Conferenza internazionale a Manchester il 4-5 novembre 2000


Draft Programme, International Conference Against Depleted Uranium Weapons
4-5 November 2000 Manchester Town Hall, Manchester, UK

Venerdì 3

16.00 17.30 Preregistrazione alla Town Hall
18.00 Cena di pre-conferenza
20-22 Proiezione di Video

Sabato 4

9-9.45 Registrazione e caffè

9.45-10.10 Benvenuto del Sindaco, di Risby e Rae Street
10.10 What is DU and Where Has It Been Used? (Rae Street, Clare Frisby)
Dr. Doug Rokke: What are DU munitions?
Henk van der Keur: Where and How Much DU Has Been Used?
10.50 Effects on Veterans
Ray Bristow: Gulf War Veterans and the Struggle for Justice
Dr Malcolm Hooper: Health Care Needs of the Gulf War Veterans
11.30 Discussione generale

11.50 Rinfresco

12.05 Effects on Civilians
Prof. Huda Ammash: Biological Consequences of the Gulf War on the Iraqi People
12.25 Prof. Miroslav Kopecni: Radiological Consequences of the NATO Bombing in Yugoslavia
12.45 Discussione generale

13.05 Pranzo

14.00 Scientific Arguments
Dr Rosalie Bertell: Epidemiological Studies Possible Following Inhalation of Insoluble and/or Soluble Uranium Aerosol
14.20 Dr Chris Busby: How Internal DU Radiation Can Prevent Accurate DNA Repair
14.40 Discussione generale
15.00 Legal Arguments
Karen Parker: Combatting DU at the United Nations Using Specific Legal Tests
Bernice Boermans (IALANA): The use of DU Weapons As A Violation of
International Law
15.40 Discussione generale

16.00 Ora del Tè (siamo in Inghilterra)

16.20 Public Information
Felicity Arbuthnot: Reporting on the Bombing of Iraq
16.40 Peter Bein: NATO's (Non) Information for Civilians
17.00 Dr Horst Gunther: Informing the German Public
17.20 Solange and Michel Fernex: Lobbying the World Health Organisation and the International Atomic Energy Authority
17.40 Damacio Lopez: Combatting Misinformation - Organising in New Mexico and Internationally
18.00 Discussione generale
18.20 Chiusura ed annunci

19.00 Cena e socializzazione

Domenica 5 novembre

9.00 Caffè e ultime registrazioni

9.45 Community DU Activism From Around the World
Ciaron O'Reilly: Reporting from Australia
Roberto Rabin e Nilda Medina Diaz: Reporting from Vieques, Puerto Rico
Rev. Kiyul Chung: Reporting from South Korea
Masako Ito: Reporting from Japan
Marco Saba: Reporting from Italy
Nikola Bozinovic: Reporting from Yugoslavia
Christine Abdelkrim-Delanne: Reporting from France

12.05 Break - Rinfresco

12.20 Councillor Ken Wyatt: Reporting on DU Dumping in the UK
The Fire Brigade Union and DU Fires
Jack Cohen-Joppa: Reporting from Arizona
Grace Potorti: Reporting from Nevada

13.40 Pranzo

14.30 Strategy Workshop
A - International Legal Work
B - Veterans' Strategies
C - Scientific Work
D - Grassroots Activism
E - Environmental Strategies

16.00 Rinfresco

16.20 Riunione finale plenaria
Strategy Recommendations from the Five Workshops
17.10 Further Comments and Discussion of the Recommendations
17.30 Discorsi di chiusura
Deputato George Galloway
Rae Street

18.00 Tutti a casa

Invitation and Registration Form for the
4-5 November, 2000      Manchester, UK
Register soon! Limited places available!
Sponsors: The Wainwright Trust, The Rowntree Reform Trust, Manchester City Council, Greater Manchester and District CND

Send your form (below) and payment by post to: CADU, One World Centre, 6
Mount St.,  Manchester, M2 5NS  England
Invoiceable organisations only may:
 email to:
 OR fax to:  44-(0)161-834-8187
Thank You!
For more information please telephone the CADU office on:
44-(0)161-834-8301; or 834-8176 or send us an email!


Bringing Together Speakers and Campaigners from All Over the World We hope this international conference will be an opportunity not only to provide accessible information to those not familiar with the issue, but also provide a working platform for activists, politicians and national representatives to collaborate on key global strategies for removing the threat of depleted uranium from all peoples, and for putting pressure on governments to respond appropriately to this threat. The conference will also provide a place for scientists from around the world to compare notes on their research thus far. The conference will begin at 9am on Saturday 4 November and conclude at 5 pm  on Sunday, 5 November.  The plenary sessions will include speakers from Iraq, Serbia, and veterans groups.  Scientists will present the latest information on the testing programmes and medical effects.  Workshops on the huge range of issues related to DU include: health effects, the nuclear industry, international law and UN work, government responses, Gulf War and Balkans veterans, clean up operations, practical support for those affected, the role of the World Health Organisation and the International Atomic Energy Authority, environmental effects,  non-violent protest actions, etc. Full conference programmes will be sent out with your registration pack.

Speakers Include:

High-level UN speakers have been invited, but we are still awaiting confirmation (June 2000). Confirmed speakers thus far include representatives from campaign groups in Puerto Rico,  the Netherlands, Italy, Serbia, and the U.S.; the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms; the Military Toxics Project; radiation scientists from Iraq and Serbia; Alice Mahon, MP; Dr. Doug Rokke, US Army Radiation Health Specialist during the Gulf War; Dr. Rosalie Bertell, who has worked in the field of environmental epidemiology of cancer and birth defects for thirty years; Karen Parker, JD, international lawyer at the UN; Dr. Malcolm Hooper, Chief Scientific Advisor to UK Gulf War Veterans; Damacio Lopez, director of the International Depleted Uranium Study Team; Dr. Chris Busby, physical chemist and consultant to the Low Level Radiation Campaign;  and Felicity Arbuthnot, investigative journalist.

What is Depleted Uranium?

Depleted Uranium is a waste product of the nuclear industry.  It is radioactive and chemically toxic, extremely dense, and is now used to make armour-piercing weapons.  When it burns or explodes, a fine, breathable, insoluble radioactive dust is released that can travel for many miles. DU has a half-life of 4.5 billion years.  This means that, unless isolated, it can remain accessible to the human environment forever. About 320 tons of DU were fired on Iraq during the Gulf War, and about 10 tons on Kosovo and Serbia; a smaller, unknown amount, was used in Bosnia in 1994-95. Veterans and civilians in the Gulf War and the Balkans have reported ill-health, cancers,  and nerve damage, as well as cancers and genetic abnormalities in their children.

What is CADU?

The Campaign Against Depleted Uranium was launched in Manchester, England, in January 1999. Issues covered by its work include ill effects of DU on soldiers and civilians in Iraq and the Balkans,  medical effects of DU on soldiers and civilians, DU storage in the UK and the US, DU in scrap metal in the UK, use of DU in airplanes, and DU testing in New Mexico, Scotland, Japan and Puerto Rico. CADU,  together with other groups, initiated meetings at the Hague Appeal for Peace, May 1999. These meetings formed the strong international links in the campaign against DU that are enjoyed today. CADU is a small, largely voluntary group,  funded by small grants, affiliation fees and donations.

CADU's Aims:

- a global ban on the manufacture, export, and use of depleted uranium weapons;

- recognition by European defence ministries that DU weapons are connected with illnesses among veterans and civilians from the Gulf War, the Balkans, and among those near DU testing, manufacturing and air crash sites;

- governments that use DU must take responsibility for environmental decontamination of areas where it has been used;

- recognition that DU weapons are already banned under international humanitarian law.

Manchester - A Nuclear Free City for Twenty Years 5 November 2000 marks the twentieth anniversary of Manchester's 'nuclear free' policy. Manchester became the UK's first Nuclear Free Local Authority in the world in 1980. Manchester City Council is generously supporting the conference.

Registration Form
International Conference Against Depleted Uranium
4 -5 November 2000            Manchester Town Hall, England

Organisation (if any)




Tel ......................................... Fax
Please tick as appropriate:
Individual Waged Rate     £20.00 ................                Unwaged
Rate              £7.00  ..............
Institutional Rate              £80.00 ................
Campaign Representative £30.00 ...........…

I would like to add a donation  ................
My organisation/institution would like to have a stall (please add £5)

I enclose a cheque/please invoice me (groups and organisations only) (delete as appropriate)

Please make cheques payable to 'CADU' in pounds sterling or use an international money order.

Please try to arrange overnight accommodation in someone's home for me/us on
Friday .......….  Saturday .....…….  and Sunday ......……
Non-smoking............         Sex..................

I would like to be housed with the following individual/s if possible:

Please indicate any accessibility or food preferences:

Please send me information about Hotels, Guest Houses and Youth Hostels
(Delegates must make their own arrangements for commercial accommodation).

Places are limited. Please register as soon as possible!
Send your form and payment by post to:
CADU, One World Centre, 6 Mount St.,  Manchester, M2 5NS  England
Invoiceable organisations only may:
 email to:
 OR fax to:  44-(0)161-834-8187
Thank You!
For more information please telephone the CADU office on:
44-(0)161-834-8301; or 834-8176

Greater Manchester and District Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (GM&DCND),
One World Centre, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS, UK
Tel: +44 (0)161 834 8301, Fax: +44 (0)161 834 8187, E-Mail:

The Campaign Against Depleted Uranium (CADU) can also be contacted care of the above
*Should you wish to receive the quarterly CADU mailing by E-Mail please send a message to the above address*