Date: Thu, 25 Jan 01 22:27PM MET

Dear Sir

I am a Gulf Veteran who volunteered for Gulf service from the TA, one of the lucky ones. Although I am ill, receive a 70% War Pension and unable to work. (Age 41, retired after 21 years electron microscopy at Newcastle Medical School.)

Last month we buried another two veterans and both died of cancer. 3 new cancer cases were reported to our association last week.

Uranium Medical Project

Please visit the Uranium Medical Project web site for the method we are using to measure contamination of British Gulf Veterans. Professor Asaf Durakovic (Col, US Army - Gulf Veteran) is our consultant in such matters and has an incredible amount of experience with human radioisotope contamination. He was part of the team sent to Chernobyl and several other nuclear accidents and was a senior nuclear medical chap for the US DOD in Washington. That is before he refused to ignore what his eyes told him.

Professor Doug Rokke (Maj. US Army - Gulf Veteran) was a leader for the US DOD DU teams tasked with assessing the contamination of the battlefield after Desert Storm. He gave evidence to the UK Parliament Select Defence Committee last year. Published on the Hansard web pages. The first hand account he gives is shocking to say the least. Many of those he worked with while picking over the remains of DU contaminated Iraq vehicles are now dead. He has kidney damage and other health problems. Another person who refuses to die quietly.

So much convincing information for the world to see, but no one seems to care. There IS a considerable effort to hide the truth over this matter and your comments to the BMJ site are appreciated.

The contamination of British and foreign soldiers with DU is real and measurable. The MOD and NATO actions are simply designed to cover their wrong doing. I will gladly answer any questions you have on this subject. Or direct you to those with much more information than I.


G. A. Parker
Vice chair. National Gulf Veterans and Families Association.
Reg. UK Charity