Agusta has had a coproduction licensing agreement with Bell Helicopter since the Bell model 47, current models in coproduction include 206, 206L, 212, 412.
The biggest user of DU is by far the model 412, I would conservatively estimate that over 280 lb. of DU counterweights are installed in each aircraft. This is based only on the pendulum weights which weigh 35 lb. each with 2 per main rotor blade and their is 4 blades (35 x 2 x 4 = 280 lb.). In addition the following Hub weights are installed Part Numbers: 212-010-710-3 (113.4 grams) and 212-010-710-105 (63.5 grams).
Main Rotor Blades also contain DU in the form of product balance weight
which are installed on the outboard portion of the blade in two areas called
leading and trailing product balance pockets. These part numbers are 412-015-053-101
(135 grams) and 412-015-056-101 (117 grams). Please note that each indivual
aircraft will have a varing amount of counterweight installed due to the
balancing requirements.