AIDS: cosa dice e non dice Vasili Mitrokhin (30 ottobre)

"Probably the most successful anti-American active measure of the Gorbachev era, promoted by a mixture of overt propaganda and covert action by Service A, was the story that the AIDS virus had been "manufactured" by American biological warfare specialists at Fort Derrick in Maryland. An East German, Russian-born physicist, Professor Jacob Segal, claimed on the basis of "circumstantial evidence" (later wholly discredited) that AIDS had been artificially synthesized at Fort Detrick from two natural viruses, VISNA and HTLV-1. Thus fortified by spurious scientific jargon, the AIDS fabrication not merely swept through the Third World, but took in some of the Western media as well. In October 1986 the conservative British Sunday Express made it its main front-page story. During the first six months of 1987 alone, the story received major news coverage in over forty Third World countries. At the very height of its success, however, the AIDS fabrication was compromised by a combination of Western protests and "new thinking" in Soviet foreign policy. "We tell the truth and nothing but the truth," Gorbacev proudly proclaimed at a Moscow press conference in July 1987. Faced with official American protests and the repudiation of the AIDS story by the international scientific community, the Kremlin for the first time showed signs of embarassment at a successful active measures campaign. In August 1987 US officials in Moscow were informed that the story was officially disowned and Soviet media coverage of it came to an abrupt halt. The AIDS fabrication, however, was swiftly followed by other, equally scurrilous anti-American active measures in the Third World, some of which also seduced sections of the Western media..."

The Sword and the Shield, Christopher Andrew e Vasili Mitrokhin, Basic Books 1999, pag. 244-245

Nota: quello che Mitrokhin non dice, oppure gli hanno "medicato" nel libro visto che parla pochissimo del nucleare, punto fondamentale della guerra fredda, è che sia alla CIA che al KGB faceva comodo accreditare la teoria del virus per non rivelare gli effetti del fallout radioattivo. Il Prof. Gallo è stato 30 anni al National Cancer Institute presso Washington dove conduceva uno speciale "programma" chiamato: "Special Virus Cancer Program", iniziato verso la fine degli anni '60 ed inizio degli anni '70. Tradotto in parole povere: vediamo cosa riusciamo ad inventarci per non far capire alla gente il disastro della contaminazione radioattiva.