the eve of World AIDS Day, the UK South Africa Times carried a full page article on the un-discussed side to AIDS and HIV and the many vested interests existing in this $multi-billion industry. The article also included a photograph of the skull-and-crossbones danger sticker to be found on the sides of bottles of AZT. This wonderfully frank SA Times UK report spares no punches and can be found at Please do send your comments to We have received encouraging feedback from the staff at South Africa Times UK so far. They have been impressed with the standard of reply, and have now put our name on file as an organisation available to bring counter-balance to future African AIDS articles that would otherwise contain only orthodox information. Good news too from Christine Maggiore.
A quick news flash as I'm out the door to our Alive & Well meeting: A surprising announcement from Nkosi Johnson, the 11 year-old AIDS activist from Johannesburg (also known as the little boy Robin and I interview in his film "Questioning AIDS in South Africa). On ABC World News Tonight, Nkosi told the world he's stopped his AIDS pharmaceuticals. While the brief segment goes on to suggest that Nkosi's health is on the decline, the latest word I have is that he's gained over 25 pounds and is doing well. The news may have profound reverberations since Nkosi has been a poweful voice for the AIDS mainstream since he first stepped into the media spotlight at age three. Also, ABC has tentatively rescheduled my segment for a date in January. Once we are certain, I will share this with all you all. C
We have had many requests for previous issues of Credence AIDS Updates, and have now set up an archive at
Hi, Steve! I'm getting your "Aids Updates" and am duly thankful. The thing is, I really think this issue should be BROADCASTED, but I live in Spanish-speaking Argentina. Do you have any material in Spanish I could e-mail around & post in e-mail groups & stuff? Thanks for your help, Gabriella.
news Gabriella. A big thank you to Brauli who has kindly offered to translate
all our updates into Spanish. His colleagues have also offered to look
at ways of getting ‘World Without AIDS’ translated for sale in Spain and
South America. Those wishing to look at a sample chapter in Spanish, please
go to
The Catalan language chapter of "World Without AIDS is at
Please feel free to contact Brauli at to retrieve the
Spanish updates, and to discuss your ideas.
The next link is a really quite shocking account of inaccurate HIV tests being manufactured by WDI, and sold as 100% accurate to the South African and Argentine governments. Thank you to the organisations that have very quickly posted this most necessary warning on their sites. Due to the serious nature and combined weight of these two articles, we have compiled a list of key email addresses for SA radio media outlets, and also for the South African Government. We would ask you to please drag’n’drop the addresses below, add as many of your own to the cc list, voice your opinion and post!!
Our recent exposure of WDI prompted a concerned telephone call to us from the Argentine Embassy here in the UK. They have since mailed the article to the necessary personnel in Argentina. To capitalise on this, if you’re reading this Gabriella, and any other Spanish/Argentine readers, please send the WDI story to as many Argentine media outlets as possible. You can submit the article to and an almost immediate basic translation is returned…..for free! It’s finer accuracy can only be determined by somebody fluent in both languages. Anybody out there who has perfected two languages, could they please let us know how precisely performs. With continued concerted effort, we will surely soon witness the long-awaited turn in the tide. AIDS critic and journalist Celia Farber once likened the true story of AIDS and HIV to that of an aeroplane. "Sooner or later, it’s just got to land."
Thank you all very much to all those sites who have posted our leaflet entitled "Health warning to expectant mothers" The leaflet prompted what is probably the first UK national radio discussion on the ethics of HIV testing for expectant mothers and the dangers of false HIV positive diagnosis.
go to
The leaflet is available from Please also visit for a shocking account of the destruction these drugs cause both mother and child. May doctors wake up to the deceit perpetrated by Glaxo Wellcome in their fraudulent promotion of AZT, the drug currently being administered to expectant mothers diagnosed as HIV positive.
Despite the glaring dangers of conventional AIDS care, the following replies still come back to us.
"I have just received a copy of your e-newsletter. I am aware of the arguments that your organisation espouses. I am tired of them and bored by them. You can keep your conspiracy theories to yourself, while we get on with the real business of fighting AIDS. Please take me off your mailing list. Susie McLean, Policy Development Officer, UK National Aids Trust.
This is surely a classic example of knowing the truth, and ‘wittingly’ refusing to do anything to rectify the situation. Some of Ms McLean’s policies will lead only to death.
Who is this idiot posting this rubbish? F**k off Steve or I’ll track you down. The Sudan Update, a publication seeking to encourage understanding of contemporary Sudan and promote informed dialogue towards peace and reconstruction.
Fortunately, the mail we receive in support of our newsletter far outweighs the communiques posted above.
Thanks Steve I have started printing the HIV and pregnancy advice leaflet. I will take a sackful of them everywhere we go. I hope Credence do a cancer leaflet like this one, as I would definitely like a template for that as well. Bye for now
Hello Steve, I just wanted to tell you that your newsletter is great. Is it OK if I print it out and give it to others too? Thanks Chris B. [print away Chris, print away!]
Dear Steve: Thanks so much for this excellent source. I forwarded it to some others who I know will be interested in it. I very much appreciate you sending it to me. Best wishes, Jerry.
HOLA! : Me ha gustado mucho vuestro boletín.Gracias por hacerlo. Salud, Andrés.
Steve, I'm not sure who you are or how you got my e-mail address... but God bless you and I'm so glad you did. Please continue to send me any and all info you might have. Thank you, C
Hello V, it’s Steve Ransom from ‘World Without Aids’ here. I was just wondering how you are doing. How are you coping after your probably quite shocking adjustment? [since reading our book] Do let us know if there is anything we can do. Steve
Hi Steve, nice hearing from you. I am doing quite well. I mean, at times I feel it is too good to be true. But I want it to be true and I feel it is true. I am talking, of course, about the HIV=NO AIDS. I have talked to a few people and some of them have decided to read the book. Apparently, one of my friends is in touch with Credence to negotiate for a possible translation of the book in the Italian language.[we are in touch with somebody over an Italian translation] I truly feel we need this book in Italy.
know Steve, at times (rarely I must admit) I fear that we are all wrong
and that the HIV is really causing AIDS (it happens if I feel sick). But
every time I read your newsletter I feel more convinced and strong about
this issue. I mean, there is a big part of me that truly believes it and
maybe, another part of me which cannot accept the fact that there are people
out there who are trying to make money playing with our lives… I have lost
quite a lot and now I am trying, once again, to build my life. But I am
a fighter and I have always fought my battles. I just can't wait for the
day when the truth will come out. Maybe, the people responsible for this
mess will pay for what they have done. By the way, I haven't had a blood
test since I read the book. I was meant to do it in September. I felt and
feel that it is a WASTE of time. As I said before, I feel normal and alive.
Yes, I have my fears, but overall my life has changed quite a lot. It takes
time to repair the damage that the HIV news has caused me. But I am sure
things will improve, fears will disappear and my life will be back to normal.
Thank you for your support. I will appreciate any feedback you feel you
want to give me,
Vince’s letter along with several others has prompted us with an idea. If you have been diagnosed HIV positive, and you want to talk to someone else who knows and understands the walk you’re walking, then do send in your email address. We will put you in touch with each other. And if it is your wish, in our next issue we will post the addresses. Please indicate yours if you write to us. We know that there are many out there who read this letter who fully ‘know the score’ and will want to encourage you and offer support.
Thanks To Don from South Africa for pointing out to us that in our last newsletter, we were unfair to collectively describe WHO as heinous, and unfair also in accusing the 5000 or so Durban Declaration signatories of signing for fear of losing grants and income. We apologise to those persons working for WHO and related organisations, who are carrying out their duties in good faith. We apologise also to any signatories to the Durban Declaration, who signed in good faith.
We would remind readers however that the overarching structure of WHO has a proven track record of profoundly anti-human activities. And with regard to the Durban declaration, despite the fact that some well-intentioned professionals will have signed up to the validity of HIV and its supporting infrastructure, there remain too many unanswered fundamentals for the document to hold any scientific worth. Please go to this rebuttal for a competent deconstruction of the Durban Declaration. Having said that, Don’s letter was a valuable reminder to maintain precision and clarity of statement. And with regard to the SA Times UK article, Professor Gordon Stewart wishes it to be made known that despite the challenging nature of the article, he is keen only to promote dialogue and convergence between opposing parties.
WorldNetDaily are running a campaign to ask readers to tell them what is the most under-reported news story of 2000. I wonder what that might be…? Credence Publications has consistently been sending information to WND. Please submit your story to, and copy to,, and, This forum has a very wide readership, and we have recently been in communication with managing editor D Kupelian, who has requested information from ourselves. A breakthrough on the horizon?
It is the year 2000 and Noah lives somewhere in the western hemisphere. The Lord speaks to Noah and says, "In one year, I am going to make it rain and cover the whole earth with water until all is destroyed. But I want you to save the righteous people and two of every kind of living thing on the earth. Therefore, I am commanding you to build an Ark." In a flash of lightning, God delivered the specifications for an Ark. Fearful and trembling, Noah took the plans and agreed to build the Ark. "Remember," said the Lord, "You must complete the Ark and bring everything aboard in one year." Exactly one year later, a fierce storm cloud covered the earth and all the seas of the earth went into a tumult. The Lord saw Noah sitting in his front yard weeping. "Noah," said the Lord, "where is the Ark?"
"Lord, please forgive me!" cried Noah. "I did my best, but there were big problems. First, I had to get a construction permit and your plans did not comply with the necessary codes. I had to hire an engineering firm and redraw the plans. Then I got into a fight with Navigational Safety over whether or not the Ark needed a fire sprinkler system and floatation devices. Then my neighbour objected, claiming I was violating local zoning ordinances by building the Ark in my front yard, so I had to get a variance from planning. I had problems getting enough wood for the Ark, because there was a ban on cutting trees to protect the Spotted Owl. I finally convinced the. Forestry Commission that I needed the wood to actually save the owl. However, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Wildlife Services won't let me catch any owls. So, no owls. The carpenters formed a union and went out on strike. I had to negotiate a settlement with Union Representation. Now I have 16 carpenters on the Ark, but still no owls.
On rounding up the other animals, I was served a writ by a local animal rights group. They objected to me only taking two of each kind aboard. Just when I managed to get the writ overturned, the Environmental Agency notified me that I could not complete the Ark without filing an environmental impact statement on your proposed flood. They didn't take very kindly to the idea that they had no jurisdiction over the conduct of the Creator of the universe. Then the Army Engineering Corps demanded a map of the proposed new flood plan. I sent them a globe.
Right now, I am trying to resolve a complaint filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that I am practising discrimination by not taking godless, unbelieving people aboard! The Tax Office has seized my assets, claiming that I'm building the Ark in preparation to flee the country with substantial capital assets. I have just received a notice from the local harbour authority that I owe them some kind of user tax and have failed to register the Ark as a "recreational water craft." Finally, I have just been issued with an injunction against further construction from some US governmental department saying that since this proposed flood is going to be a global affair, and that it is God’s idea, it is actually a religious event and therefore, unconstitutional. All in all Lord, I really don't think I can finish the Ark for another 5 or 6 years!" Noah wailed.
The sky began to clear, the sun began to shine and the seas began to calm. A rainbow arched across the sky. Noah looked up hopefully. "You mean you are not going to destroy the earth, Lord.?"
said the Lord. "What I had intended, your governments are now managing
If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to are richer than 75% of this world.
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.
If you woke up this morning with more health than are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.
If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of are ahead of 500 million people in the world.
If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or are more blessed than three billion people in the world.
If your parents are still alive and still are blessed with a family that is very rare.
If you hold your head up with a smile on your face and are truly thankful ... you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.
If today, you can hold someone's hand, hug them or even touch them on the shoulder ... you are blessed because you have made contact with another human being.
If you can read this message, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world who cannot read at all. Count your blessings, and pass this message along to remind others how blessed we all are.
May God Bless you and those you love, and keep you safe this Christmas time.
Until the new year!
Steve Ransom.
"Be still and know that I am God." ~Psalm 46:10