Sindrome del Golfo: i primi morti nel 1992 (25 dicembre)

Dal forum sulla sindrome del golfo:

There is only one credible testing centre for DU on the North American continent. They have a web page but the address escapes me at present. Search for the URANIUM MEDICAL PROJECT. They can arrange independent testing and charge very little for the sophisticated procedure.

We in the NGV&FA have had veterans tested and the results presented at international medical conferences. Scientific papers will soon be published. Specimens have been scrutinised from both living and dead Gulf Vets.

DU poisoning is real and measurable. One of association members from South Wales has only 12 months to live. He has inoperable pancreatic and liver tumours. His role during the gulf war was recovery of damaged AFV’s. He recovered many of the damaged Iraqi vehicles, which were taken by UK forces for various reasons. Of course no one told him that the thick black dust inside the vehicles was depleted uranium.

This man is only the latest in a long line of veterans who were quite obviously exposed to DU dust that have died since the end of the Gulf war. The first ones started to die of leukaemia in 1992.

My strong and heart felt advice is to move away from any and all DOD VA OSAGWI testing. They have much to loose by confirming they killed our own troops. I cant order you to contact the UMP and Doctor Durakovic, just call you an idiot if you stay with the VA.

If you want to know how ill veterans are treated when their illness is due to allied activity, then just ask the Agent Orange victims or the poor people who were ordered to watch nuclear tests. If you want to know the calibre of the tests offered by the MOD/DOD alliance then I can forward details.

Commento: Mattarella dovrebbe rendere pubblici i dati sui militari affetti da leucemia, cancro e immunodeficenza. Almeno i numeri annuali, dal 1990 ad oggi. Il Direttore dell'Ospedale Militare di Cagliari ci disse, a noi e alla famiglia Vacca, che sono disponibili su richiesta dello Stato Maggiore.