Standard radiazioni: come hanno ingannato il mondo (28 dicembre)

BEIR VII study extension

 The BEIR [Biological Effects Of Ionizing Radiation] VII study has been extended two years in order that new information on the doses to the Japanese atomic bomb survivors can be developed and analyzed.  The new anticipated date for completion of the study is October, 2003.

 Rick Jostes
 National Academy of Sciences
 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
 Washington, D.C. 20418
 Phone [202] 334-2840
 FAX   [202] 334-1639

Commento: e poi lo sposteranno ancora più in là, nel 2010, 2020 etc. fino a quando la gente non li inseguirà con le asce, per strada, per farli a pezzi. Vedi anche: era un pazzo furioso il capo dello studio Nagasaki-Hiroshima

   I thought people might be interested in a history of phony radiation standards in the USA courtesy of the US military & nuclear industry. This history & commentary is courtesy of Dr Rosalie Bertell.

-Bill Smirnow

Comments on the History of Permissable Dose Standards
by Dr. Rosalie Bertell

In October 1945, after the US Occupation Force had taken over Japan, it was officially announced that there would be no more deaths at Hiroshima and Nagasaki due to the atomic bombs.  Under the Occupation Force direction, no Japanese physicians or scientists were allowed to study the atomic bomb survivors, and no reporting about the survivors was allowed until the 1951 treaty was drawn up and signed in Tokyo.

In spite of these prohibitions and difficult circumstances, a Japanese Haematologist discovered the increase in leukemia among  the survivors.  It began within a year of the bombing.  He reported this at a professional meeting and was roundly denounced by the US researchers in Hiroshima and Atomic Bomb Casualty Commissiion (now called the Radiation Effects Research Foundation).

The physician was sure he was right, and he persuaded a medical student to take two years off from his studies and document all of  the atomic bomb victims with leukemia.  This was a difficult job since they were being treated at many different hospitals.  The student obtained blood slides for each patient and also verified where they were when the bombs were dropped. After two years of study, it was about five years after the boming at that time, the results of this study were released.  The US researchers could no longer deny the fact, and they turned around and claimed credit for the research.

When the atomic bomb studies were actually set up, using persons identified in the1950 Japanese census, they omitted counting these early, significantly increased number of cases.  The Atomic bomb studies were not actually published with dose information until after the1965 doses were devised by John Auxier of Oak Ridge Labs.  These doses were, in 1980, denounced as wrong, and a new set of doses constructed in 1986.  Although  the justification for the new doses was improvement of the science, the journal Science gave a wonderful description of John Auxier's inability to produce the worksheets which showed the derivation of the dose estimates he had assigned.  It seems that he lost these work sheets accidently to a shredder when he moved offices. This lead to the unanimous recommendation to lower permissible doses of radiation by the ICRP in 1990.

The US has still not lowered the permissible doses, and  it also claims wrongly that its radiation protection standards, set in  1952, were based on Atomic bomb studies.  This is, of course absurd.  Most  people in the nuclear industry equate "legal" with "safe", and if you try to explain that even within permissible levels of exposure there is significant risk of radiation damage, they think you are "emotional" and  "unscientific".

The US appears to have used its 1952 estimates of  permissible doses for nuclear workers for the DU exposure in the Gulf War.

More about this history can be found in my book: "No  Immediate Danger: Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth". The Women's Press,  London UK, 1985. There are still copies around in libraries, but it was taken off of seller's shelves in 1995 because I hope to update it.  I have copies available for $12.50 US if anyone would like one.

Dr. Rosalie Bertell