Uranio in Bosnia, note per un bilancio (16 novembre)

Aviano - Soldati, a mani nude, caricano
proiettili all'uranio sugli A-10
Da: http://www.csmonitor.com/durable/1999/04/29/csmimg/0429p1a.jpeg

In Bosnia sono stati usati vari tipi di proiettili e missili all'uranio. Probabilmente anche mine all'uranio del tipo ADAM/PDM.


China Lake designed, developed, and qualified the WDU-36 warhead in 48 months to meet evolving Tomahawk requirements of insensitive munitions ordnance compliance and range enhancement, while maintaining or enhancing ordnance effectiveness. The WDU-36 uses a new warhead material based upon prior China Lake warhead technology investigations, PBXN-107 explosive, the FMU-148 fuze (developed and qualified for this application), and the BBU-47 fuze booster (developed and qualified using the new PBXN-7 explosive).


More recently 3,000 gram of DU has been used in the tips of WDU-36 Tomahawk Cruise missiles fired in Bosnia.
The use of DU weapons in Bosnia and Kosovo has been admitted by both the USA and UK Governments but both have refused to say how much DU ammunition was fired, at what targets, and in which places. It has been estimated that the 4,500 kilograms (4,500,000 grams or 4,500,000,000 milligrams) of DU was delivered through the use of the new WDU-36 Tomahawk Cruise missiles alone in Bosnia. Since each missile has 3 kilogram of DU incorporated in its tip. This equates to 1,500 missiles being fired during that conflict.
The USA gave no undertaking to clean-up the Gulf battlefields. Saudi, Iraq, Kuwait, and Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo are stuck with the problem.
The difficulty is deciding which of these insults played the major part in Gulf War illnesses. There are good reasons to think that for some the vaccines provoked a major dysfunction of the immune system, for others pyridostigmine could have played a significant role- the recent Rand Report supports this. DU exposure could certainly be a major factor, and little attention has been paid to the potent irritants and carcinogens in crude oil and the smoke from the oil wells.

This is why Bosnia and Kosovo are so important. Exposure to DU in these locations will not be overlaid with vaccine damage, excessive insecticide use, or exposure to chemical and biological weapons.
The quantities and types of DU ammunition used and targets hit in Bosnia, Serbia, and Kosovo should be declared.


NATO used DU rounds against Bosnian Serb targets in 1995. Fragments were tested in Belgrade, the Yugoslav capital, so Serbs are aware of the propaganda value of any allied use of the bullets. A subcommission of the UN Human Rights Commission resolved in 1996 that DU was a weapon of mass destruction that should be banned.



The Tomahawk cruise missile is the Navy's premier, long range, deep strike weapon. The Navy launched over 400 Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles (TLAMs) from 1991 to 1996. Extensively employed during Operation Desert Storm and again in Iraq in 1993 and 1996 and during Operation Deliberate Force in Bosnia in 1995, TLAM is the "weapon of choice." The Navy launched over 600 TLAMs just this last year in operations like Desert Fox and the ongoing Operation Allied Force. Approximately 90% of all TLAMs were fired from surface ships.

Uranio impoverito spacciato per Titanio?


 The Block III carries a 750lb WDU-36/B reactive titanium [NDR: depleted uranium] PBXN 107 high explosive/incendiary warhead. This warhead, although lighter in weight, is more powerful than that used in previous TLAM versions. Its titanium casing gives it greater penetrability and, on detonation, it has a much larger and more pyrophosphoric effect. Thus it has the same blast effect as the previously-used 1,000lb Bullpup munition. The missile is guided by the satellite-based, jam-resistant NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) and by updated Terrain Contour Matching (TERCOM) and Digital Scene -Matching Area Correlator (DSMAC) IIA navigation. This package steers the missile to within a few feet of its target. This accuracy can be achieved even at the longer ranges of 1,000 miles or more provided now that an improved engine brings greater fuel capacity, greater efficiency and, thus, range than previous variants.


Depleted uranium is also placed into the tips of the BGM-109 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles (TLAM) during test flights to provide weight and stability [24]. The TLAM missile has a range of 1,300 km and is able to carry a conventional warhead of 1000 lb. (454 kg). Older warheads were steel encased. In order to increase the missile range to 1,700 km, the latest Tomahawk cruise missiles carry a lighter 700 lb. (318 kg) warhead WDU-36 developed in 1993, which is encased in titanium with a depleted uranium tip [90], [47], [74].



Although munitions such as Tomahawk missiles contain DU in their tips, most DU ammunition was fired from USAF tank-killer aircraft and U.S. tanks employing depleted uranium sabot rounds. The Army reports that it fired 14,000 DU tank rounds during the Gulf War. Over ranges up to and exceeding 3 miles, the Army found DU rounds to be "highly effective in penetrating Iraqi tank armor."