"Depleted uranium does not cause leukemia, an Army medical expert said. Exposure to the dust from DU munitions does not cause any kind of cancer or other illnesses, said Col Eric Daxon, Du consultant to Army Surgeon General Lt. Gen. James B. Peake. Daxon recently traveled to Europe to give a DU safety briefing to NATO officials. NATO countries are worried about the safety of DU, which was used during the Kosovo air war.  Six Italian peacekeepers claim they developed leukemia and 21 others say they are ill. Daxon said there are 35 scientific studies that show no link between DU and cancer or any other illnesses.  "I cannot understand from a scientific medical point of view what the furor is over this safe, effective material," he said, "IT LEADS ME TO BELIEVE THAT THIS IS A PURPOSEFUL DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN."

Comments: army still not talking about why they don't look at the highest DU concentration areas in the body---the lymph nodes. Toxic metals damage the lymph node digestion cells and they can no longer kill off all the virals, bacteria, etc.

The only misinformation campaign is in regard to not recognizing that effect.

Commento: abbiamo cercato di contattare il Col. Eric Daxon per avere informazioni sugli incidenti al DU tenuti segreti in Germania. Non ci ha mai risposto né per telefono, né per e-mail. Secondo noi è vero che esiste un campagna di disinformazione sul DU, quella che sta conducendo lui. Una campagna, nei suoi effetti, eversiva dell'ordine democratico e dei rapporti internazionali. Una campagna impregnata di corruzione politica. Che fiducia potrà mai riporre la gente nelle istituzioni se ci sono dentro persone così? Vergogna.

Vedi anche:
Uranium mining left a legacy of death (Deseret, 13 febbraio)
Compensation elusive for most Navajo radiation victims (Deseret, 13 febbraio)