Dear reader, welcome to our monthly newsletter dedicated to exposing the fraudulence and lies surrounding AIDS and HIV. We have had some wonderfully encouraging personal letters from across the world, and also some very encouraging news items which we will share with you in this update.
AID$ is now a vast and highly profitable industry. We believe this industry owes its existence solely to the fact that interested media/politico/pharmaceutical parties are given free reign to promote fanciful theories on the existence of a virally induced plague, and are then given equally free reign to specifically manufacture highly toxic drugs in order to halt the ravaging effects of the supposed killer virus. AIDS drugs bring about the very symptoms we associate with AIDS. If we think about it, this scenario represents almost the perfect circle. To date, in the west, AIDS deaths have not been the result any virus. (In fact, even at the very latest AIDS conference held in Durbanin July 2000, no-one could produce any evidence for the existence of HIV. All that the AIDS 'experts' could produce as evidence was'The Durban Declaration' a 5,000 signature petition, claiming that HIV did indeed exist. To the more clued-up in the AIDS debate however, this petition represented only a collective fear that the lucrative AID$ gravy train was about to suffer a catastrophic derailment.
We re-iterate that AIDS deaths in the west have predominantly been the result of the ghastly effects of AIDS drugs themselves. AZT and its derivatives have directly brought aboutthousands upon thousands of needless deaths. These same drugs were responsible for those haggard, gaunt front page images which were driven home to us so incessantly in those early years. Who amongstthe less enlightenedcannot but help associate HIV with the tag 'merciless killer virus' after having feasted their eyes upon the last days of Arthur Ashe, Rock Hudson, Freddie Mercury and other remembered AIDS icons? Does the fact that these same men each ingested vast quantities of AZT (the darling of AIDS drugs) perhaps account for their grim demise? Yes it does. Quite shockingly, 'death by prescription'offers a coherent explanation for the untimely deaths of these men and thousands upon thousands men like them. (Is there afilm critic reading this somewhere who would now like to offer to re-review the Tom Hanks film 'Philadelphia' ?)
The fact that A (the ill health and/or death of a loved one) is believed to be the result of B, (a ‘strange novel virus’) whilst taking no account of C, (other mitigating factors such as the drugs themselves) this mental faux-pas is the curse that bedevils analytic thought in AIDS ‘science’ today. Commenting on the need for intellectual rigour when seeking to establish cause and effect in medicine, Geoff Watts writes the following in his book ‘Pleasing the Patient’.
"Another trap for the unwary lies in the failure to distinguish between association and causation. The fact that two things repeatedly happen at the same time doesn’t mean that one is necessarily the consequence of the other. Both may be the result of some third event of which the observer is unaware."
Apart from the highly toxic prescribed drugs which were directly contributing to the wasting away and the ravaging immuno-deficient disorders seen in these men, ourall-important 'C' factor was also very much represented by 'poisoning through excessive and toxic lifestyle'. In the well documented case of Freddie Mercury, we can read about his cocaine parties which were legendary. His non-stop partying lifestyle was alifestyle also indulged in by thousands of other gay men and heterosexual swingers.
Gary Null is an independent AIDS researcher whose work has taken him around the world, resulting in film documentaries, countless interviews with medical personnel and media articles presenting his findings. Null runs his own nutrition clinic and hosts Natural Living on New York City’s WBAI Radio. During the 1970s and early 1980s, Null spent a great number of hours interviewing literally hundreds of hetero- and homosexuals. He witnessed first-hand the effects of a relentless lifestyle:
"I went to the baths, to the night-clubs and I would hang out and interview people. I knew people who were partying ten hours a night, seven nights a week, for two or three years straight. There were two guys who lived nearby, and I spoke to them on a regular basis when I was out there. I watched them physically deteriorate. In less than six months, I saw them go from being really masculine and pumped-up bodybuilders, to just shells, emaciated… I found only two percent of people were doing it because they wanted to hurt themselves. Most of them just loved what they were doing. It was just like taking a kid and putting him in a candy shop. They wanted to eat everything in there, and the fact that they were going to get sick - well, you know ‘…the sickness will pass, let’s keep gorging!’ "excerpted from 'World Without AIDS'
Who's body wouldn't cave in eventually? No virus is needed to explain death under these circumstances. As an aside, Credence Publications attempted to contactBrian May, lead guitarist with Queen, togive him the opportunity of reading the real reasons for the untimely demise of Freddie. To date, we have received no reply. Have too many red ribbon AIDS benefit concerts been performed perhaps to now question Freddie's death?
But what about those people deemed HIV positive,who did not in any way live life in the fast lane? How did they die? And it is here that we introduce yet another vital factor into this equation - the standard AIDS test.
Submitting a blood sample for an AIDS test is not a good move at all. This test has the documented capacityto react positively to somesixty different physiological and medical conditions, wholly unrelated to the presence of any supposed virus in the bloodstream. (Please see update 4) How many men and women were given their HIV death sentence as a result of innocently consulting the orthodox medical priest and submitting themselves to the 'test'? Answer...every single one of them.
And out of thousands and thousands of people handed this meaningless, life-shattering sentence, how many of them atpoint of mis-diagnosis would have been in good physical health, and would not have fallen into the recognised 'risk group',? Answer, thousands. How many mis-diagnosed individuals were only at the doctors because of a feeling of general malaise, or were there in response to the screaming media headlines, because they had accidently pricked, cut, grazed themselves with an at-risk instrument (whatever that means)? Answer, thousands.How manywere consulting the doctor because they hadperhaps only just recently returned from an 'at risk' country (whatever that means) or who felt that they might have come into contact withsomeone suspected of being 'HIV-armed and dangerous'? Answer, again thousands.And in an all out medical effort to wisely 'treat' these thousands, doctors advised the patients thus:"..look, there's nothing too much to worry about here, it's a long shot...but just to cover all possibilities, have you considered an AIDS test?"
For the trusting patient, this seemingly inconsequential consultation would then go on to mark the beginning of the ruination of the rest of their lives.Truly, the unedited history of Western AIDS is a medical nightmare. And it is not complicated to unravel. The nightmare is plainly visible for those who have eyes and minds to see and a will to understand.
And today, in Africa and other so-called third world countries, this nightmare is continuing and growing more frightening as each day goes by. Not because of any viral pandemic, sweeping across the plains of Africa, but because of an orchestrated pandemic of lies and deceit, sweeping across the globe via a wholly Western-controlled media campaign. In actual fact, it is pre-existing illnesses (the majority of which could be treated relatively easily and cheaply, but which are not) which are now accounting for so much of these spiralling conventional AIDS death statistics. The World Health Organisation, World Bank, UNAIDS, associated UN organisations, the pharmaceutical giants and related media colleagues etc., are manipulating the current AIDS 'epidemic' in order to continue with their scare-mongering money-making AIDS DEATH HEADLINES, and to continue 'pharma-biz' as usual. More shamefully, these heinous organisations are now colluding in the delivery of highly toxic drugs into Africa and other so-called third world countries, with the express intent of using these drugs as a form of population control in the recipient nations. The World Bank and the IMF are granting loans to HIPC's (heavily indebted poor countries) only if they agree to spend a considerable proportion of that loan on combating AIDS... 'the dreadful disease ravaging their poor country'.Clothed in the philanthropic cloak of 'poverty reduction programmes', these loans are actually a self-financing form of self-poisoning, and is yet another example of the almost perfect circle....'we will lend you money for you to buy drugs that will kill you.'
This form of population control is of course grusomely crude in its end delivery.African people with their real illnesses will surely be 'ignored'to death, as at the same time the whole world naively looks on at the 'sterling efforts' of agencies who, in reality are really only poisoning people with unnecessary drugs. This crudity is offsetby the tactical, almost admirable genius of those who have orchestrated this plan. They have demonstratedabsolute mastery in their ability to manipulate the human psyche to such an extent that we now actually believe these organisations are motivated by a genuine concern for mankind, and that ‘world good health’ is their primary objective. Nothing could be further from the truth. Fortunately though, you cannot fool all of the people all of thetime.
The founding father and financier behind the global business of conventional pharmaceutical care was none other than JD Rockefeller. A staunch population control adherent, JD once addressed a Sunday school class with the following words "The American Beauty Rose can be produced only by sacrificing the buds that grow up around it." Rockefeller philosophies such as these prompted one critic of this notorious 'family' to write "Those who fornicated with the devil and deceived all the kings and the wealthiest men of all the nations are the Rockefellers." Readers interested in finding out more about the origins of that behemoth otherwise known as the pharmaceutical industry should visit and check out ‘The Pharmaceutical Drugs Racket’. Also, a news story from October 5th at contains a link to a Rockefeller planning meeting where this family firm are seeking to achieve "health equity" for the beleaguered African nations. Publicly masquerading as angels of light, the Rockefellers are pondering onhow their Foundation might best deliver 'much needed AIDS drugsto these desperate people'. For a concise account of just what is going on behind the scenes in the AID$ inc. debate, visit and get hold of a copy of our book. We didn't write World Without AIDS to hide it under a bushel! We wrote it primarily to save lives. A day of reckoning will surely come for these rich, exploitative few. It will surely come.
Pregnancy and the HIV test.
For our first item, we have included a leaflet highlighting the dangers of submitting to the wholly unscientific AIDS test. The leaflet will need reformatting for a more professional look, unless anyone has learnt the secret of footnotes and justification both sides in email correspondence! We are confident however that this leaflet will prove to be a valuable frontline tool. Credence Publications is determined to see warning leaflets such as these distributed to all sexual health and pregnancy advice centres across the UK, the US and any other country where the AIDS test is mandatory or recommended for expectant mothers. We would ask you to take time out to email or print off and deliver these leaflets to your nearest pregnancy/health centre and /or local paper. The numbers you see in brackets in the text refer to footnotes at the bottom of the page.
If you have recently become pregnant, you will be recommended to take the HIV test as part of a standardised antenatal care package. In England, recommending the HIV test to all expectant mothers is now standard antenatal procedure(1). The HIV test is highly inaccurate, it remains scientifically unproven and should be refused on the following grounds.
1.All manufacturers of these tests include the following or similar disclaimer in with their test kits. "At present, there is no recognised standard for establishing the presence or absence of antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV- 2 in human blood." (2).
2.The reason for this disclaimer is because the AIDS test does not measure the presence of a virus. (3) The AIDS test has been designed to detect levels of antibody activity in the blood. Antibody activity in the blood stream is a normal occurrence in humans, but is being misinterpreted by the AIDS test as indicating the presence of HIV.
3.As a result of this misinterpretation, healthy individuals are being wrongly diagnosed as HIV positive. Since this information has come to light, in excess of 60 different medical conditions have been recorded that can give rise to a false HIV positive reading. These separate conditions include flu, flu jab, malaria, tetanus jab, Hepatitis A and B, Hepatitis jabs, alcohol and drug use, recent viral infections and even pregnancy. (4) Receiving a spurious but wholly devastating diagnosis of HIV positive will prompt your doctor to recommend a course of anti- HIV drugs. Known as Protease Inhibitors or anti-retrovirals, these drugs are highly toxic. They have the well-documented capacity to harm the mother, and also to severely deformand even kill the unborn child. (5)
4.The current levels of spending on AIDS drugs in the Western World is phenomenal. So too are the profits enjoyed by the AIDS drug manufacturers. As a result, the information contained in this leaflet is largely being ignored by the orthodox medical establishment. Sadly, this is not an unexpected reaction. The pursuit of profit at the expense of health, the continued wilful employment of flawed medical procedure, the administration of dangerously toxic drugs to expectant mothers, the disregard for the plight of thousands upon thousands of wrongly diagnosed people, and a refusal by the orthodox medical establishment to listen to sound contrary evidence or to admit medical negligence, all these are the hallmarks of that once-respected drug thalidomide. Do not let you and your child face the possibility of becoming another heartbreaking medical statistic.
1. Refer to "Review of antenatal testing services, NHS Regional Office, London, UK Dept of Health." Recommending the HIV test became UK national policy in July 1999, and is now mandatory in some US states.
2. The above disclaimer is included in all Abbott ‘AXSYM’ Aids tests, the world’s leading supplier of AIDS test kits.
3. Monetary rewards offered to leading organisations within the scientific community by concerned organisations, for reasonable evidence that HIV exists remain uncollected.
4. Johnson, Christine, Continuum Magazine, September 1996. Maggiore, Christine. What if Everything You Knew about AIDS was Wrong? An Alive and Well Publication , April 2000. Ransom & Day, World Without AIDS. Credence Publications, July 2000
5. Kumar et al, reporting on AIDS drugs being linked to deformities and spontaneous abortions, Journal of acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 7; 1034-9, 1994.JAMA Journal of American Medical Association, Jan 5th 2000, reporting on incidents of liver damage. World Without AIDS, AZT and enlarged craniums in infants. Refer to index/hiv-test/factors, for a more comprehensive list of scientific references which catalogue the damage caused by AIDS drugs.
And now for some of your letters.
This is an abridged letter from Namibia.
Dear Steve, your Update No.4 was really enlightening. Hosea said "We are perishing because of ignorance." I salute Phillippe Krynen for what he is doing out inTanzania. I am doing the same with sick relatives and friends, but would appreciate if I could do it for a thousand Namibians. I discussed this 2 weeks ago with a doctor to open a centre somewhere here, and I categorically assured him that right food, clean water, positive thinking and counselling would be my major contribution. I visited the most affected region of my country last year. The real problems are poverty, lack of knowledge, poor water and sanitation and housing and malnutrition, malaria, TB and schistosomiasis. The published leading cause of death is HIV/AIDS and all are made to believe it. May God prosper your undertakings in this genuine battle, Josephine
Josephine has begun a Q&A page, and would love to hear from you. Please visit her at
Dear Steve, You seem to be having trouble with the term "dissenters" [it is actually the term 'dissident' that I struggle with] but all it meansis someone does not agree with you. I don't think you will find a better word even in Roget's Thesaurus but here are some other definitions to ponder.
THE SEMATICS OF POISONING. Death of a child from a household poison is considered an accident. If the victim was depressed and deliberately takes a poison, it is referred to as a suicide. Giving another person a poison is murder unless it is a court ordered lethal injection of a convicted criminal which we term an execution. Treatment of HIV with the highly toxic nucleoside analogs and the equally damaging protease inhibitors is lethal ifcontinued. So what do you call this type of poisoning that is prescribed by a doctor and voluntarily taken by a very frightened and misinformed patient? Being prescribed it is no accident. The patient wanted to live so it's not a suicide. Nor is it a legal execution because there was no trial, the doctor committed the crime but the patient pays the penalty with a slow painful death. Sorta leaves us with one definition. R G Murray
Dear Steve, your news letter is great. Good work. Can you also add my friend. Alex
Hi Steve, I thought I would pass on this bit of encouraging information. Here in Winston-Salem, NC I actively send letters to the mayor, health department, ASO's and I recently sent our Senator, John Edwards, information on mandatory testing and mandatory medications. I included information on AZT and urged him to read the original clinical trials of AZT. Today his office called me and wanted to talk about HIV and testing and medications. I was told his office opposes forcing women to take medications while pregnant. Thought you might like to know, at least one person in office hasn't likened me to a holocaust denier. Take care, Theodora.
Pray for John Edwards as he considers the information he has been given.
Dear Dissident Friends, The German Robert Koch-Institut (RIK) is one of the mainstream bastions. It now reacts to the HIV-AIDS critique. Be surprised! Ola D.
You can visit the Koch site at
Steve, I also have plenty of pictures of HIV. Could we publish it in the
Telegraph Newspapers? It's here, take it for free: than Highfield's! (See Credence AIDS
Update 4)
Thanks very much for your newsletter. I don't know how I got on your mailing list, but *don't* remove me. Fantastic work. JM
To Mr.Roger Highfield,I am following with great interest the debate on HIV/AIDS and in particular the official statements given by our President Thabo Mbeki. Recently I could read the edition "World without AIDS" of the Credence Publications, and I was surprised about the revelations made therein. After 22 years in international executive positions of the German/Swiss pharmaceutical industry, I wouldappreciate very much to get unbiased information to make up my mind on the various issues related with HIV/AIDS. In your above mentioned science report, you are using misleading photos/information according to Credence Publications, which are not helping to find answers to the ongoing debate, unless your intentions are, as stated by Credence Publications, to protect the multi million $ income of the pharmaceutical industry. I believe that the research pharmaceutical industry does not need this kind of "protection"!Would you please comment on the allegations of Credence Publications concerning your above article, and keep me posted.
Yours sincerely, Dr.K.J.StahlSouth Africa
Since this letter, Roger Highfield has penned an equally mis-informed article on HIV, dated Wed 25th Oct 2000, this time using a different picture again of the supposed virus. To make matters worse, (if things could actually get any worse) Highfield trawled all information and pictures for his article from the Wellcome Foundation library. When I pointed out to Highfield in a telephone conversation that this was a wholly biased source of information, and the equivalent of asking Alex Ferguson to referee a Manchester United match, (Ferguson being United's manager of course) Highfield could say nothing other than to try and cast aspersions on my mental well-being. ISuffering no mental imbalances, I am pleased to report that since our last update Highfield has had to change his email address, such was the volume of mail he received calling him to account for his shallow reporting. His new address is Be assured that we shall be continuing to call these writers and editors to account, and that gaining access to their curiously protected email addresses presents little difficulty. And to medical/scientific reporters who write in a similarly fanciful vein to Highfield, may we suggest they check in atwww.spine-donors'R' There they will perhaps find the suitable backbone to equip them to write objectively, and in truth. To date the wages of Highfield et al are met by the shadowy set, to whom all must bow and forfeit their good character. "As you well know Roger, the immensely wealthy and influential Conrad Black owns your newspaper, literally hundreds of other newspaper and magazine titles, and more importantly...he owns you too. To be quite frank, Roger,you really are best out of it. Resign from your puppet post, pen something on AIDS that is at least truthful...and sleep a little better at night"
Below is a very interesting article.I have taken the liberty of adding my own title,choosing to call it:
AIDS by any other name. October 19 2000. The Natal Witness.
While cholera rages in KZN, about 43 000 South Africans die from diarrhoea every year, more than from crime, political violence, motor accidents and tuberculosis.
ABOUT 40 people with diarrhoea are treated at the Dududu clinic every month. "Almost all households around this area have no sanitation and water and, as a result, they suffer from diarrhoea," explains Sister Nothando Dlangadla. Many peoplereturn within weeks for the same treatment. "Just two weeks ago a child died of diarrhoea and malnutrition," says Sister Bussie Parkies, who works at PhilaniClinic on the south coast.
Because of the magnitude of the problem in the area, Parkies is heading a group of primary health-care field workers who teach the community about personal and environmental hygiene. Although government has put bore holes in some parts of the area, Parkies says that even the water from bore holes is not clean. "Faeces seepsinto soil and water from bore holes becomes contaminated." A sample ofbore hole water taken by the clinic contained faecal matter. According to Numusa Nkabinde, the Ugu North district primary health-care co-ordinator based at Scottsbourgh Hospital, diarrhoeal diseases are especially prevalent in informal settlements. "This is due to poor sanitation. Safe water remains a problem in the district and most rural communities use boreholes and pits which dry up sometimes."
Many of the reported cases in the south coast come from an informal settlement in Umzinto near Port Shepstone. "People there don't have clean water and there are no bore holes or taps. They get drinking water from the nearby rivers." Nkabinde says the high rate of unemployment in rural areas makes it difficult for people tobuy chlorine for purifying water. "We don't encourage them to boil water because boiling is unreliable and they don't have money for fuel or wood for making a fire. Instead, we teach them to put a teaspoon of Jik into 25 litres of water."
In the Ndwedwe district, north of Durban, Medical Care Development International, based at the University of Natal, is training communities, especially women, on how to prevent and treat children with diarrhoea. Training co-ordinator Thuli Ngidi and project manager David Patterson say that one-third of the children in Ndwedwe suffer from diarrhoea. Even though the local clinic and the departments of environmentand agriculture have been running health education programmes in the area, the problem still persists. Sister Bongekile Khuluse, head of the Ndwedwe clinic, says they treat about 600 diarrhoea cases each month. Hot summers increase the number. "We rely on the community to chlorinate water but people are illiterate. So weare not doing it the right way. But now we have embarked on aggressive health education," Khuluse explains. "Since 1995, through our co-ordinated interventions, we have been able to reduce the severity of the illness and few people are dying from the disease." In the past, she says, some people died before reaching the clinic. "These were people who did not come to the clinic, hoping that they would recover at home, while at the same time drinking the dirty water which was the source of their illness. Others had no transport to take them to the clinic." She identified the lack of sanitation and clean water as the main reason why many people still suffer from diarrhoea in the Ndwedwe area.
A major problem is that some traditional people and the Nazareths, a religious group in the area, do not want to use toilets. Khuluse says some members of thecommunity are still reluctant to add chlorine to the water. They argue that they have been drinking river water for generations and complain that water diluted with Jik smells bad. Villager Mphikiseni Mthiya says that people have not been properly educated on hygiene. "It is common to see faeces floating in the water and other dirty material." Mthiya says people upstream swim, bath and wash clothes in the riverwhile villages further down the river depend on the same water for drinking purposes. Mthiya appealed to government to provide each household with clean water and sanitation facilities. "Our attempts since 1995 to get water from the Umgeni Water, which is running a project in this area, have failed," says Qhoshani Ntuli.
The Umgeni Water Board has a water project in Ndwedwe, but it only covers a small portion of the area. Umgeni official Ellias Bhengu says that the water projects in the area were not a response to diarrhoea. Although some communities initiated small water projects, such as the Kwa Nyuswa Water Project, as a response to diarrhoea, many of them collapsed because people had no money to fix the engines when they were broken.
The above article brings home the long-running sanitation troubles afflicting so-called 'AIDS ravaged' Africa. It also delivers proper context to a disease that is relatively simple to diagnose and treat. The nextlink gives usa factual report by the same newspaper on the ravaging effects of cholera in Africa. Unfortunately, diarrhoea and cholera are illnesses that have now been cynically lumped together with other common African pre-existing illnesses, and classified by UN agencies as the killer AIDS. The only medicines touted as the cure for this plague are the highly toxic and very expensive AIDS drugs. Food and clean water is of course the sensible answer here. But not according to WHO, World Bank, IMF, UNAIDS, USAID, UNDP and associated agencies. Their answer is drugs, drugs and more drugs. It is interesting to note that the African epidemic is not ravaging middle class South Africa, where food and water are in plentiful supply. No, it is only ravaging the shanty towns. Wake up world. "My people die through lack of knowledge" Hosea.
This next article is excellent, and gives fascinating insight into the politics and the power bases behind AIDS today. It isfairly lengthy, but it is an absolute must. Perhaps go and make yourself a cup of tea at this point, and return refreshed for an enlightening read!
By Patricia Nell Warren
Originally Published In A & U Magazine (7/2000)
Earlier this year, South African president Thabo Mbeki, already known as an independent thinker, made world headlines when he sent hand-addressed letters about AIDS to President Clinton, and to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and other world leaders.
What grabbed the headlines was Mbeki's questioning whether Western approaches to AIDS theory and treatment were right for African countries. Mbeki defended his right to consult with AIDS dissenters. He asserted that it "would constitute a criminal betrayal of our responsibility to our own people" if his government did not explore all avenues of combating AIDS. According to the Washington Post, Mbeki "stepped up an emotional controversy over his country's response to AIDS, saying Africans should chart their own course on the disease."
Headlines also dwelled on Mbeki's invitation to several noted dissenters to participate in an AIDS advisory panel prior to the upcoming 13th International Conference on AIDS to be held in Durban, South Africa in July. His letter expressed concern about pressures on South Africa to treat pregnant HIV+ mothers and babies with some drugs. Mbeki said he had asked his government to investigate growing controversy about "the toxicity of certain drugs." According to a recent AP report, several deaths of South African mothers and children had been attributed to AZT poisoning.
According to the Washington Post, the White House tried to cover up Mbeki's letter. After all, Mbeki was upsetting apple carts for U.S. officials trying to squelch AIDS dissent at home. The Post said: "The Clinton administration restricted distribution of the five-page letter, dated April 3, in an effort to prevent it from becoming public. Several Clinton administration officials and foreign diplomats expressed dismay at Mbeki's decision to intensify what they see as a diversionary dispute and to bring it to a potentially volatile international forum. One official made a copy of the letter available to the Washington Post, and South Africa's U.N. ambassador, Dumisani Kumalo, confirmed its authenticity."
Opposition parties in South Africa, as well as officials and AIDS activists in the U.S. countries, stirred up a firestorm of outrage at Mbeki's actions. As I write this article, Mbeki is under fierce pressure.
Amid the flap about dissent, the deeper message of Mbeki's simple heartfelt prose, and his deeper worry, was missed by many Americans. U.S. outrage at Mbeki's position reflects our comfortable insulation from developing nations' concerns. It also expresses that old missionary streak that is still strong in this country -- the idea that we know what's best for poorer nations, that they should be abysmally grateful for our help. It's time for us to take off the missionary hat and look carefully at how developing countries may see AIDS politics.
The fact is: Mbeki's letter followed a significant January 10 speech before the UN Security Council. This speech, by World Bank president James Wolfensohn, used some very strong re-positioning language. Wolfensohn said: "Many of us used to think of AIDS as a health issue. We were wrong. AIDS can no longer be confined to the health or social sector portfolios. AIDS is turning back the clock on development."
The World Bank, a group of international investment entities organized in 1944 to help rebuild the post-World War II world, is a major player in the AIDS debate. It is also a powerful economic driver in the world today. Americans who never gave a thought to the World Bank recently got their first look at its human faces on CSPAN. Wolfensohn and other WB officials tried to explain their position to the TV cameras, after anti-Bank student and labor demonstrations had jarred Washington D.C. for days and hundreds of arrests were made.
The Bank has now re-positioned AIDS as its "central development issue," even though malaria, tuberculosis and malnutrition still kill more people worldwide than AIDS. (By the Bank's own admission, malnutrition alone kills half the children in low-income countries.) The Bank is deeply involved in financing and implementing AIDS-linked investment, and singles out HIV+ women for global focus. And yes, it's true that the death from ANY cause of a woman of child-bearing age, with consequent loss of her income to her family, and nurturing to her children, is a direct blow to a nation's development.
Another big player in global AIDS policy is the United States. At the time of Mbeki's letter, the U.S. government was already the biggest contributor to international AIDS efforts. Following Mbeki's letter, President Clinton went to Congress asking to double our international AIDS funding. The White House is using its own dire re-positioning language -- World War II language -- by calling it our "Marshall Plan for AIDS." (The original Marshall Plan was used to rebuild bombed-out Europe after 1945.)
All the more reason why Americans need to think about this Bank speech, and to remind ourselves that the Security Council is a war forum. We need to look closely at what substituting a "global war on AIDS" for the old "global wars on fascism and communism" might portend for the world.
Nor is scientific dissent about AIDS theory the only issue here. Mbeki's letter makes no secret of the fact that he is worried about developing countries losing their right to make their own decisions on health policy.
The World Bank, along with the UN, WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS and other international powers and agencies, have already set a global AIDS policy in place that implies little choice, if any, by individual countries. Behind the ringing humanitarian rhetoric, what's happening is this: the original "model" of HIV law enforcement and public-health policy that was first developed in the U.S. -- the one that citizens of the U.S., Canada and EU countries are now required to submit to -- is being applied to the rest of the world. Loans and investment for developing countries -- perhaps even disaster relief -- may be contingent on a country's willingness to implement that HIV model within their own borders. For anybody who hasn't been reading the policy boilerplate of WHO and the Bank, this means: mandatory HIV testing, individual surveillance and case reporting, and directly observed treatment (DOT), especially with women and children. Economic help may also be contingent on a country's willingness to allow mass-marketing of foreign-made HIV vaccines, drugs and tests to its citizens.
Global sales of AIDS drugs and tests, and AIDS vaccines that the World Bank says it wants for every child born on the planet -- 10 billion of us by the year 2050 -- surely have pharmaceutical companies glowing at the prospect of astronomical profits, even with the low prices required for selling these products to developing countries. The World Trade Organization wants millions of healthy workers and consumers who can be shuffled from country to country without diplomatic crises revolving around contagious disease. More and more, the definition of world health centers on "HIV negative."
In other words, AIDS policy is now a key world commodity -- right up there with shiploads of computers, crude oil and wheat.
Whenever this kind of global money leverage is applied, truth and real human needs can get crushed beneath the lever. Worse yet -- by linking every person on earth to a blood test or vaccination certificate for a disease that has been declared "incurable", globalization of AIDS policy could leverage every human life on earth. Not having an HIV-negative ID card could mean no job, no legal marriage, no benefits, no visa, no immigration. The one-world folks can't get this kind of leverage with the bigger killers like malaria, TB and malnutrition, because a person can be effectively treated for these diseases.
Leveraging countries on AIDS policy creates a clear danger of volatile reactions. Like South Africa, other developing countries may feel they have a right to independent thinking, especially on such an intimate issue as their citizens' sexual health. Failure by the U.S. or the World Bank to respect this right, or insensitivity to cultural and religious parameters, will surely raise some hackles. In fundamentalist Islamic countries, for example, foreign vaccines and tests will probably not be welcomed by men on behalf of their women, who are kept strictly behind veils and closed doors. Indeed, at a couple of recent world health conferences, there was violent wrangling among different religious groups over proposed global approaches to abortion, birth control, definitions of "gender" and "family values."
Supposing a small country is declared a "global health hazard" because it refuses to toe the line on AIDS policy? Will it be embargoed? Nuked? Will it fail to get "favored nation trade status" with the U.S.? Will the Security Council send in UN troops? Are we going to have Vietnams and Bosnias over AIDS?
Nor is World Bank investment a magic bullet of economic success. The project coordinator of Resource Center of the Americas, Larry Weiss, recently raked the Minneapolis Star Tribune for what he called the paper's "gushing" over World Bank structural-adjustment programs. "These," Weiss said, "require poor countries to impose harsh austerity measures on their populations and to turn their economies into sweatshop-based export platforms. Failure to do so can result in a cutoff of international credit -- a catastrophe scenario for their economies. More than 90 countries have suffered structural adjustment." Added Weiss: "The Jubilee 2000 Coalition -- comprising hundreds of faith-based and other organizations in more than 40 countries -- [notes] that 7 million children die each year as a result of the debt crisis." That is 5 million more deaths than the 2 million Africans said to die of AIDS each year.
Weiss argued that the Star Tribune ignored nearly two decades of protest against World Bank policies in Bolivia and dozens of countries -- protests that frequently reach the level of full-scale rioting. Another supporter of protest is African leader Arthur Mbanefo, Nigerian ambassador to the UN and chairman of the G-77 group of the world's poorest countries. Said Mbanefo: "Many countries have rejected the results of various policy initiatives of the World Bank...We are very supportive of demonstrations that could forcefully handle those concerns."
Mbeki himself, while a student activist traveling in other African countries, may have seen at first-hand the tragic results of World Bank ventures in the Sahel, that vast sweep of fragile semi-desert in sub-Saharan Africa. There, according to the Worldwatch Institute, 30 years of Bank investment in expanded stockraising actually helped speed up land destruction, desertification and human deaths from famine. As the World Bank itself admits on its own website, it had to rebuild its relationship with South Africa after Nelson Mandela came to power, because South African politicians viewed the Bank as "an inflexible, authoritarian sponsor of failed economic policies."
Weiss's criticism of the Star Tribune can apply to most U.S. major media, who have done a lousy job of informing Americans about the dark side of economic globalization, and the real reasons why we have a reviving student/labor protest movement in the U.S. Now our major media are doing an equally bad job of telling people about the dark side of health globalization.
A developing nation's health is no less fragile an environment than the Sahel. It has its own gene pool of inherited immunities and vulnerabilities, its own unique mutations of different pathogens, and other localized factors that can inter-react in unimagined ways with ill-advised and politically motivated medical meddling from outside. So that nation's leaders might well choose to look for long-term ends to malnutrition and poverty as root factors of disease, rather than go for the quick fix -- namely, coercing their people into health compliance, bombing them with cheap or free foreign-made AIDS vaccines and drugs. Those leaders may not want to risk the tragic medical consequences and the political resentments that might erupt among their people as a result.
Indeed, the very idea of drenching the world's 6 billion population with powerful antibiotics is a scary one. Even here in the U.S., where we like to view ourselves as medically sophisticated, doctors and citizens have taken such a casual approach to antibiotics that strains of drug-resistant organisms have emerged here. In some developing countries, women haven't yet been educated to textbook use of contraceptives, so no one would expect these women, or their families, to use antibiotics by the book. This education gap explains why WHO is filled with enthusiasm for DOT (directly observed treatment). DOT is viewed as the best substitute for trusting the world's people to take their own medications, especially for tuberculosis as a co-factor in weakened immune systems. In some developed countries, DOT doesn't just mean requiring the patient to travel to a clinic and take pills under the doctor's watchful eye. DOT also means jailing a patient who doesn't cooperate, and applying forcible treatment, even removing at-risk children from families if necessary.
In the U.S. and Canada, AZT treatment is already being forced on HIV+ mothers and children, as we know from court cases where mothers are challenging this penal-law approach to family health. This is the "model" we are exporting. When WHO talks about need for global DOT "surveillance" and "control," this is essentially what they mean. What's to prevent these extremes of "control" from being required in Africa, or India, as a condition of foreign aid? Especially with mothers and children? Especially since mothers are seen as keys to global economic development?
No one who has been following these trends I've mentioned would have been surprised at President Mbeki's letter.
As this issue of A & U goes to press and the July AIDS conference approaches, pro-globalization leaders are escalating their AIDS positions. At the beginning of May, four U.N. envoys -- Costa Rica, Ukraine, Zimbabwe and the Czech Republic -- called on the UN General Assembly to adopt new strategies for international AIDS "cooperation." The White House jumped on the bandwagon by declaring AIDS a "national security threat" to the U.S. Reuters reported, "U.S. officials worry it could undermine economies, threaten military establishments and governments and cause other regional problems." Major drug companies swore they would lower drug prices for African countries. The House approved the AIDS "Marshall Plan" for Africa.
No wonder the president of South Africa is worried. Mbeki's stand may be only the beginning -- a groundswell of fierce resistance to global AIDS policy, from developing nations who might choose to view it as blackmail.
AIDS policy statements of the World Bank and World Health Organization may be found on their websites at and
Author/journalist Patricia Nell Warren writes for A & U, the national AIDS magazine, where this article originally ran (7/2000 issue).
much longer are the majority of peoples in the western world going to continue
in their naive belief that these organisations are humanitarian? The following
link is very interesting.
yet another purposeful step these agencies are building into their criminally
inhumane aproach to 'AIDS prevention and cure'. gives a more realistic picture about what it is that is causing such a lot of death and disease in Africa and other places.The interactive global map is a sober reminder to us all that we in the west are so blessed in our plenty. As I sit and compose this letter, I thank God that I have every amenity I could wish for.
One could be forgiven for thinking that compiling and then reporting on the issues covered in this news letter could soon turn our editorial team into a morose, cynical, funereal cluster of fist-shakers. Cynical? You bet. Funereal? No way, Jose! Truth brings life, and life in abundance! Fist-shakers? "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says The Lord." We can only do what we can do, and at the same time, put our trust in God’s sovereign Power. Morose? He who is faithful lifts our burdens. And a sense of humour is essential! The following article will have you laughing out loud, I am sure!
A recent Cincinnati Enquirer headline read, "SMELL OF BAKED BREAD MAY BE HEALTH HAZARD." The article went on to describe the dangers of the smell of baking bread. The main danger, apparently, is that the organic components of this aroma may break down ozone. When are we going to do something about bread-induced global warming? Sure, we attack tobacco companies, but when is the government going to go after Big Bread? Well, I've done a little research, and what I've discovered should make anyone think twice .....
More than 98 percent of convicted criminals are bread eaters.
Fully HALF of all children who grow up in bread-consuming households score below average on standardised tests.
In the 18th century, when virtually all bread was baked in the home, the average life expectancy was less than 50 years; infant mortality rates were unacceptably high; many women died in childbirth; and diseases such as typhoid, yellow fever and influenza ravaged whole nations.
More than 90 percent of violent crimes are committed within 24 hours of eating bread.
Bread is made from a substance called "dough." It has been proven that as little as one pound of dough can be used to suffocate a mouse. The average Brit eats more bread than that in one month!
Bread has been proven to be addictive. Subjects deprived of bread and given only water to eat, actually begged for bread after only two days.
Bread is often a "gateway" food item, leading the user to harder items such as butter, jam, peanut butter and even bacon.
Bread has been proven to absorb water. Since the human body is more than 90 percent water, it follows that eating bread could lead to your body being taken over by this absorptive food product. You could quite literally be eaten by bread.
Newborn babies can choke on bread.
Bread is baked at temperatures as high as 400 degrees Fahrenheit! That kind of heat can kill an adult in less than one minute.
Most bread eaters are utterly unable to distinguish between significant scientific fact and meaningless statistical babbling.
In light of these frightening statistics, we propose the following bread restrictions:
1.No sale of bread to minors.
2.No advertising of bread within 1000 feet of a school.
3.A 300 percent federal tax on all bread to pay for all the societal ills associated with bread.
4.No animal or human images, nor any primary colours (which may appeal to children) may be used to promote bread usage.
5.Heavy penalties to be incurred by bread manufacturers who do not comply with these sensible measures.
Join me and let's put a stop to this madness.
Another tongue-in-cheek item can be found at
We hope you have enjoyed this news letter. If you wish to receive back copies, then please email me at Please send us your comments and suggestions and articles of interest. They will be gladly received. Andpost this letter far and wide.
and Day are the Woodward and Bernstein of AIDS Gate exposing the corruption,
fraud and lies on which the multibillion dollar HIV Industry is based."
Russell, Continuum Magazine.
" 'World without AIDS' is the perfect read for everybody to understand what is really going on behind the scenes in the field of AIDS. Both from a scientific and political point of view, nowhere is AIDS better and more simply explained. A master-piece.Dr Stefan Lanka. virologist, vice-president of the humanitarian organisation "Science, Medicine and Human Rights".
" 'WORLD WITHOUT AIDS' is a magnificent book. As a Ugandan woman who has worked with many AIDS related organisations and individuals, I have found out that most people are put off books on AIDS because of the confusing scientific language. This book is very easy to read and understand, and a real eye opener for us all. For our own education, it is my wish that everybody reads this book. I highly recommend 'WORLD WITHOUT AIDS' as a wake up call to Africa, to save our continent before it is too late. For with the knowledge contained in these pages comes power. God Bless the authors and all those who have contributed to this fantastic book.
Winfred Mwebe, Ugandan health advisor.
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