Letter to Mr Spellar from a Depleted Queendom Soldier (12 ottobre 1999)

   Hi Troops,

John Spellar Armed Forces Minister states on BBC News 24 9th January 2001 that Gulf Veterans can be tested for DU through the MAP. I have  attended the MAP twice; no test offered! In October 1999 I ask Spellar about being tested for  Depleted Uranium he has yet to offer me the courtesy of a reply. Please  see the attached letter. The other questions about DU remain unanswered  too.

The Rt. Hon Mr John Spellar
MP, Armed Forces Minister,
The House of  Commons,
Westminster, London. SW1 0AA.

12th October 99

Dear Mr Spellar,

American Forces use of Kinetic Energy Penetrators made with Depleted  Uranium Somewhat belated due to my ill health but better late than never as they say.  Congratulations on your appointment as The Armed Forces Minister. I am becoming  a little disheartened (or in Army Language "Pissed Off") with Armed Forces Ministers telling lies. For example John Reid to Mark Fisher MP  "you  can't test for DU". Likewise with Henderson DU is safe when he addressed a Gulf  War Veteran and he then talks on Radio 4 about the protective clothing,  appropriate monitors etc. and briefings about the dangers of DU before troops  entered Kosovo. Not to mention how both of them in turn have misled the Defence  Select Committee along with the likes of Tonninson and Buckley. I do hope that  you are going to sweep away the web of deceit that has enveloped the GVIU and  MAP.  The MoD have been quick to state that only one hundred rounds  of Kinetic Energy Penetrator's made with Depleted Uranium was fired during the  Gulf War. However I have recently been in communication with Veterans who  where in the Ordinance Corps, Armoured Regiments and Mechanised Infantry and  their comments make "only one hundred rounds" a rather deceitful statement to  make. Before the land war Armoured Regiments had firing practice with Kinetic  Energy Penetrators made with Depleted Uranium on a "Live Firing" Range. This Range was located close to the British 32 Field Hospital and the  1st Canadian Field Hospital and could well account for the  high levels of DU found in the bodies of veterans who were located at these two  Hospitals. The Commander of a Warrior also told me that he had the 30mm  cannon shells replaced with 30mm cannon shells that were Kinetic Energy  Penetrators made with Depleted Uranium, this enabled him to destroy his first  contact which was a T55 with a 30mm Rarden cannon!  Can you inform me how many Rounds were fired by The Challengers  with Kinetic Energy Penetrators made with Depleted Uranium on "Live Firing"  Range's before the Land War?  Can you inform me how many 30mm cannon shells were fired with  Kinetic Energy Penetrators made with Depleted Uranium on "Live Firing"  Range's before the Land War?  Can you inform me how many 30mm cannon shells were fired with  Kinetic Energy Penetrators made with Depleted Uranium during the Land  War?  I also understand that the MAP is now offering tests for DU at  the Imperial Collage and I am interested in any comparisons but before I  volunteer, can you inform me of the protocol that is used and who performs  the analysis etc?   I will look forward to your reply and I wish you luck at  obtaining the truth for me from the Civil Servants that you have acquired within  your department.

Yours sincerely

Raymond Bristow

Copies to: The Defence Select Committee (All) & International) & International) &  International)     Regards Ray Bristow
All Replies please to: Ray.Bristow@Bigfoot.com